Saintaugusta and ladies, question!

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The first fuck what broads think was a general statement about all women not women on this board and the second one was factual. Everyone except for Sin said they don't want their man to fight because it reflects poorly of his character no one mentioned his physical well being. I guess my problem has always been culturally for a lot of women men are nothing more than guard dogs who bring home a paycheck and as much as I hear people go on and on about love that doesn't seem like love to me.
    Great example, last summer me and a girl I was dating were in Harlem drinking coffee at dunkin donuts(she was one of those social workers who liked living amongst "the people") when some teenagers came in talking loud. Another dude was in their with his chick on a date as well and asked the kids to quiet down. He was obviously a white dude who wasn't aware of where he was at and one of the kids basically bitched him in front of his girl. She sat there looking at him in disgust until she couldn't take it anymore and left and hailed a cab leaving homeboy awestruck on the corner.
    I remember me and my date walking home and her saying "I can't believe he let that kid do that to him especially in front of his girl"
    I replied,"What was he suppose to do there were like 8 of them and this Harlem"
    "A woman wants to feel protected when she's with her man Andrae. Don't tell me you would have done the same thing"
    Needless to say that was the last date, a shame too she was gorgeous but then it hit me most women don't really love their men.
    I know for a fact had I been there with a family member or a friend their only instinct would have been lets get the fuck out of here I don't want US to get hurt not I hope Andrae protects us. The fact that the first reaction is I want us to walk away because I want us BOTH to walk away from this bothers me.
  2. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    No, Drae, she's got a point, though. Read through the stuff you've been writing. If I didn't know you better than that, I'd have blasted the hell out of you for being a misogynist. :p I

    How in the frick frackin' hell do you go from this girl wanting to feel protected to most women don't really love their men?!

    There are plenty of family members and friends who would tell a man to whoop some dude's ass. People start getting brave and stupid when they've got people like that around. And let me reiterate- if a man is prone to a fight, there isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop him. My grabbing him by the arm and saying 'No, let's go and get out of here safe, I don't want you hurt' would go over like a lead balloon. A man that would be prone to a fight would push me off, say something like 'Get the fuck off me, I can handle my shit just fine.' and proceed to do whatever he was gonna do.

    Which is when I'd leave his ass wherever he was, and call the cops to report the fight on my way out.

    Any man worth his salt wouldn't need to be told 'don't fight- I don't want you hurt'- the very words don't NEED to be said, because they'd already know me, and they'd know the look of worry in my eyes..but the thought wouldn't enter his mind to fight with ANYONE, so nothing would need to be said.

  3. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    Back in the day, this guy I used to date almost got into a fight at a club we used to go to. He was mean-muggin' dude and doing the chest dance with him. I was praying to God he didn't fight (he had back up cause our other friends were there), but seeing him almost fight made my heart drop. I wanted to jump on the back of other dude if my dude got into it.

    About 2 years ago, I went on a date with a guy to a bowling alley. When he opened the door, this dude got an attitude and starting having words with my date. I assume he was showing off cause he was with another couple and his girl. I guess cause my date had on a Polo shirt with some ripped jeans and probably him being with a WW, that he thought he was gonna be a punk, but he didn't back down. Luckily, nothing happened.

    Here recently, I was with my Pops and this guy (in his car) was sticking out and blocking oncoming traffic. I honked at him cause he was in my way. He flicked me off and that pissed my father off. My pops told me to turn around. I was like no, just forget about it! He was like, "Turn around!". I said, "It's cool, fuck him and leave it alone!". Finally he calmed down, but he wanted to get in dudes ass. Now this wouldn't have been a good idea.

    I think these days, people fight and shoot at the drop of a hat. It's hard not to do something when someone catches your goat. You don't want someone fucking with your manhood, but in the same token, people are crazy! Like the original post mentioned, people pull out cameras for their next YouTube video post. You never know the end result, but I agree with just moving your seat and/or telling the manager. Now if the guy catches you outside, then you have a problem.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Wow Andre, not surprising you'd advise north to END THIS thread now because you advised him to "walk away".

    Even though the FIRST woman who answered, Jordan, said to "walk/move away"...So did the next woman, Lily, and the next, jnick...smh.

    Then you had the nerve to say (then deny when Whicks challenged you)
    "Fuck what these broads think, most are only in it for convience for them. Notice how not one said "if it were my man I'd try to get us out of there as quick as possible. My man means the world to me I couldn't bare him getting hurt" because our safety doesn't mean as much as their sense of safety or pride."

    Here's the thing, apart from being delusional about it being "convenient" for the "broads" here, you act as if a woman's safety isn't as compromised by being smack in the middle if a fight breaks out. You said "we don't care about our man's safety as much as our own", EVEN though we'd be RIGHT there ALSO with our own safety on the line. He was kicking our seat, not our man's, hello!?

    Clearly the planet Dreaming Blue was referring to is called, Planet Andre - no "braaawds" allowed (especially fat ones who call you out on...what's the word you love to use...oh yeah, HORSESHIT!
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    On topic...

    I had a boyfriend who wasn't the type to walk away. He was extremely jealous, possessive and prideful and I can't count the times I was coming between him and another man who my ex thought was staring, getting lippy, etc...and each time after, I would tearfully tell to him that I wasn't going to be the one to call his grandma (who raised him) to tell her he's in the hospital, in jail or dead! I kept begging him to chose his battles wisely and since him, if I get with someone who shows any sense of that...I move on. Can't deal with the possible explosive volatile endings that come from these types of exchanges.
    Oftentimes, the instigators are just looking for a fight with ANYONE.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i have never been in a situation where my bf has been on the border of fighting...if people are annoying i would rather just move to another area;)if someone threatened one or both of us on the street then i would hope we could fend off the criminals
  7. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Since when have I ever been turned on by "he-man" theatrics, Northside? I've said I like a tall strong man, and explained what would most likely happen in your suggested scenario if any man of mine was around. I have yet to hear your take on it.

    MY bottom line is that I couldn't tolerate being with a man who was physically incapable of defending himself or me. I like men whose mere presence garners respect - where people just automatically want to behave themselves for some reason, because the alternative is unthinkable. Have you ever seen the Punjab character in "Annie"? Granted, he is a bit of a caricature, but that is what my man is like.

    Why does this strike you as so odd or worthy of notice (my penchant for large, strong, soft-spoken men)??
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I hear ya girl, hello!


    How you doin?
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again my point was the first thought was "I don't want him to embarass me its so immature to fight" not "I don't want my man to fight because the idea of him getting hurt scares me". I'm just going by what others said not what I thought it should mean. And I used the family example as an example because those represent people who care about me in my life. I just noticed that in any situation where a fight could happen it was always a friend or some other loved one who would actually say "Let's bounce, its not worth it" or some variation of that.
    Most women don't have a problem saying what they don't want you to do when its important to them before hand like "please do what you say you're going to do" or "leave the toliet seat down" and a lot of guys feel like they have something to prove so his girl actually letting him know he doesn't in the heat of the moment can go a long way. Just consider that.
    I explained by what I meant by fuck these broads already. It was a general statement made to illustrate don't worry about what others can say because they aren't the ones responsible for your safety.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You do know he's gay right? And sorry Madea isn't gonna make anyone behave off of sight lol.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I already explained this so go back actually read. Btw those women may have said walk away first but I layed it out to why it was different from what I was saying. Kuniochi you never call me out on anything you just like to disagree. Cool with me though. I like to wrastle lol
  12. saintaugusta

    saintaugusta New Member

    Yeah, Tyler Perry? Not my type. His mouth is too "purdy" lol.
  13. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    HUD (under his pic) = ^
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes I know. I was just playing on her big tall strong..soft spoken. Those are a rare breed indeed, lol.

    (ps its why I wrote "how you doing" right under his pic) ;)

    And no I don't like to argue with you, but 2 women already tried to tell u...I think you just like to take pot shots at the 'broads' here. :smt045
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    LOL. they love to femmies.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you fucking kidding me? I have a deep affection for most of the female members on this board. Believe it or not this is the only sense of community I feel when talking about dating because no one else in my immediate circle dates ww. They'll fuck them but they aren't typically trying to build families with them and I have a few friends who date interracially but its white guys dating black and hispanic women, or bw who only date wm and our issues are extremely unique to us. Team Interracial We All We Got Baby (another t-shirt idea don't steal it people lol)

    I saw what others said and I didn't agree with it and stated why. Kunoichi I promise when I say something it usually comes from a place of logic and righteousness. I don't feel the need to stir the shit pot(like my boy Petty lol)
    I really try to provide a different angle. My approach may come across abrassive, I can admit that but it isn't meant to insult.

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Didn't see the OOHHH HOW YOU DOIN Wendy lol
  18. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    If I have time to jump in front of a bullet, he's got time to move! :p

    I would. :)

    That's what is most important to me too and I tell him that every day. Especially considering where he's at.

    I agree.

    What does that mean?

    I guess you didn't read what I said. I didn't get all extensive as you did. But that is how I feel and he knows it and that's what matters most.

  19. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Interesting topic...

    1. I wouldnt need a guy to start anything in the first place because I would have been turning around myself saying 'Hey, not to be a pain in the ass, but can you stop kneeing my chair?' if that didnt work, I would move seats. No need to get all fisti-cuffs about it.

    2. If it did actually happen and he was getting the bejesus pounded out of him I would jump in to try and break it up. Not many men will hit a woman and if they do well that's my bad luck, I wouldnt stand back and watch my boy get hurt.

    3. Post-event if he's all upset yes I would laugh at him, say maybe 6 months down the track I would make a joke of it because you have to be able to laugh at shit in life. But initially, hell no. I would not feel sorry for him (aside from the pain element) or think he is shit. Although I am against violence and fighting (except when in the movies or with people I dont know who are equal opponents and both willing, ie blood sport which I LOVE) if he were to get into a fight over me I have to be 100% honest and admit that the little girl inside would swoon a little bit even though I would think he is a twat for fighting in the first place and would damn well tell him so.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2011

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