She is Not White, She is a Woman, She is Human

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Blacktiger2005, Mar 29, 2008.

  1. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    I have grown to a point in my relationship with my lover that i no longer see her as white, but as a woman and a human being. It's funny how that perspective comes about. The thing about color no longer becomes so important as it was in the beginning. Things i have learned about how she thinks, how she sees the world and her commitment to respect others regardless of differences has had a profound impact on me. It has been said that a woman will change a man. Mine has changed me in ways that i could have never imagined. I have grown tired of the "white" references when it comes to these extraordinary human beings. Granted not all are extraordinary, but so many have that trait of compassion that simply endear you to them. My father once told me that a woman regardless of her race is woman first as well as a human being with feelings that tempers us men. The woman who happens to be "white" want nothing more than to be respected as a woman and a human being and not be held up as a trophy to be gawked at. Until black men ( i hate that label "black" men) move beyond seeing the women of our lives as white, yellow, brown or black then we too fall into the racial trap that clouds all of our thinking. Remember, it is not her color that makes her the woman and human being that she is who is so precious to you. It's her spirit, her intelligence and most of all her humanity.
  2. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    What a beautiful post.
  3. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :) I really wish there was more common sense and humanity displayed on this board like what you've written. What you've said is 150% accurate.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i think that was the best post i have ever read since coming to this site...lovely to hear a MAN talk about his WOMAN with such respect...beautiful black tiger :wink:

    i have to say i feel like magic and i have moved beyond black & white...we are so much more than the color of our skin...
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  6. Arika

    Arika New Member

    Your father has a lot of sense.

    No matter what colour we all are we're all human & have the same blood running through our veins!

    I wish there were more families on earth around like yours!

    Excellent post!
  7. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    dig the post, reminds me of the times when I have to stop short in my tracks and explain to people that its really all the same at the end of the day. Color is color, it doesnt dictate personality or culture. Besides I think its funny that my gf is way more ballbusting than any black woman I have been with.....or any woman I've been with overall.....
  8. bmanz

    bmanz Member

    This is right on the money. I agree 100%. In fact any woman I'm dating never gets referred to by her race/ethnicity. Most of my people find out her skin color when they meet her unless THEY bring it up in a conversation because I never do. To me its a big turn off when someone refers to their mate by their skin color in IR relationships.

    I wont go on and on but I won't. Good post though!
  9. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    we holdin dudes hostage now?

  12. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    You know what i meant..
  13. XXX

    XXX New Member

    Man, your posts be gettin too good homie...
  14. WhiteBeauty

    WhiteBeauty New Member

    What you wrote is really touching me! It is exactly how I feel about men! And the imagination to be just a trophy (why???) is simply making me confused/sad. Of course I am first and foremost a woman - a smart woman.
  15. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    I came to that point with my husband about 3 years ago, while we were still dating. i just see him as a person, as my husband, as the one i'm meant to be with. i forget about that little thing called color. it's funny, i'm only reminded of this when we're out somewhere and the little blue-haired ladies are staring, and i'm trying to figure out what they are looking at. then i realize..."oh right he's black...i'm not!" kind of a sad reality. :roll:
  16. dossou

    dossou Member

    :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: I send back to my post or topic in conversation between a black man and a white women.The title is "How much real are you?"
  17. Francine

    Francine New Member

    Well said!
  18. JasonsWifey

    JasonsWifey New Member

    :smt049 I could of written this exact post. Jason is the first black man I have ever dated and since day 1, I have just seen him as a person, I never really worried about the color issue. The only time we have issues is when someone else brings it up. :roll:

    My good girlfriend says that people look even worse at her. And they make comments to her (She is black and her husband is white.) It was kinda funny when her and her husband and my husband and I took all our kids to Chuck E Cheese one time and everyone just stared at us all trying to figure out who was with who and whos kids where whose. :smt043
  19. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I thought the OP had a beautiful post and wanted everyone's thoughts on it :)

    At the very least, it's a lovely read so consider this a post "bump".
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Thanks Athena, it was lovely.

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