Smoking Stereotypes

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by webmaster, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Some convenience store clerks claim they can tell what smokes a customer will buy after observing them. Here are some common smoking stereotypes...

    ... Most blacks who smoke will smoke menthols.
    ... White women who date black men also smoke menthols.
    ... Older white women who wear too much makeup smoke Virginia Slims.
    ... White men smoke Marlboro Reds
    ... Gay men smoke Parliament or Benson and Hedges 100s
    ... Goths smoke cloves
    ... Liberals and hippies smoke Camels or American Spirits
    ... Old war vets smoke Lucky Strikes
    ... Interracial couples, where the guy is Jamaican buy Phillie Blunts or rolling papers.
    ... Women switch to Menthol when they're sick.

    Is there any truth to this?
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    when i smoked in my twenties, marlboro reds and british cigarettes

    i mostly chewed levi garrett tobacco and copenhagen
  3. MP1983

    MP1983 New Member

    I personally don't care for menthols one bit. I've noticed a lot of brothers who feel differently though. Also noticed quite a few ww who feel differently on that subject as well.

    The one about makeup is strange and the idea of switching to menthols when you're sick is really strange. Menthols are stereotypically supposed to have more additives in them, which would probably make switching to them while you're sick a less than attractive move.

    In all my research, every cigarette in America is full of additives anyway, menthol or no.

    Check this page for more information on what's in these damn death traps-in-a-box.
  4. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i dont smoke any longer but i support others right to and in public spaces
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I don't smoke at all. Never did, and never will.
  6. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    oh man, i love a good excaliber Hoyo De Monterrey, or Cohiba cigar from my cigar shop
  7. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Why smoke in the 1st place?
  8. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    you shouldnt if you dont like it, i agree. you really shouldnt start. for me? I enjoy a good smoke of a cigar.

    I respect everyones right to smoke or not smoke
  9. MP1983

    MP1983 New Member

    I agree man. Some kats act like it's the only bad habit in the world. Now is it unhealthy? YEP.

    Is it linked to lung cancer? YEP. But don't have me to start a list of the things that fall right into this category with it. And it's not stuff that sitting around in some lab either.

    Not an excuse ladies and gentleman and definitely not a justification, just a fact.
  10. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    I know, junk food is bad too, but I dont see people railing about eating it much---and obesity and diabetes is running rampant.

    If one doesnt smoke, I say dont start, but if you smoke and you dont want to quit, you are an adult, you can make that decision-we dont need smoking cops and pc police
  11. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    So tuckerreed -- what about legalization of marijuana?
  12. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    no only legal substances, no drug legalization
  13. sunstorm

    sunstorm New Member

    You got it. Would you like fries with that?
  14. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I'm for marijuana legalization. The government doesn't have the right to tell people what they should put into their bodies.
  15. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i would agree partly with you, that is why i do not support universal health care or social programs. If people want to kill themselves on drugs, AIDs, doing whatever, then good, decent honest people shouldnt have to pay for it, and when someone kills another when they are drunk or high it should be life or death penalty, no other lighter sentence, since we cant make the usage illegal then we can make the penalty for behaviors under the influence should be stiff.
  16. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    I support social programs that help people build wealth/pull them out of their hole. Cause there are people who just fall on hard times. Like farmers or people who continue to lose industrial job. Or the professional jobs going overseas.Being a hardworker just isn't enough any more.But when it comes to marijuana and others drugs,I'm with Tucker Carlson on legalizing it all.
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    stiff jail time for users, stiffer penalty for dealers-death if 3 strikes.

    tucker carlson is a liberal, so he is hardly a spokesman I would listen to.

    no social programs for people who whine, attack rich and middle class people for working hard and giving them a free ride. my great great grandfather became rich by the sweat of his brow, in jim crow kkk controlled mississippi and he didnt have any social programs and i never go a free ride and didnt need one, so I dont think anyone else should get one.

    children and the elder yes, but thats it
  18. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Stiffer sentences would be even a bigger waste then war on drugs. Stiffer sentences would just make jails even more crowded. They have to go after the cartels/countries directly involved with the drug trade. That's pretty much been a failure since the government are usually paid off by the drug cartels. I don't know what Tucker Carlson political leanings are but agree with one of his stances which he said when he was being interviewed. Generalizing all liberals is equal to them generalizing all conservatives.

    I never said nobody couldn't get anywhere with hardwork. I said its not enough anymore today.Alot of blacks worked hard and were successful during jim crow kkk era. But alot of people were poor also and they also worked hard. I never said anyone should get a free ride. But some people need help during hard times. In the past people could depend on farming/industrial jobs but today alot of those jobs are gone. Also professional jobs are being lost every year. America needs a working class because everyone can't be rich or a business owner. This economic system doesn't work like that.
  19. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i know what you said and that is your opinion, I just happen to disagree. I dont think they should get a helping hand if they are biting the hands that feed them, and are not doing their fair share. They should have to work to get benefits, they should have to work and have the top grades to get funds for school, no affirmative action, not welfare(workfare).

    since they dont like to be judged, they great--we dont have to pay for their laziness, drug use, or poverty if they dont like to be told what to do.

    well if we have the death penalty for the dealers, then we wouldnt have packed jails. but building more jails is a good thing, more jobs. they break the law they need to go to jail.

    Tucker Carlson is a republican, but he is placating the liberals because he is a sell out.
  20. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Who are you talking about? I'm talking about the people who fell on hard times and can't get jobs or pay for schools. This isn't a black and white issue,its a gray issue.Everyone isn't poor because they are lazy. Some lost their industrial jobs and can't find new ones. They can't go into the corporate world because the education and experience needed. They can't get an education if their are no programs helping them pay for the education. Would you like more jails built in your backyard? Inmates smuggle drugs into jail also. Going to jail doesn't stop gang activity or drug activity. I don't care about Tucker Carlson leanings,he just shares a view I have.Nobody has the right to control what goes into anyones bodies.

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