She is not predjudiced

Discussion in 'In the News' started by JordanC, Nov 12, 2010.

  1. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I would've told her I aint a nigger, are you? a nigger is as a nigger does and right now, bitch you appear to be a dry prune nigger, GTFO my car, lol.
  2. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    He had a lot of constraint.
  3. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Well his constraint got him
    1. Insulted
    2. Slapped
    3. Lose his job.

    Well aint Amerikkka special,,,, the funny thing is you got dumb bo jingles water melon eaten uncle tom niggas like Thomas & Ward Connerly tapp dancing out of their fucking suit saying we all equal.
    We all equal alright!
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    To think, that being civil actually got you fired. Yes, welcome to AmeriKKKa!

    SMH @ the people who live with rose colored glasses on...
  5. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    He's not from here. Figures. An american-born black person would've given the wrinkled cunt an earful and more.
  6. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

    Fat chance of that happening. That's the most racist and vile message board on the intrawebs.
  7. Centreville

    Centreville New Member

  8. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    My favorite line is '...I don't care if you are green, blue, purple or polka dot...' followed or preceded by some typical vile garbage and ignorance that would keep an unrepentant soul out of heaven. It never ends...
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    That dried-up old bitch is racist & psycho! I don't get how in the hell he could lose his job after the constraint he showed. I'd have kicked her old ass!

    This is what I always try to stress to my son.

    Don't ruin your platforms on the likes of her bitch ass; get some steel toe boots instead!

    This makes me think of an incident at one of my stores the other day involving my son. He had stopped by while I was dealing with a customer, so he stood aside & waited for me to finish what I was doing. The redneck asshole I was waiting on noticed my son standing there (of course he didn't know who he was) & started talking shit, "What the fuck is that n***** doing in here? That's why I come here instead of Dallas 'cause there's too many fucking n*****s up there; I hate those black mother fuckers!" I was so pissed, especially since he was directing that garbage at my child! So I found myself yelling at him, "There's a lot of 'em running around here too & there ain't none of 'em black!" He told me to fuck myself & that I'd lost a customer for good because he was never coming back. My response was "Good! Now get the fuck out & stay out!" If he has daughters, I hope they all marry black men!
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is really fucked up, still shows we have ways to go. Sorry you had to put up with a fucked up racist redneck like that. I said it before and I will say it agian the election of Obama in this country does not mean shit, in fact it is setting race relation way back to 1400 B.C.
  11. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    Bitch needs a cool one to the head....

    You're so right!
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I appreciate that UC1, but I deal with idiots like that a lot. They're usually less blunt than that fool was, but he didn't know it was my son he was talking about. Assholes like that don't typically say those things to your face. I have a couple of younger brothers who call my son the n-word all the time when they talk to him supposedly joking around (they think it's hilarious). For some reason it doesn't bother my son, but it pisses me the fuck off!
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wow you think so fam?
  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Dude, look at the hate toward blks in the last 2 years (especially towards professional blks). Now they can say to your face there is no racism, the Prez is blk, America voted for someone who looks like you to the white house, America aint racist,,,, blah blah, while in fact practicing racism,,,,,There are quite a few whites who think Bama is the affirmative action prez.... His timing of presidency could not have come anytime wrong, following a disaterous BUSH, 2 major fucken wars on our table, war with radical ISALM, economy at the brink of collapse and too many fucken issues (closing Gitmo, Health care, Bank, housing, gays in military). The guy is young not that much management experience in his belt, surrounded by some extreme radicals, that made it very difficult for him to govern,,,,,

    When was the last time America had nutcakes like the tea party movement? Not during Carter or any recent prez I can think of.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truth be told the assholes who are saying that racism is over because one lucky negro won the lottery were a bunch of racists to begin with they're just being exposed now. People who are going to make judgements about his performance based on race were racist all along so at least now its more in the open. Less pretending and being pc.
    I think the best thing about BO is that he's showing us that we as a people still have a lot more work to do in this country. Its not enough to work with in the system we have to rearrange it as well. Meaning even more education and more business ownership and less focus on thug culture. The message to young black men alone makes it worth I for him to be here.
    "You can be something more than you are right now and it doesn't have to be in entertainment"
  16. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    Agree, thug culture just leads to death and jail. Education (particularly science and math), entrepreneurship and a real commitment to family is the way.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I would venture to guess that your son has his head on straight enough, thanks to his mother, to realise he's not an "n-word" so it doesn't bother him. :smt023
  18. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    We love you Tam!!!

    You are a great mom, Tam you know how to raise a strong Black Man, your son will grow to be a good man because of your commitment.

    Rather people like him or not you know Pres. Obama's mom had to deal with garbage like that and all the while build up her son to never settle or be discouraged. You have to admire that and I admire you for not being intimidated by that racist loser.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, E; I appreciate that. I still wish they would stop doing it though.

    Thanks, Bo!
    I love y'all, too!

    I hope I've raised him to be a good, strong Black Man, because my goal was to do just that. Being a good mom, especially a single mom, is not easy, but it's a lot more challenging when you have to deal with racial issues on top of everything else. I'd die for my son & I'm not taking any crap off of any racist loser or any other fool who messes with my baby!
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I do thank Mass for reelecting a brother again in a higher position. It is the first time since the state reelected Edward Brooke for Senator in 1973. Also,this state is complicated since some of them act so racist towards Blacks.

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