Just kidding, no such thing. Seriously, checkout these videos guys. What do you think? Personally, I think this guy is an idiot and needs to go crawl back under whatever rock he emerged from. Though I will give him kudos for his hilarious/outrageous attitude. I laughed out loud at his explainations for everything. [YOUTUBE]KkpZqdkOk5I[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]9V51wbvz-so[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]Vj9UP8K2ilU[/YOUTUBE]
It's funny. There is a moment when everyone is asking him if by his own logic, if he is a sellout too. And he's like "No, I'm not because the sell of these books are feeding black babies." as he holds up his book while facing the camera.
I just don't understand idiots like that. The one thing I give certain white authors who are against IR or black people in general they at least have conviction and believe in what they're saying. This dude stuttered so much you'd think he just got a pop quiz on the capitol of all 50 states in chinese.
Dr. Jan Adams was setting him straight though. Best quote from him was: "When I grew up they said. "You know what we need? We need more black doctors." That was what was beat into my head, but the real answer is when I grew up and I truely learned to love brothers. What I said is, "We don't need more black doctors. We need more brothers, young brothers, doing what they want to do with their life because God gave them that life."" Best part of the whole show.
Well, there was a moment when he was asked if one of the host was a sellout or not, because she said she sometimes dates white guys. He found out that she is mixed. Her dad is white italian while her mom is black. After stumbling around a few words he said that since her dad is white, his sperm is white, so that means its okay for her to date white guys. Also, the lady to his left, camera right, is the daughter of the lawyer that defended OJ Simpson. She said that she has or is dating white guys and he actually called her a sellout because of that, which is what sent everyone into an uproar. He pretty much believes that any black person, male or female, that dates outside the race is a sellout. He also thinks certain cities foster sellouts, like LA and New York. I think if he had it his way we would all be back into 1950's with signs saying "whites only" and "colored entrance this way".
I saw this video a long time ago and I have to say that he's simply jealous that he's incapable of finding himself a white woman. He tried and tried and tried and he simply gave up. The truth of the matter is that, when people like him can't find himself someone because he weird them out, he resorts to taking it out on others who ARE in wonderful relationships.
Funny thing about lames like him is if a sexy ww put it on him he'd change is pov quicker than you can say Angelina Jolie
Theres a niche for people who think that way and people like this guy attempt to make a living at filling that void. Its no different than what Glen Beck does. Its not a case of simply having a different opinion, but rather the extreme end of that ideology which leads to attention.
If he's legit, BM like this do themselves no favor, Black women suspect these dudes crave WW on the low anyway, and why wouldn't they... the negro doth protest too much....
No different than the Conservative politician going out of his way to stop gay people from doin what they want to do.