You can find the article here Basically, Ms Sherrod was fired for the comments she made during a speech. It would appear that the Obama administration moved too quick to have her resign. In her speech, she eventually explains her dawning of what it is at the end. The have's vs the have nots. should she be rehired and apologized to? Do you think she is racist?
u beat me to it. Now that it comes out that the tea party hoodwinked everybody . then fox ran with it (i believed they knew). this should discredit the tea party among blacks and any decent thinking people
Obama and the NAACP are wrong by throwing Sherrod under the bus with a knee-jerk reaction before learning the facts. The NAACP has no credibility if it is so easy for them to be "snookered" by a blogger into commiting such an injustice. The NAACP in an anachronism and has no reason to exist other than to hypocritically lynch fellow African Americans such as Sherrod based on an edited video taken out of context. Justice demands that both Vilshack and the entire NAACP leadership should apologize to Sherrod.
This makes me very angry! They should have looked at the whole speech and not taken some comment out of context. Im steaming over this. She said shes not sure she wants to job back if its offered - I dont blame her.. I mean, if they fired her withough checking if they really had a reason first... She truly was thrown under the bus.. I mean, the farmer she helped is on her side.. helloooo.. nah... move on, you get a better job.
they did apologize but also alot other people jumped on this also. foxnews (of course ran with it but then later on tried to blame the mainstream media ) and the tea party should lose a lote of cred for pulling this kind of stunt. they went on fox and blamed naacp and the prez for the fallout . they were basically saying at least in my eyes was you let us get away with it.
exactly, everyone fox, the prez, the agency and the naacp look like fools. the only one that came out looking like a hero are ms. sherrod and the white farmers who came to her defense. also the white people who were at her speech defended her. so what really happened the no-named people need to take a hint that the media and the polictical and religious powers are trying and are manipulating us. it came out ....hello
Andrew Breitbart is a mendacious piece of shit who ruins people's lives to score cheap political points. People should attack him and Fox "News" for creating the fake controversy before they take any shots and the cowardly Democrats and the NAACP. I'm about ready to give up on the administration and the Democratic party though. These people are so inept at politics that it's mind-boggling. The lunatics on Fox can yell and scream about anything for a news cycle and they'll cave in without bothering to learn the facts or even trying to defend themselves. First, it was Van Jones, then ACORN, now it's Shirley Sherrod. It never ends.
Sorry to say I'm almost there with you. Great post. But in Van's defense, he quit. I hated that he apologized though.
I do feel bad for this woman. She was obviously taken out of context and those guys jumped the gun too quickly. Hope she gets her job back.
CNN did a great job in interviewing Sherrod this afternoon. I saw Fixed News last night and they are spinning like crazy from O'Reilly down. Hannity rehashing and exhuming old stuff like Van Jones,Rev Wright etc,oh don't get me started on Crazy Beck. Rachel Maddow said it best when she said when would the Obama Administration fall for Fixed News and their schemes?
I wonder how many black media outlets/pundits were quick to judge before the full footage/facts came out? And I wonder how many have since publicly apologized or admitted being misguided? ...fascinating how the super-right can regularly punk the current White House, but progressive interests are kept at multiple-arms-length..
[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] Obama needs to STOP being a P#SSY to Fox News.
rachel maddow went the fuck off last nite. she did the whole negroephobia thang like she took african american history or something. i closed my eyes and heard a female-malcom x-wanda sykes-harvard-thang going on. then i opened my eyes and said damn my eyes are deceiving me. she is going in like she wrote the book "before the mayflower" . I was like shiiiit i dont want to get in a debate with that women. hell to the fuck naw. she would kick my ass with one part of her brain tied behind her back and standing on one foot .
This incident proves that nearly halfway through his term as the nation's first black president, Obama is still struggling to strike the right balance between taking a stand on race and leading the country past it. His admin acted quickly without knowing all the facts. Asking Sherrod to pull her car over to the side of the road Monday morning and submit her resignation on her Blackberry. Shesshh Sounds to me another teachable moments for Obama and his crowd. Maybe another Beer summit is due at the white house, but Sherrod might not accept it.
Im telling yall you guys should have seen how rachel maddow went off man. she was going off so that it made my dick hard
I've got such a crush on rachel.. and yeah, yeah, I know.. oh, somebody posted her senior yearbook photo.. very pretty..
+1 NAACP is basically irrelevant even though I'm a member. It bends its ass ovr for Well Fargo and other large corporations, I assume because it needs money and as I said its almost irrelevant in today's Black America because they have hardly any political influence. They say the Tea Party should step away from its racist elements and all they say is "Us Racist"? Not US and to equalize thing, look Shirley Sherrod is a militant Black Woman that wanted to punish a poor White farmer for being White. Some are saying Obama shouldn't get involved in mud slinging. I would kinda agree there's bigger fights he needs to have, but even doing that, its two years and unemployment is around 17% National and higher for people like us. The only way out is to let banks fail when the assets become more toxic than they are now and direct hiring/lending from the Government. The private sector isn't doing shit. This country is not post-racial and if anybody actually bought that shit, I got swap land in Jersey to sell you.