snowwhite.rtf I thought I was going to hate my teacher for making us do storyboards for a story from a book called "Politically Correct Fairy Tales" because I'm way past PC, but the story was entertaining! This is my screenplay adaptation...sort of. It's in the correct format and everything, but was written simply because I need the visual cues when doing my storyboards, so it's more of a base for my storyboards than an actual script, but it reads just like it should! I didn't -have- to write it, though, and now I'm loathing the extra work I had to put into it. Down to the wire again, doing my homework the day before it's due. I'll never survive three more years like this *L*
Thanks! Though the credit for the original idea goes to the writer. I did take a few liberties in my script, though. Like names, and certain situations I felt needed a little extra funny in order to transfer to a visual medium
Yeah, I thought I could smell a little DH in there. BTW I took a look at your stuff on You have some serious talent.
You smelled roses, didn't you? That's what my shit smells like! Thanks! A lot of that stuff on there is outdated, though. And the stuff I'm working on now is going to blow that shit out the water. Hoping the series I'm in the middle of can get me some cash, too, cause if I can get the ideas out right they'll definitely be gallery worthy pieces, and these galleries go gaga over series' anyhow.
I remember reading somewhere that you were not crazy about the pieces you had posted on deviantart. I know it is your stuff and you are probably your biggest critic, but I think it is great. Let me know when your new series is ready. I would love to have a look.
Oh I am definitely my biggest critic. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my artwork, and most of the time it is -not- perfect. But it's easier for me to see where I went wrong, because I'm the only one who knows what the pieces were meant to be. *L* I'll definitely be posting some links once I get some of these new pieces done (if I ever find time! Homework is killing me..Midterms next week! Already! gah) simply because the subject matter is interracial relationships. *L* Very specifically, the type between black men and white women, so I'm sure you see why I'll be showing them off here! *L* I've got one digital piece nearing completion right now, but it's been put on hold until at least after midterms, probably, unless my storyboards teacher takes it easy on us and let's us have a breather this week, which I doubt! I just wanna do some work that shows both the lovely side, but also the frustrating, bad side of dating someone of another race. From my perspective, at least. And I'm definitely sure this shit can get me at least a couple gallery spots, especially the abstract pieces, since those tend to be my most popular works. It's exciting, honestly, cause I never thought I'd be sitting here thinking "ok, now which galleries am I going to harass until I get my series put up?". I thought I'd always be stuck in BFE wv, and the most I'd ever get to paint would be pretty forest scenes I could sell at flea markets for 15 bucks a piece! lol I wanna be in museums, someday. I think I can do it, too, if I could ever find the time *L*