Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis promises goverment help to illegals

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Chi is one of the few who it would effect because she's married to a brotha and wants biracial kids. Chi is IR
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Well she's in for a rude awakening from those beloved mexicans...they are so racist they make a southern cracker blush.
  3. chicity

    chicity New Member

    If they hunted my husband down I'd have no reason to keep living.

    I thought that would be obvious.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Already made that point for you kid
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Don't we already make it impossible to be paid less than illegals. They are not to be hired remember? That is not working well.
  6. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Well, yeah. But I thought this was supposed to be some kind of crack-down.

    I can buy that it won't be effective, I'm just saying that in theory it's anti-illegal, even if it's being presented as being pro-illegal.
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    Just saw that. Thanks.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    There is still an inflation rate. You can not live off what most illegal immigrants live off of comfortablely . Heck, they can't either. They send the money back to countries that have lower inflation.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    The problem with this theory is that most Americans could not live off of what illegal immigrants are making comfortably. The inflation rate is entirely too high.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And they live uncomfortably with 8 people in a two bedroom apt
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    :smt043:smt043:smt043 That was my first thought!

    Actually they live comfortably, from a financial perspective, because they have 8 people in a two bedroom apt.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I have seen much worse such as 20 people living a trailor. a frieght trailor...
  13. LA

    LA Well-Known Member could be worse.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    homeless lol like so many americans who can't make it from inflation rates
  15. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    You're right with that. You're definitely not getting this. You're completely clueless on this issue. No offense.;)

    This PSA isnt some sort of reverse psychology ploy. This Solis lady flat out wants illegals to have amnesty and wants to foward her agenda. They are pandering to the Hispanic community to get all of their support. They have no backbone and bend over backwards to help illegals.
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The Right Wing talk shows are having a field day on that one. That is a not a good PR move.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I wouldn't bother they don't get it. The "Elites" largely think freeing the slaves, banishing Jim Crow and passing Civil Rights legislation is doing plenty for Blacks and that we don't need any more help.

    They don't understand the effect of NAFTA which has doubled the amount of illegal IMMIGRANTS coming over the boarder. The Bush Administration prosecuted less than 20 total cases of hiring fraud during their entire 8 years in office.

    The truth is, they don't give a fuck about anybody. There is a racial component involved but its much more about Class Warfare. The problem is not the boarder but why they are coming across. What about all the Europeans and Canadians that overstay their 90 days and have no intention of going back?
  19. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They don't need the support from "hispanics"....they need support from the Wall Street Elites that put food on their tables.

    This ain't about votes or's about turning America into an unregulated sweat mexico.

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