
Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by vanille, Feb 11, 2023.

  1. vanille

    vanille Active Member

    I was talking to a few guys online, and when I said I was dating an african guy, there is a question that I was asked many times : did he share you to his friends ?

    Like it is commun stereotype that black (african) guys will give away they (white) female (gf, sf) for their friends to have sex with...

    Did that ever happen ?
    Where do that stereotype comes from ?
  2. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    This is a strong stereotype idea.
    That the guy just wants a white girl for sex and to be able to parade you to his friends.
    The idea that there might be a loving relationship just do not enter these people's minds !
    I guess these comments are from your white friends.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
  3. vanille

    vanille Active Member

    No, I don't think my friends would ask such a brutal question, mostly they ask if they have a big one in a kinky way but no more than that.
    Because there's a fine line between asking if you have fun and asking if you get tossed around like salad.

    This question mostly comes from people I talked to on chats when I was bored and things like that.
    Probably people baby fed on porn or something like that, they have a set of definite question they always ask, that's how you can spot them.

    For them, you cannot have a serious relationshit with a black guy, you'll have him as a side dish when you're bored of your bf. They always have big dicks and will fuck you 10 times a night, share you to his friends because you're ok to sleep with anyone because why not. And taking it up your behind is a given, among other things.
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  4. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, all what you say is true.
    Its like a WW/BM can not have a serious relationship.
  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    The sharing concept is a new one to me. I've heard the other tropes, but not that one. I have heard a stereotype that if a ww will have sex with one black guy, then she likes all black men. These all seem preposterous to me, and predicated on the "othering" of the partner as something other than just a human being.
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    These are some pretty extreme assumptions! That's a lot to infer from the ethnic background of your partner. :D
  7. SarahFoxy

    SarahFoxy Well-Known Member

    People asked me the same questions lol
    In my opinion, these people just watch too much porn and they don't know a black man in person, else they would know this is total bullshit. When someone asked me that question the first time, I was like... Is he serious? Or is this just a joke. But there are crazy people out there

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