So I say....

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    So, goodlove...why exactly do you hate women so much?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So basically two people who don't want to be together should grit and bare it for the kids because the woman can't be trusted to be mature and put her kids first?
    Or dads won't take care of their responsibilities?
    How about these same kind of douche bags would be piss poor under the same roof as well.
  3. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    It was sarcastic, however, what he said was pretty anti-woman in his language.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's not anti woman its venting for him. He got done dirty and truly believes that what women do. I tend to agree on a lot of cases but I do believe some women can and do act in the best interest of the kids at all times.
  5. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    OK, then you answered my question.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Simple set of questions :

    Is it ok for a woman to keep a man away from his kids generally ?

    If it wasnt happening then why are there laws springing up called contempt of court in visitation cases ?

    why are there groups out there springing up calling themselves fathers rights groups suchas the FATHERS RIGHTS FOUNDATION and fathers and families ?

    the Fathers and Families spokeman was on Joy behar talking about halle berry and the alienation of fathers. he only got a few seconds to talk but Im sure I knew where he was going.

    also all guys read was blah blah blah women are the main ones with kids blah blah blah ...they hold kids hostage blah blah blah. you only have selective readings and memory and take nothing into context.

    OH yeah women are more selfish because they are the ones more likely to get custody of the kids.

    read this also
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    for the most part yes they do but sometimes and maybe most of the time people get very selfish (women). selfish in that they are not thinking about the kids. her is a law that Fathers and Families delt with and defeated --»
    Helped lead successful campaigns in 2004 and 2006 to defeat California “move-away” bills which would have made it too easy for custodial parents to move children to other states without regard for children’s best interests.

    no just reading that it sounds like a parent wanted to get another job or a promotion or something and just picked up and left. It could be various reasons but lets stay on one reason. If a person wants a promotion knowing good and well it will take them out of state and it would seperate them from the other parent....isnt that being selfish.
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    1) reread the first paragraph and then that will answer your 1st question.

    2) If the guy is not caring about the sake of the kids would not needed to be discussed because that is not what we are talking about. What I said was for the sake of the kids. everything I talked about are about the kids and most fathers are about the kids.

    it is very ostensible that you have perceived that all women are about kids and men are more likely to be dead beat. YOU watch too much into Oprah, Dr. Phil and Maury Povich. They appeal to women and women dont want to hear that they have to stop tripping with the kids.

    Phil Donahue had a great show where he showed a guy had to pay child support for kids that wasnt his and another pay alimony while he had the kids. Oprah and phil will never ever show that on their program
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2011
  9. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Actually this is one thing you can't SCHOOL me on. Not statistical....
    information or the interpretation of data. Not even a little bit. nice try. help you out in your schooling, you should know...anything about 29, is a large sample.

    I took this from you M.O. "I worked for me so....." I actually brought up my personal as a counter to Dreaming Blue's "It worked/didn't work for me" quibs.

    Not only to I believe this to be true, again. I have solid data to support my own upbringing and to support why children of broken homes fair far worse than those who were brought up in strong two parent homes.

    ....In the child's not the same as raising a child.

    ...and you are smart enough to know that.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I've already spoken about this. But as long folk think "A family can still be a family even if they are not together" you can only sit back and giggle.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah, exactly. people are extremely selfish. again, Im not a big advocate of staying in a loveless marriage with that being said people dont know what love is and that is why marriage dont work. part of the definition of love is being unselfish and love is an action verb.
  12. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    It's sad that you had to experience that, Ymra. I believe if you had been an Asian man saying, "White women are beautiful", you wouldn't have gotten any PMs from black women. Being that you were a black man saying this, that's why you got the PMs from BW. Sad but true. There are many white men who find black women beautiful, but they are not about to state that openly because they don't want to offend white women. They tend to be more discrete...sneaking quick looks when they think no one is looking. Thus, the many who cheat on their wives/girlfriends with black women. It is better to be up front and honest as you have. After all, there is entirely nothing wrong about admiring or preferring to be with someone outside of one's race as long as one is not dissing the opposite gender of their own race.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You're right that there are white men who find black women & other non-white women beautiful, BUT if they are secretive about it, it has nothing whatsoever to do with not wanting to offend WW. Truth be told, WM don't care what WW think about anything. They might care what other WM or society in general thinks (after all they have their "image" to uphold) , but most of them don't give a rat's ass about how WW feel about it. Cheating is a whole different subject altogether. Cheaters don't care about the wives/girlfriends or whoever they're screwing behind their backs.

    Folks that are ashamed to be seen with someone of a different race (& that's what it boils down to with the men you've described), have no business being invloved interracially. Also, anyone willing to be involved with someone who is ashamed to acknowledge them publicly is a damn fool.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sing it sister
  15. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    I posted an appreciation thread about white women and got negative comments. Also not a single white women supported me, that being said I think their are always going to be jealous people, and people who are afraid to be seen as racist. If you love white women, someone will hate you, if don't love white women, they will hate you. This is a game no man can win.
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I agree, it's an unfortunate reality that I know I'll face. Heck, a lot of people already hate me anyway and that's beyond the fact if I'm around WW. That actually adds to their hatred. Instinctively, by human nature some people just simply hate other people. It's a failure/downside of American society.
  17. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Hopefully things will be a lot better, 50 years from now. Because of the growing popularity of BM/WW relationships, one day it will be no biggie. No one will hardly notice because many of them will be in IRs too. It's just gonna take sometime.:smt006
  18. Galiant

    Galiant New Member

    Do you remember making this comment open heart?

    Personally, I am not down with black men who make it clear to me that they would not be with me if I was not white. At the end of the day, I am just a woman. No different than any other. Obviously, you need to hear affirmations from a white woman who feels she's practically doing you a favor by allowing you into her life. Worship thou her.
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    I still have to agree with Galiant. You also have to think about socioeconomic conditions such as income disparity that blacks face compared to whites. Step into our shoes and realize that things are harder for us in this country and we (BMs) always have to work harder than everyone else just to break even with them. Suppose 50 years from now these socioeconomic errors are still there?
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    :smt034 :yawinkle:

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