obama is going to pay heavy if they repeal it he better hope that if they repeal that the unemployment drop by 2% during the summer
The entire healthcare law isn't in trouble at all. It's just that ONE little provision called the "individual mandate" and that will most likely be struck down. As for the rest of the healthcare law, the ACC Act...it will most likely be upheld.
Right now Canada looks real pleasant compared to what I am witnessing in this country. This won't end at healthcare, there is more to come. This issue was more than healthcare for some of the detractors. How dare Obama try to mandate that all Americans should be provided health care coverage. W.T.F. is this Sweden, Denmark, Norway, etc. Status quo fool, status quo. Who cares if millions are uninsured in the richest nation on the planet. Big deal. Let them eat cake, or in this case let them go to the emergency room/run up bills and/or die. Someone said it best "All the decision makers in this case have the best health care money can buy. My money."
Pretty much, status quo indeed. I am seriously think about moving to Canada, always loved Montreal. They don't even have any shame that in the richest nation on Earth there are millions of uninsured Americans who will get sick at some point, its inevitable. We all will need health care, no matter how healthy we may be now. Mother Nature calls on us at some point in life. Its just sickening and disturbing to know this is how folks think. Moreover they don't have any other ideas of what to do about this issue. Obama may have been well intended but he misunderstood the mindset of some folks. There are those who are apathetic about those who are uninsured. I saw the other day Ontario passed a bill that legalized brothels, that includes Ottawa the capital of Canada, could you imagine that happening in D.C. The religious fundamentalists would be out screaming like the Taliban whooping on an Afghan woman for showing an ankle or piece of her hair.
Been thinking the same shit about moving to Canada my dude. Its weird how short sighted millions are here but then again it may be an education thing as well. Its no coincidence that the better educated countries get it.
I hear you on that, the political atmosphere is just poisonous, disrespectful and disgusting today. You have the President in a foreign country on a diplomatic mission and one of the Republican contenders comes out and criticizes him while he is still on that overseas trip, speaking about Romney on Obama and Medvedev of Russia, where Obama was speaking to him and the mic was on and the conversation overheard. There seems to be no atmosphere of respect, politeness and decency left. The atmosphere is rank.