Sex Ads On This Site??

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by malikom, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Am I the only one who gets annoyed at the amount of ads from married white women looking for nothing but sex in the personals?Im sick of the amount of ads about white women looking to have sex with a black dude infront of her husband (cuckolding bs).The site shouldnt allow people to sign up if they are already married.
  2. designer

    designer New Member


    You're not the only one but I don't think those ads will ever go away.
  3. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    The personal ad section was designed to be an open forum for ww and bm to advertise to each other in whatever way they wish. That is the right for the creators of the site to decide. Other IR sites do not allow this. These married white women want to have their sexual desires fufilled by black men and they know there are black men who will take them up on their offer. There is someone for everyone out there. I don't agree with it, but what two consenting adults decide to do behind closed doors is no of my concern. As for me, I'm sticking to dating single white women.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Just a question.

    Do married women contact you even if you have written in your profile that you're not into that kind of thing?
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Nope. Haven't had that happen to me.
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Then perhaps adding that you're only interested in single women is an idea? I agree that it shouldn't be necessary, but if that's how it is... :(
  7. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah i understand,but i see that this is common on interracial dating sites.They are filled with cuckolding ads.There are plenty of sites for cuckolding ads,i just dont see why they feel the need to go on serious dating websites.
    It actually kinda sucks,because i will come across a females pro,and she would be beautiful and etc;but she will state in her profile that she is married and is looking for "well hung bbc"
    It just gets really annoying.You are also right that there will always be some black guy who would take up the offer and do something like that.Alot of them dont even realize that they are being used.
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Im going to have to start putting "not interested in cuckolding" in my profile.
  9. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Sorry for laughing, I just don't think I've ever read that sentence in a dating-profile. Perhaps you could wrap it in a little? Or write that you're hoping for a serious relationship (if that's what you want).

    Oh God, I'm very sorry you have to put up with all those "unwanted" replies... :(

    Have you tried any serious "normal" dating sites? That's how I met my BF. There are actually lots of people there who are open for dating IR, they just don't have it as a strict criteria like people seem to have here. I'd recommend a pay-site. People there are more serious than those on the free sites.
  10. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Yeah,im thinking about signing up for a pay site.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    If it's a serious relationship you want, you should do it. Many of the free pages are technically very similar to the pay sites, so you don't really pay for cool layout, matching calculators,and stuff like that. However, if people have to pay for a product, they have to really want it before they bother to buy it. Especially if they believe they can get the same product for free (like they think they can when t comes to internet dating sites). So the people on the pay sites are much more determined and serious about what they want.

    (I paid something like 30$ for 2 months. It's not really much when you think about it. Just a little more than going to the cinema... and it was absolutely worth it. I found my soul mate, and we're getting married and are expecting a boy in May.)

    P.S.Don't believe in any of those matching calculators btw, they're for entertainment only. Me and my BF had a 0% match score :D
  12. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    I don't like it either, I feel very uncomfortable with the notion of getting it on with a married woman to begin with. Husbands in all likelihood would stand in another room or in a closet observing their wives having sex with other men. There is also a chance their husbands would shoot at the men while having sex.
  13. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I guess I'm naive, but that just seems bizzare to me. I understand the woman wanting to sleep around - we all have those impulses whether we act on them or not. But the husband getting a kick out of it - that sounds like a mental disorder to me and I can't understand why it is as common as it is.

    As for the black guys answering the ads being used. Whose using who probably depends on your perspective. My guess is many of them know exactly what is going on and just figure it's free easy sex and so even if some perv is watching, they still got the last laugh.
  14. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Exactly,i was thinking the same thing.Why in the world would they want to watch their wives with black men?Obviously they have some mental problems.I think alot of the wives enjoy it because they can have a black male (on the dl) and be married to a white man.So they get both.That why she can get the "best sex possible" and still be married to a white male so she dosent disappoint her family members,friends etc.
    I use to think what you are thinking...about who is really being used.I use to think that they white wife was being used,untill i saw a post by a white husband on one of these forums.It read

    keep in mind that alot of the husbands that like to watch their wives have sex with black men,are racist (believe it or not) lol

    Imo,the majority of black men in the cuckolding lifestyle DONT realize this.Now,if they slept with the wife without the husband knowing,or without the husband present,then i dont think think its the same.But having the having the husband watch in satisfaction? :x
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    By watching his wife have sex with a BM...he is in effect controlling both the BM and WW's sexuality....that was the purpose of the Klan, Jim Crow etc.....control the sexuality of these two groups....its sort of like taunting someone....the WM can say "hey boy..I'm letting you hump my wife and I'll watch but she will still never want to be with you"....those BM that are involved think they are getting the good end but actually they are being mocked
  16. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    FWIW there are also married BM on this site with ads looking for white women for sex.

    The other day a couple of us were in chat and one of them came in.
  17. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

  18. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Hey, I would like to know when you all are in chat. I enjoy live chat a lot.
  19. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Just check on the bottom of the index page on here and it will show if someone is in chat. Sometimes if I'm online for awhile I'll log in there ..but then sometimes I forget I'm in there :lol:
  20. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    Nate - I tried to catch you in there but you left as I was going in

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