As a Brotha from the "Old School", I'd like to thank the U.S. government for putting Black Men and White Women together. See back in the day, the U.S. government decided that they could no longer deny Black people the same rights that all Americans are entitled to. But to punish us for demanding these rights, Black Men were given low paying or no jobs at all that would allow them to take care of their families. Then to further demean Black Men, they set up Welfare and told Black Women that they would give them a home, a monthly check, food stamps, and free healthcare for them and their children. All this for only one small stipulation. The father of your children can't live with you. Thus started the single family household in the black community. At the same time, another segment of society was being demeaned and treated as less than equals, White Women. Let's reveiw, White Men hate Black Men, Black Women no longer have any use for Black Men. Black Women hate White Women, White Men have no respect for White Women. This equals Black Men and White Women were destined to be together. The two groups they thought they could control are heating it up. Thanks Uncle Sam.
What an interesting analysis. I am unsure that this is quite the conspiracy that it sounds like. In this nation, we have a lot of things to be thankful for. We enjoy many freedoms here that others around the world would LOVE to have. I think that your comments are more the side effects of what happens when we as "citizens" just live here and don't get involved with our country or the government (laws and voting). This applies to all races of people that live here. That allows us to take the "It's the white man keeping me down" excuse. That is just bull shit. That is definately one thing my sweet man taught me. Just because he was black, he wasn't going to let anyone else take away his joy. By allowing Uncle Sam to have that kind of power over our mindset, it steals our joy and makes us victims. I agree with him, no one can make me a victim unless I allow it. As a woman in the second half of life, I don't give a rat's ass what that white man says about my black man, my mixed kids or the fact that my extended family include races and sexual orientations of all varieties. We watch out for ourselves and take care of each other and by golly if we don't like a law that is part of our government--we open up our mouths and speak the truth. And do something about it.
I don't think that it is that simple,there are many things working in the background of "government" that you don't understand,and the statement that Ice made is actually the truth,but there is more to it than that also,that was not the sole purpose of separating the black man from the family unit,or guiding him to the arms of the white woman,the plan is aimed at everyone that is not inside of the circle,white,black,Chinese,Mexican whoever is not in the loop.Its about religion,well not religion but more God vs. devil,good and evil,power and principalities,this is the root of it,and it all leads to Revelations where you can see how it will play out.different races coming together is only a small part of what Uncle Sam has up his sleeve,this is a global agenda dated back to before the establishment of the United states,If you have ever seen the movie,The Matrix,and you remember Morpheus telling Neo that the matrix was the world pulled over his eyes to blind him from the truth. that is the reality of the situation,because the same thing is being done to us,and as he stated later in the movie was that no one can be told what the matrix is,but that they had to see it for themselves,was on point and again the truth. you have to do your own research, your own thinking,not the stuff they have been programming us with from day one,I will though give clues on what to look for,the money system in the U.S.,the Euro,the church,the Vatican,the masonic lodges,the CFR,the real reason for the civil war,why was Lincoln killed,the united nations,nuclear power,the E.U.,the reason Ronald Regan was shot,who did it and his affiliations,chase Manhattan,Rockefeller's,JP Morgan,Jacob schiff,the Rothschild's,every war that has been fought has had an ulterior motive,but what were they?and the rabbit hole goes much deeper but this should be enough stuff to get you on your way to understanding the REAL world and how it really works,you owe it to you children that you spoke of,to first un-learn that bull that they teach you,and learn how to see The real world and operate in it, social security numbers and credit cards,driver license/plates,TAXES (real ones and illegal ones)you need to know,don't let your children fall victim,I guarantee that if you research these items your eyes will be opened,Race relation is only a small small part of whats going on,and if you love a person on any race and they love you back,they honor you and you honor them,then its right,I think that there are beautiful things about all races and being that we were all created by the hand of GOD,I don't believe that he looks down upon interracial relationships as long as they are done according to his laws,So good luck to you and your husband and good luck to the Brutha from the old school I'm out oh yeah Ill give y'all a little site to whet you pallet with
This is a bunch of crock. People are together because they want to unite. If this work when soliciting ww then more power to you.
I take it more as a sarcastic analogy... but, there is a lot of truth in it, except for the additives about interracial relations, however, there could be something to it after all.
actually porcelain, the black community wanted and still wants the handouts such as affirmative action and many still support welfare, the government only did what the people were clamoring for