Anyone think Scarlett would go for black men? She is sooo hot. I watch Match Point on DVD with a passion.....
:idea: To answer your question YES :!: She's dated Derek Jeter in the past but then again what young white starlet hasn't :?: You just never know about these white female celebs because I was surprised to hear about Sienna Miller & Cameron Diaz crossing the color line for love & affection. :wink:
You consider Derek Jeter black noble? I don't necessarily look at him like a black man, but as a bi-racial man instead. In my eyes, the two are a little different.
testing Cameron Diaz is white. And there is no such thing as a “latin” race or even a “Hispanic” race. That’s an American creation. Its more of a culture. In reality one can be of African descent or of European descent and still be a Latino or Hispanic. Cameron’s father is Cuban and based upon her features he is likely one of the white Cubans descended from Spaniards (as in Spain of Europe) who are part of the elite group of folks who were running Cuba before Castro came to power. Cameron’s mother is either directly from Europe or of European descent herself (I can’t remember which). This makes Cameron white. Only in America do we try to put all sorts of people from obviously different races under one made-up racial umbrella. From the Spanish speaking countries of the “new World” and in Brazil and the United States, there are those of strictly indigenous ancestry (hundreds of years ago they would have been called native Americans or Indians), those of almost exclusively European ancestry, those of almost exclusively African ancestry, those that are Mestizo (combination of European and indigenous ancestry (think Jessica Alba, Jennifer Lopez, etc), those that are a combination of African and indigenous or African and European ancestry, and those who are a combo of all three or more. You tell someone fro Spain (the birthplace of Antonio Banderas and Penelope Cruz) that they are not white or European but rather some other race called “Hispanic’ and they will justifiably laugh in your face. The same will happen if you suggest that to the large group of Argentinans who are from European descendants (mostly German). Only when some of those folks come to the USA and they realize the power in numbers do they allow themselves to be classified under the classification of “Hispanic” or “Latin/Latino”. Sometimes they have that classification thrust upon them against their will by Americans who insist that anyone with a Spanish surname or from a Spanish-speaking country is under one racial classification. Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to point that out. Happy to be aboard.