Nothing NEW of course, if one MORE person says that Racism is the "Boogie Man" I'm going to slap all the fire out of them! I also heard some THINLY veiled racial comments on CNBC when news first dropped on the "Bail Out" from Sqawk Box's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera. Erin Burnett also made some "Funky" comments as well during Street Signs as she interviewed members of Congress. She was visibly trying to tie "Consumerism" with "Sub Prime Lending" which is valid in many cases but but she tired to link to "Minorities" when she SHOULD be linking it to WHITE PEOPLE. I know more than a FEW Whites that cashed in on their home and bought all sorts of "toys". But it always EASIER to blame the victim, where 70% of Minorities qualified for regular 30 years fixed rate loans but were not offered those products but instead these new more risky products like Adjustable Rates... Uh huh, Deregulation is at the center of all this and just who re-wrote the laws - White People Wow this country is AMAZING at times...
Yes..I've been noticing the same thing. Whites are the ones that run Wall Street and are the ones that sent 3 million manufacturing jobs overseas..not to mention flooding the Country/job market with illegal hordes.
Yep and White People even some on this board don't wanna HEAR it! Sending jobs overseas for the sake of profit is Anti-American, how come they aren't called on the mat for not "supporting the troops"??? The head of every major financial services company is WHITE.... They will NEVER take the direct blame for the market's problems. I hope Obama sticks to his guns when he's said at least twice now that when he takes office he'll make sure the people responsible for this mess see some jail time or heavy fines...