What has he done? For some baffling reason, you act like there is no such thing as crime. That this man through his career just turns up to work for decades..to kill Black men. Or cover for any cop who does. He actually keeps the community safe. And you talk about "being in the Military" with pride, yet how many of your fellow military who hurt or killed innocent others did you report?. Or what about those others who tried to kill you or your fellow soldiers...and were killed?..Could you imagine if you were targeted by a killer because a soldier in another part of the country unjustly killed one of theirs? You have not condemned the five murders of the innocent Dallas cops...do you consider Cop-killer Micah a martyr, like l have read from others who do?
1.) Soldiers are held to a higher standard. 2.) No one I worked with was a killer. The killers flew the jets. I kept the jets flying, so tell me how I witnessed murder again. 3.) People like Micah are not my problem. I'll be concerned about their problems when they become concerned about mine. That's how the real world works. So go ahead and praise the douche bag for doing part of his job. The criminals he works with get a pass.
The military isn't perfect, the most recent example being the astronomical number of sexual assault charges that were revealed a couple years ago. But for the most part if you fuck up as a soldier, whether it's a big or small violation of the code of conduct, your ass gets smoked. Remember this Micah dude got a dishonorable discharge for sexual assault allegations and stealing female soldier's underwear. No cop would EVER get fired for a similar offense. Even under live fire, soldiers are held accountable for violating the rules of engagement. I hate to say it, but police chiefs are usually THE most corrupt individuals in any police department because they have the authority to either create the work environment where cops are allowed to function outside the law, or maintain a strict work environment where cops are expected to do everything by the book. You can bet the Dallas police chief routinely has covered for bad cops by refusing to bring them to justice and turning a blind eye. You don't get to become a police chief by threatening the system or trying to reform it. As police departments rate nationally, I've read that the Dallas PD is one of the better ones. But IMO that's a really low bar.
No, a soldier doesn't get smoked in the Military. They do ergregious things all the time on Tours And no one snitches. And Micah got an honorable discharge - his own lawyer said he was surprised, but happy. Also, you can best believe if a fellow cop was sexually harassing and stalking and stealing a co-worker's panties -and if she WAS GRANTED a restraining order for him to stay away from her and her family..that cop would be fired. So if all Police Chiefs are corrupt as you say, then so are Military Commanders. Because, you know...nothing speaks to good character that you earn your top ranking by being a credit and service in your field. Nope, all top honorees who attain their high levels of stature got there because they were corrupt and continued to be.
I just think it's a bad analogy equating cops to soldiers. Their missions are totally different and the level of oversight and accountability is nowhere near the same. The military has its own prison for soldiers. Maybe that's something law enforcement should look into. IMO there's a much higher level of criminal conduct in law enforcement based on percentage of cops compared to the military. Why is it Bliss that you can see corruption in politics and our elected leaders, but you have this reverence and respect for police chiefs and military commanders?? The higher up you go in most institutions, the more concerned you are about maintaining the status quo and less about positively reforming the system. 'Rebels' don't become generals and police chiefs. For instance, cops begin to advance in their careers based on number of arrests, generally speaking. Why is that bad, in theory?? Because it gives a cop an incentive to arrest people and write tickets to boost their resume.
Higher standard..meaning? As in, get a pass..or don't? Please clarify. So because you didn't witness murder, it didn't happen. Sorry, but from what l have read, it doesn't work like that in the Beasty World of Police Complaint handbook. The mere fact you (cops) wear the same uniform, you are crooked, because evidently, assumptions are made that they then know the secret details of cops who kill or are corrupt, and stay quiet. No way do l want to use this example but you are forcing me to to make a point.. in the Castile shooting, it was the first officer-involved shooting in the area in the past 30 years. But you lump every officer corrupt and accountable. Not fair.
Use that as a hypothetical if you want. The reality is that America loves their military guys and for good reason.
AB, it's not reverence - l know enough law enforcement in the capacity of my private and employment to know oftentimes, a chief is not liked because he/she often doesn't stand up in the best interest of the lower ranks. Because a Chief knows the shittier his officers behave, the quicker result is his/her own title will be replaced. Mayors have no problem doing it and if there are no candidates in house, we know they have no problem hiring out of State. That's why chiefs have no real time for bullshit and especially in Black Phila, officers are weeded out more swiftly than say a local sleepy town. Now police unions are a different story...they constantly fight I.A and the Chief and/or Commish and Mayor, to protect their fellow officers. Yes, l respect the position of Chief. It's not arrests they look for..it's education (doctorate, masters degrees) street and people smarts, outstanding investigative work, dedication to the job, leadership, etc... Here are some expectations..(even if you just peruse it) http://www.lawenforcementedu.net/police-officer/police-chief-jobs/ Furthermore...and this is for Beasty too..cops ARE increasingly being fired and charged... December 2015... The number of police officers charged with murder or manslaughter for on-duty shootings has more than tripled in 2015. In April, the Washington Post reported that of the thousands of police shootings that have occurred since 2005, just 54 officers were charged—an average of about five officers a year. In the final weeks of 2015, that number has reached 17. Ps: there are other police shooting stats too that might surprise you...
Yes we do! Because we look at the overall outstanding job they do to ensure the safety of Americans. Therein lies the connection. Could you imagine this country our World if police the U.S Military didn't exist? Oh, the crime Anarchy. (Hugs for good military officers ---> :freehug: ) Again, I'm often the first to point out police misbehavior (see Goodlove's "Thug Cop" thread), but sorry, l have zero respect for anyone happy 5 innocent cops were murdered in cold blood.
So it's too much to ask that they be concerned about the problems that dirty cops create for blacks? Lol. I have self respect and That's what matters first and foremost.
So your last line tells me you are happy..tells me so much more in addition. I have no doubt there are cops who are concerned by corrupt cops and the enormous damage they do. Why don't you Google the case l showed TDK of the son of a NYC detective who became a Cop and exposed corruption. NPR interviewed him and it will show you that there are cops who do give a shit. And btw, the black woman shot by Micah as she shielded her son...the 2 cops who tried to protect her..one lost his life. She said his selfless act came with his dying last words, "run, he's got a gun". What about the good cops who save Black lives. You never would acknowledge that though.
Thinking a black man is supposed to weep for police when he knows that they could kill him and suffer little to no legal consequence is like holding him to a standard of Jesus. Are you sooo lucky to have such an opportunity to be sooo noble? I have my own life, family and friends to worry about. I'll change when the bullshit does, until then it is what it is. See it how you want. I'm terrible or whatever you want to think of me.
Can you feel for the innocent, is what l asked you. I wanted to know what lays in your heart, as a man. And you've told me.
AB..see what l wrote in post #128... And then read this story of a veteran Dallas (white) Cop breaking rank and speaking out. Veteran-Dallas-cop-breaks-ranks-slams-public-face-of-togetherness His grievances...Do you think they are spot on/sincere and helpful to the BC..or self-serving, or even racially motivated? Could go any way, yeah? Your thoughts? You too, Beast-y.