interesting read, to be honest i think it's time we got off our Puritan asses and eased up on the idea that 'games,' are for the enjoyment of kids and realize that adults play them just as much now (especially since many of us grew up on the industry). Slap a X-rating on them and let us play them on our shiny PS3s
3D sex gaming lobbyists will cry foul, as their strip club friends will lose revenue :smt021 speaking of 3D, i need to get my weight up and get a screen for the games
Maybe a little bit but nothing beats the touch of the body. Worth every penny. As a matter of fact, priceless.
i dont know over 10 million douchebags subscribed (ie paid real money) to repeatedly kill the same shit, over and over in World of Warcraft for several years imagine what'll happen when there's a AAA MMO that's X-rated in 3D 15 a month for subscription 10 per virtual lapdance
i remember the mass effect outrage with fox news, the idiots went on like you could have sex in the game anytime, when it only happens once near the end of the game
I found it funny how the article has wii but you mention the PS3. Nintendo has always been family oriented so you will probably not see that go down on the wii. Also, there is already hentai video games out.
All you muthafuckas make me feel really damn old, and i'm 6 weeks from 32! Maybe I'm just more knowledgeable about video game history. Anyone ever heard of Leisure Suit Larry??? I mean the original, not the bullshit sequels they made 20 years after the original. It was for PS/1 IBM's and Commodore 64's back in the mid to late 80s. Game was almost straight porno. Dirty video games even goes further back than that. Check this shit out, it'll blow your mind: http://
Don't feel too old The average age of a video gamer is 35. so you are closer to the majority than not
I've started with the Atari 2600 actually and I can say that I've been through a lot of the times when it comes to video games. Also, other titles like Custard's Revenge really hit a racist spot with the whole cowboys vs. Indians motif. But seriously, I think need to stop riding too hard on the content of video games. I mean hell, even games like Heavy Rain and it's predecessor Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy in America) contained nudity and some sexual scenes which were more of less, explicit. But you see this stuff a lot nowadays on the internet, so what's the point in shielding the eyes of the public? And the biggest irony is that how is sex in video games far more detrimental than violent video games? Just because some dumb-asses shot up schools, stomping on turtles at the zoos and kicking chickens around, an entire industry has to limit the content? Ridiculous. However, as you said in your post...a good game is a good game, with or without the sex.
im 11 months away from hitting 30, so i'm a couple years behind you Gramps. First joint I played was atari...shit like ET and Superman lol. Then I went to the Master System with Alex Kid in Miracle World and some RPG called Y's (which still has sequels coming out now). Then of course the whole Doom/Wolfenstein fads, and the original BELOVED Rainbow Six which had you looking at blueprints for areas, as you laid tactical maneuvers for your team. I loved playing this with my cousin in the 90s, and with my roommates in the 21st century. Damn game got watered down for this younger, less intelligent crowd to make some more $$$$ Our generation grew up on games, so naturally you're going to have older ages still trying to ween themselves off, lol. I just hope I live long enough to see our collective dream, of being able to digitize ourselves in gaming worlds like 'Tron' for the ultimate level of immersion.
The games I have seen with sex in have been dodgy porn games and they really didn't appeal to me because they're just so tacky, but I don't know if I'd want to actual play out a sex scene in a game, I can't see it being much fun? I noticed someone mentioned heavy rain, which is a game I never finished playing, but I found trying to clean up Ethan's wounds tedious enough(and caused him some pain in the process ;p), I really can't imagine a playable sex scene being any better :lol: It's not that I'm against the idea in theory, I just think it'd end up badly implemented and horrible to play. Actually, if anyone's ever played one of those porn games, you'll probably know already that it's horribly tedious to play. A nice classy cutscene however, wouldn't bother me at all.
dont spoil the game for seriously thinking about buying it, even if you don't control the characters like you would in a regular game. It's received pretty good reviews nonetheless.
Eeek, sorry! Not much of a spoiler though, to be honest, so I don't feel all that guilty It's a fun game actually, definitely give it a try. Just be warned that you may look like a bit of a muppet if people are around when you're playing because it makes you do silly things with the controller.