I know you wouldn’t expect Salt Lake City to be a haven for interracial dating, but I spent four days there last week and thought I would share what I observed. It started from the moment I arrived in baggage claim. I noticed a bm/wf intteracial couple with a really cute little baby. They were wearing shirts that said Utah Hornets. Curious to what the Utah Hornets were (thought it might be the new NBA D-League team) I googled and it produced the couple’s website (www.utahhornets.com). They apparently coach youth girls basketball. I had been to SLC a couple of years ago and had not noticed much in the way of IR mingling, but this time I went to two new nightspots that I had not been to in 2005. The first was a place called Lumpy’s. I happened in late on their Wednesday night Ladies Night. It was several hours after the Jazz had beaten the Warriors in Game Two. The crowd was very mixed with most of the black men there dancing with or hanging on white women. I wouldn’t say the crowd was upscale. It was mostly collegiate to upper 20-somethings. I was more shocked than anything just to see the sheer number of blacks in one place. The percentage of blacks in SLC has to be among the smallest of any major USA city. I was talking to an older black male employee at the airport on my way out of town and he said he had been in SLC for some 30 years. I asked him why he opted to move here and stay and his answer was simple, “I felt it was a great place to raise my kids.” It really is a beautiful city. Very scenic with the snowcapped Wassatch Mountains. The downtown area is as clean as any city I’ve been to. It has a major university and an NBA team. The next night (Thursday) I ventured into a more upscale downtown spot called Kristauf’s. Again I was pleasantly surprised by the number blacks (4-5 men out of maybe 15-17 people) in the place and the receptiveness to conversation from the white women there. I chatted most of my time there with two women seated at the bar. Now obviously my sampling of the city is small. I don’t venture much outside the vicinity of downtown. I’m not saying that SLC is a place I’d want to live, but for a city that traditionally has a bad rap when it comes to its acceptance of blacks, I enjoyed my time there and the hospitality the city had to offer. I would definitely consider it more closely if ever offered a position in my field there.
Utah is one of the most racist states! In the way that their state religion (Morons) have racism written write into it! You best keep your behind to the city! You couldn't get me to move there for anything in this world. Those inbred mofos scare the beejesus outta me. But then again I live in good 'ol pennsylvanie with one of the largest hate group populations next to maybe NJ, so I am not one to talk!... LOL just read what I wrote, I meant Mormons, whew what a fruedian slip..lol...
Utah is one tired state. If a brother is livin large or plays for the Jazz he would have some fun there but for a regular bro forget it.