Shirley Sherrod situation

Discussion in 'In the News' started by goodlove, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    If you didnt hear last week Sherrod was fired for what was thought to be racially insensitive or bigoted speech at a NAACP meeting that was chopped up by a video.

    What was to come true was that the video was chopped up so bad that it made her look like that. come to find out she was talking about coming to terms what we need to do to get over your racial prejudices.

    Now what do you think in totality about this situation.

    IE....Do you think the President is afraid of the racial issues ?

    How do you think the media really handle the situation ?

    Do you think we will ever get a real dialogue ?

    Do you think black folks still have the inferiority complex due to fear ?
  2. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Certainly put the NAACP back on the scene from being as irelevant as the name of their organization.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    No, He is afraid of losing votes from the independents though.
    Fox news went over board.
    Nope, we got an economy to deal with. Black folks care about jobs just like the white ones. we got bills to pay buddy.

    I certainly don't.
  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    I agree with everything you are saying....I believe that there will be no real dialogue because of the following:

    1) like you stated we need to get the economy in order
    2) the education system needs an over haul
    3) The war needs to come to an end and along with that the security of the US is in peril
    4) the border issues need to be addressed

    the race issues need to be addressed but people are more concerned with those above and the fact they really dont want to get into a real debate on racial issues anyway.
  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    In many ways, this issue of a "national conversation on race" is all talk and no action. Time and time again, someone does something dumb, the cable channels bring their token blacks on to recite their litany of grievances, and the white panel members sit there, nod in agreement or shiver uncomfortably and one of them tells us how we need "to talk honestly about race." To me, that misses the point entirely. Do we need a "national discussion on race", or a national maturation on race? That's more like the question to me. We've been discussing race in the United States since forever, yet both sides stick to their own talking points? How about some meaningful action on important issues like the fact that fat cats are robbing the middle class (black and white) of their livelihood, or that affordable healthcare for all is still not going to be a reality, despite the theatrics of Congress? Or that we're actively embarking on senseless nation building projects which are costing us lives and prestige and money which could be better spent fixing our schools, roads, waterways, bridges and other social amenities?

    Whatever happened to that?

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