Anyone have any experience there? How is IR? Im considering there when I graduate. Overall the city seems really nice on paper. Great weather, big city with almost strangely low crime rate for a city of its size. Lots to do, beautiful etc. What makes me kind of wonder though is the exceptionally low black population for a city that big. Not that I care about that what so ever I just find it odd. Anyone have any input on the place?
I have never been there myself...I know people who have alot people from there...yeah the percentage of blacks might be less than average but there are some...but the hispanic population is very large and very close in proximity to mexico...the asian population is significant as well...from my experience interracial dating is alive and well there as I know a slew of black filipino and other mixes produced is also a very big military town
I was stationed in San Diego in the early 90's. I don't know about low black population. Maybe it says that on paper but in person you are not going to be going around wondering where all the black people are. We are in abundance and you factor in San Diego is the largest presence for the Navy and Marine Corp on the Western United States. You will eithe bump into someone military, retired, or some miltary brat. It's cool a good amount of IR out there. One guy that told me about his first trip to San Diego when they still had a boot camp out there and how it was culture shock the amount of IR couples he saw considering he was from a place callled Hammond, LA. It's been a while but check out Ocean Beach, Pacific Beach, and Mission Beach. If you want to chance it as I hear things are alot worse you could always make trips down to Tijuana. Man I miss that place. Do check out Horton Plaza which was a outdoor mall.
By the way I had no problem finding a non black woman to date and I was in my prime back then. Stay out of East San Diego!!! gang banger territory
I lived in Tecate BC for one year, it's in the mountains near San Diego. Don't know anything about the IR there, but there a definitely a lot of Hispanics. I do hate the weather there, personally. Lots of fog, rather on the cold side for the south west, very humid. (I'm from AZ) There's really quite a bit of pollution too at times. Other than that there are a lot of nice places to see, I thought it was generally a very nice city.