I say not but again that is up for debate. I can give more reasons why I believe that but back to the topic. ( we can go there now. I can make another thread. dont make me do another thread. I will do another thread. I WILL.) YOU ALL KNOW IM ONE THREAD MAKING MOFO
This Jewish woman would happily oblige, but I'd much rather punch her in the face. I'd rep for myself, my family and every other Jew in the world.
Heard bombshell is going on a reality show. I hope she does not apppear on tv. Those tats are terrible.
I hope it never comes to fruition. It's not a nice message to send to children. There are kind of questionable ladies with a little edge to them that I like: Pamela Anderson, Kendra from Girls Next Door, etc. You want to cast a "type?" That's okay. This bitch is just an idiot.
Sandra Bullock adopts black baby? Sandra Bullock shows her true racist feelings (Sarcasm!) by adopting a black baby. She started this process 4 years ago with nazi Jessie James not knowing the race of the baby. Sandra found guilty by association for being a racist files for divorce from soon to be ex-husband Jessie James, a known nazi loving racist. How about them apples?
I have my reservations about the whole thing. First, It is very all of the sudden and convenient she has the black baby and never ever address the situation. second, 4 years and they have a 3 month old . hmmmmm third, I hope she is not a racist BUT you are guilty by association but it does nt make you a racist BUT it doesnt look good. fourth , who would in their right mind would make hilter salutes and knowing it would get out and hurt their friends and future kids. she is going to have this child around this known racist who made these photos and have to explain this to the child. self serving to me. Like I stated. I hope she is not but It dont look good. we can give her benefit of the doubt but only 50%
The adoption process is long. They applied 4 years ago and she was told a baby would be available at the end of last year.
There was a report a few months ago that Black boys were difficult to place which was why that pedophile in the news was able to adopt so easily. Sandra has been raising Jesse's kids since the beginning of their 5 year marriage and his youngest daughter is only 5 years old. I find it hard to believe someone like Jesse would be willing to take on the responsibility of fathering a Black child period. This seems like a PR stunt if ever there was one, and was obviously hatched while she was in hiding. Being that they supposedly welcomed the baby home in January I find it odd Jesse and his kids are in none of the photos that are being circulated. For Sandra to go to these lengths to burnish image her behind this scandal means she has plenty to hide in her background and relationship with Jesse. Watch Jesse or someone closely associated with him to spill the beans one day.
i find it very hard to believe that an A list actress would go to such lengths as to adopt a black child for a publicity stunt...wow...over active imaginations in full force...america will forgive tiger woods before they would ever forgive sandra bullock...she is a smart woman...this theory is far fetched... it she wanted to create a media circus...diversion right after the oscars then you would have seen this baby on the cover of ever tabloid magazine in the country...instead she went to people magazine to announce the adoption... she might have said alot of things in that oscar speech that she now wishes she could take back but i bet she is happy she didn't mention her new baby...i wish her well...they are fortunate to have each other...god works in mysterious ways...perhaps he removed jesse from her life so that someone better could step in...
I hope this is not a pr stunt. I hope she is not a racist because I loved her movies , she always carried herself in the most decurm fashion and it would be savage to use a child to deflect bad pr. Now saying all that to say this It is tuff to see her not knowing his evil racists ways and not adopting them. Im not saying she adopted them ( could have. according to alot of people who like top say "you are a reflection of the person you are in a relationship with" then she is a racist). remember you guys are the main ones saying hey you are a reflection....
personally i think it's time to let the sandra is a racist bullshit go...i could give a rats ass if jesse is a racist...she has given him his walking papers...he played...he lost...game over new thread time...
she gave him the walking papers and that is good BUT it still sucks for the following: she went thru the BS when should is a possibly good person. word on the street says she is a good person. ( Makes me mad to ask why bad things happen to good people because it is bullsh%%) he is an IDIOT on many levels i wonder if she saw the warning signs on this guy. she should have because of his well publicized past. she probably turned a blind eye like many other people have in life. i have done it the new baby makes things look bad for her. lets be honest or just bad timing.
the baby is a bright light in her life...you are running with guilt by association...jesse isn't in the picture...time to move on... are we moving too fast for you goodlove?
wow...... The adpotion process started WAY before this crap went down, you are so off track.. as ususal. I dont even know why I respond to you. Your posts scream "agenda".