1. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    It was done at my secondry school, but like i said that was about 10 years ago, dont know if id have the same marks now.

    It wasnt taken by everyone you had to sign up put your name down, the 6th formers did it, apparently it was some kind of census for the school, it was 6 pages long.
  2. scylla

    scylla New Member

    Im somewhere between 135 and 145, analyzing done by IQ-tests and psychologist. If you only look at mathematical/logic, its lower. IQ scores is not to be trusted at all I feel.. Intelligence is a bit too complex to be defined like that.. I trust more the tests psychiatrists do..
  3. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    i have a bachelor degree in social work, i would like to get the master degree about interculturality but i don't have money right now. i mad some research about immigration and i'd like to work with different cultures, not necessarily as social worker. maybe one day i'll get the strenght to leave everything here and go to Africa ad volunteer. I coudn't do it when I was younger because I had to work to mantain studies after high school, now i can't because i must work to survive lol... but one day i'll do that.
  4. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Just because you grasp maths easily, doesn't mean everyone else does too.
    Different people have different skills. Not to mention different interests.

    Also, how well one understands maths can depend very much on how you get it explained. Mathematics are logical, but if one get it explained the "wrong" way, the person might not break the code. I've seen that happen many times. A student might not understand something at first, then you take a different approach to it, and suddenly he/she understands it after all. However, not all teachers will take the needed time to explain it to students individually. And how well a teacher can teach a student is also partially based on personal chemistry.

    Hence, I see no reason why you would make a comment like this. There's nothing embarrasing about having a bad grade in math. It doesn't mean a person is "stupid". And haviong a good math garde, does not make you smart.

    Howcome you always brag about your IQ and academic performances btw? Low self asteem in other areas?

    I got an F in math in my senior highschool year as well.
    I had to repeat the course to be able to get into uni. :mrgreen:

    Now I got a masters degree in discrete mathematics, and work as a maths teacher. And if I may say so myself, I'm quite good at it. I think because I failed in maths, I understand why some may have problems with it, and that makes me a better teacher. My classes has always ended up doing better than the national average. Even classes who sucked when I first got them.
  5. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    You Guys are a Good bunch so here you go, I love people who love to learn.

    This first is by a young brother named Joshua Graham, who acquired his BA in 6 months, through CLEP, DSST, etc exams. Even some schools are giving you up to 30 credits if you pass your GRE with an 80%.



    This site here I'm not sure of his/her sex, But they acquired their degree in 4 weeks through a more vigorous test schedule.


    I'm a member of this other site and there is a plethora of information form those who are doing and have done the same thing, These degrees by the way are from accredited schools, So you can transfer to say, MIT,Yale, Harvard, UC Berkeley, Princeton et'al.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2008
  6. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    I use to be a master in regents math, in New York growing up, I was one of the top 100 students in my city, I use to love regents class, 1st because the classes were small like 8 to 9 pupils per class. Second, you could skip class all year as long as you passed the mid-term and regent finals. " Yo, jay the gym is pack with honies, yea boy!!" But back to math, I had a math teacher in 9th grade whom I disliked because he always tried to fail me, mainly because I was brighter than him. I would look at a problem an write the answer. For some reason I could not do the work the majority of the time. I guess that's how I trained myself.

    However, my answers were always right, He could say I was cheating because he tried that route, then he would give me new mathematical equations on the spot, and poof, the answer, that's when I realize school is mainly about indoctrination and not true education, because true education opens new paths, allows you to question things already in place, it allows you to do critical thinking. So that's when I started to cultivate my autodidact traits, my ex use to call me brainy smurf.
  7. yaj152

    yaj152 Member

    I'm in my senior year in college finishing up my BS degree in mechanical engineering. I'm also looking for a job too. School is just soo busy right now with all the presentations and projects that have to be done. I know its what is best in the long run and I enjoy what I do. I will be glad when I graduate next May! Hopefully I will be able to get a job and start building my life the way that I want to at that point. Ha I just have to make it through school first.
  8. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Don't get me started on effing presentations. My laptop broke so I'm starting my presentation that took me weeks from scratch, all my research... gone! And it's due tomorrow. :(
  9. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I have a Masters in a social/development industry related field. I don't want to say exactly what it is, because it's kinda narrow and if people knew what it was you could probably put 1 & 1 ogether and figure out my real life identity! ;)

    I would like 2 more masters/quals and a PHD. I am considering doing some development work in a 3rd world country, and am apply for positions with the UN and other NGO's. My career path is fairly transferable, so I'm happy to do anything and go anywhere - specifically a far flung corner of the world.! :)

    Mostly, I just want to travel and I don't care where I go, or what I do. Work is just a way to make money so I can travel, really...
  10. yaj152

    yaj152 Member

    Ha yeah I can understand that. I had a presentation today and my friends laptop almost had the same problem. Ha we were lucky that things worked out. I will be so glad when this semester is over and I can have a break from dealing with all these presentations and projects!
  11. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Lucky you. I had a power point presentation a few days ago and my floppy disk (yes i still use those) bailed on me. Need less to say, i was laughed at,lol, and got a zero for it (teacher thought it was intentional). Oh well.8)
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    a degree in 4 weeks??...LMAO. right.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Please do the following:

    • Take the test on: http://www.highiqsociety.org
    • print screen your results (copy it as a jpeg file...upload it on photobucket...takes no more than 2 mins)
    • post it on here.
    • If you obtain an IQ of 130 and higher on that test (as it should reveal on the printed screen....you should give me your paypel and i will send money your way....$100)

    If you dont do it, then its clear why.
  14. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    This wasn't aimed at me, but I was bored so what the hell? Can I collect on that wager? :smt025

  15. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    C'mon BMJ, you still use floppy disks? What's up with that?:)
  16. HappyLife

    HappyLife New Member

    It's possible, read hows he/she did it... they tested out of every class... there are 3 accredited universities that accept test scores only. a few person on degree forum received 27 credits alone by taken free FEMA class That Fredrick Community College turn into credits, in a weekend.
  17. scylla

    scylla New Member

    It's in english. I don't understand half of the words in the verbal parts, and as I said, the math/logic is not my strong side.
    But it's ok. You can just assume that I'm lying instead. ^__^

    (edit: for those of you who wonders: A test should either be culturally neutral, or in your first language.)
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2008
  18. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Ive browsed quite a few after i looked at BMJs post and they bear no resemblance to the one i did at school i dont think they bear much relevance, i had to sign up for it a week before and when i entered with the others we all had separate papers with our names on, but this internet stuff im not sure if it can judge anything to be honest only if your good at math :confused:
  19. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Okay, I'm not smart enough or the high IQ society... I'll live.
    I really wanted the $100... lol nevermind.

    IGNORE the old skool windows, it's actually windows XP but it's 'cause I'm on a computer at college.
  20. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    Lol there's nothing wrong with floppy disks, they work more of the time than my fucking usb thing does. I usually just send things via e-mail.

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