So...What Are Older Women Finding Attractive in Younger Men

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Shaft, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    From Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore to a few other couples, there seems to be a trend these days of older women hooking up with younger guys. I was curious...what do older women find attractive in younger men as compared to men their age? I guess it's also about giving a chance to the men who find them attractive, irregardless of their age.

    I'm not exactly sure where things might be going with the woman I met several weeks ago...but she and I are about to meet soon for a second date. She's seven years older than me (35) and I seem to be falling for her and it appears she's falling for me too. It's tough. She's just a year younger than my older sister. If things were to work out between us, she'll be my very first girlfriend here in the U.S. I know my family members will be shocked that my first love in the U.S. is a lady seven years older than me. Yet, the connection and chemistry I feel with her is just amazing and I think I really enjoy her company. I just feel an urge to see her more often whenever I can.
  2. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    well.. for me, I have dated a lot of younger men, because they match more my sexual needs to be honest.. Women peak later in life and just when we are really getting going "SOME" (note I said some) men begin to slow down..

    so if a man is intelligent, we have things in common.. when you are beyond a certain age..

    really age is just a number..
  3. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the "peaking" thing but I like seeing younger guys with sexy older ladies personally. :wink: Mainly because I get tired of these old geezers :shock: with money snatchin' up all these young fine women :!: Balance it out a little I say. :lol:
  4. mosiah1

    mosiah1 Member

    I don't really see seven years as being much of an age difference, especially when the ages are 28 and 35, because if you're 28 then you're almost thirty years old anyway.

    I agree with QSSassy's reason as to why many older women choose younger men. However, I think it is a shame that a large amount of older women see young men as mainly sex objects. After all, aren't these the same women who are always criticizing older men for chasing after the young chicks? When I was 18 years old, I was intimately involved with a 34 year old. I enjoyed the sex, but knowing that I was just her "young stuff" I would always wonder about what the future will bring. I would remind myself that one day I'm no longer going to be young and what will I have to show for this fling? Chances are, if she desires young men, she will just get another after I reach a certain age.

    Nowadays, I rarely date anyone around my age; the women I date are usually younger or much older than me. But I don't do it by choice (at least not most of the time); that's just the way fate has worked with me lately. I never go anywhere with the purpose of finding a younger woman, but I do admit that I've put myself in situations where I know that the majority of the women would be older. I don't know if subconsciously, because of the great sex I had with the older woman when I was 18, that my mind is conditioned to lean towards older women.

    As far as dealing with white women, I like for them to be older than the black women I date. My main reason for this is because I believe that most white women take longer to mature mentally than black women or Latinas because of the differences in life experiences. Black women have to grow up sooner because most sistas live less sheltered lives than the average white woman. I have met black female college students who basically have the mindset of a woman in their 30s while most white college girls are just leaving the nest and finding out what it's like to live on the wild side. I'm not trying to be bigoted with that statement, but that's how I see it.
    "The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it is open." - Rickson Gracie
  5. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    Mosiah, I sure hope you do not think that I think of men as a sex object..

    wait.. what am I saying? men have thought of women as that for generations!

    any way..

    my point was not that a younger man is a sex object * to me any way..

    sure there are people who date just for sex.. both men and women..

    but for me, I look for someone compatible with me.. that is all.. it isn't just if his libido matches mine, but other interests as well.
  6. Seychelles

    Seychelles New Member

    Here's some possible answers found on the internet shaft

    "Feeling beautiful. Feeling attractive. Feeling young. Being appreciated as a woman for all that you are and all that you’ve learned and all that you’ve become".

    “For women, it’s part of their femininity. It’s part of their self-esteem. It’s part of their general power. The tricky part about women is that we’re complicated animals. The main sexual organ is the brain, and if a woman is not attending to the emotional and relationship aspects of her sexual life, no amount of medication, no medical device is going to work.”

    "It's not what you think -- the stamina or "re-boot" ability of the younger male. The women like the flexibility and sense of adventure of their more spontaneous, younger companions".
  7. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    What older women find attractive in younger men is the very same things that they have always found attractive in younger men: LIKEMINDEDNESS. That's what a lot of older men like Hugh Hefner and Anna Nicole Smith's dead husband find attractive in younger women, besides the ever so obvious sexual attraction in all ways around.
  8. Shaft

    Shaft New Member


    Thanks to you all for your helpful feedback. So, to the older women in the forum...based on your experiences, is there anyway through which I would be able to tell (any signs, etc) if this woman is interested in me just for sex?
  9. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Yes. Just talk to her and find out things about her, such as her personal interests (hobbies, career, friends) and watch her body language.
  10. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I know you were asking the older women in here that question and didn't mean to impose, but I just felt the need to give my 2 cents.
  11. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    I agree. You will learn a great deal from that suggestion than any of our opinions on what we think
  12. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    Nothing wrong with an older woman. I still have fond memories of the 35 yr old I messed with when I was 20.
  13. Hartsville27

    Hartsville27 Banned

    My ex was almost 16 years younger than I am. In many ways I was in that relationship not BECAUSE he was younger, but in spite of it (in my head I wasn't sure how rational it was, but my heart ruled). Mostly it didn't feel like there was that big an age difference. Bottom line, I think men my age are less emotionally available than I want them to be. My ex-husband, my brother, other guys close to my age...they were raised differently than I've raised my sons. The guys in the generation between me and my sons, they are closer to what I want emotionally than most men my age (at least the ones I've met). I wasn't with a younger man as an ego trip or because of his sexual first I was really self-conscious about being with someone that much younger, but I fell in love with him because he talked to me, and listened to me, because he was open minded, because he was emotional and affectionate. That's what attracted me to a younger man...Shaft, maybe that's what your lady finds in you!
  14. kinkygal

    kinkygal New Member

    Hmmm. They say a woman reaches sexual maturity at the age of 40.

    18-21 for a man!

  15. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Yet, they say women tend to be more mature than men. How ironic.
  16. Shaft

    Shaft New Member

    Re: So the older a woman...

    So are you guys suggesting that the older a woman gets, the greater her sexual drive increases?
  17. QSSassy

    QSSassy New Member

    not suggesting.. its true
  18. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    My ex-lover is 6 years younger than me. Having been married to a man 10 years older than me for nearly 20 years, it was refreshing dating someone younger

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