Russian Women and Green Cards, SCAM the sequel

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by jaylon, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    interesting you would say that...

    for the most part, it's always about brothas visiting foreign countries and becoming victims of racism and hatred...and just plain violence in general..

    maybe it's because this is a forum with white women and black men..

    or maybe it's because some posters live in an illusion that blacks are always the victims...



    a white guy can also become just as much of a victim of all of the above, by visiting other countries...foreigners in general...

    a white guy visiting the hood has an equal chance of getting beatdown, just as much as a black guy making a visit to a skinhead ranch


    on the european front tho...maybe a white guy would have a lesser chance at being targeted than a black guy....I wouldn't know..I never visited anywhere outside of the US
  2. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    The same thing happened to me, when I was in touch with someone whom I thought was a woman from Russia. I didn't think about being ripped off at the time I first received a response from "her". I began to wonder a little after reading that "she" fell for me after 2 emails. "She" then asked for $240 for a plane ticket and passport and such, that it should be sent via Western Union money order. I had a profile in an internet dating site, which was where I was contacted by "her". The staff of the site told me that this "woman" said the same thing to several people who had profiles. Then I abruptly stopped contact.

    I should have learned from that experience, but apparently didn't. I received a lot of fake money orders from someone else whom I thought was a fashion designer from Cincinnati, but found out it was a loser internet scammer from Nigeria. I had been in touch with this person for about 2 weeks, through chatting. This from another dating site that I used. I don't use these 2 sites anymore. I still use a dating site, this one carefully monitors the messages that are sent. It deletes them and the profiles that scammers create. It is very strict, but safe.

    I do realize not all Nigerians and Russians are crooks and scammers. I would be extra careful if one is to pursue romance in these countries, or wanting to date and/or marry a Nigerian man or Russian woman. No offense to those Russians and Nigerians who are on here, I'm pretty sure all of you are definitely not like that.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    yeah gotta watch out for that stuff...

    if it's too good to be true, it usually is...

    play it safe and follow your gut instinct before sending money, personal information, whatever...


    you got to do that with women, period :)

    in person or online, you aint safe
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    POJ,that is true since a white male would fit in insides Eastern Europe wheres a Black male would be a target. It makes no difference if he is a collage educated man or illegal immigrant he is still black in their eyes.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    if i were to visit eastern europe, i would ONLY go to places I KNEW were mixed, or friendly to people of color. I would do extensive research on the various towns, and make sure I know HOW to access our US embassy, and where it was located, as well as where our nearest military installation was, just incase things popped off :)

    Brothas serve overseas in lots of countries, so I would feel alright hanging around where they hung at, even if they were some gung-ho marines...

    that would be a safe bet..

    and like i said..if things popped off, you would have someone who could possibly relate to you and help you out.
  6. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    Moskvichka where did you get a picture of that short Russian gal many are 5"9 and taller :D
  7. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That is the most frankest quote I ever read.
  9. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    She's sexy! :D
  10. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Can't put it any better than that!
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that looks like Anna Kournikova's ass...


    don't ask me how I know that
  12. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Ain't that the truth.
  13. DI

    DI New Member

    wow, joliemarie , u ve wrote the best answer to it!!! I m absolutely co-sign, coz u know, its always easy to say how much bad some ppl are! but nobody wants to look at their own actions! if u dont wanna send money, just dont do it! what s the problem with that??? I can say, in US I had such a bad situation...when me and my friend we went to the caffee with 2 guys (black.... :D ) and in 10 min after meeting us, they asked us about doin' sex with them...and of course, we said that we not gonna do it ! and they just LEFT without paying even for their f.... sanwiches!!!!! we were like WTF????!!!!!!!! but we didnt even get mad, it seemed too funny and too stupid to be pissed off! lol
    so...after this shit I dont think all of afro-americans act up this way. so why some ppl like to judge the whole nations by one stupid person?
  14. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Haha, ever tried being white taking a stroll in Soweto? :lol:
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    And being a Afrikaaner.
  16. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Then you'd probably end up with a bullet in your head. And you wouldn't be the first.

    I somehow have a feeling I might have too, if I'd been walking alone (or with a group of white people) and not with a local who'd lived there his whole life. All I got was dirty looks, and a whole bunch of people showing me the finger. I could definitely feel the hate though. (I've got more luck than brain at times.) :D

    (BTW: I know I've said it before, but I want to say it again though- I don't blame any Africans for not being too fond of white people. Especially not the South-Africans. And I've got tremendous respect for the people of Soweto, who for some reason decided not to be any unfriendlier than they were.)
  17. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I'll keep saying it, I wouldn't want to walk at night in some areas that have 90% Black Americans living there, DC, parts of B-More, ATL, Little Rock, Houston, South Los Angeles, Richmond, CA, Seattle, WA, North Las Vegas, North Dallas, Gary Indiana, and the list goes on.

    So STFU about some FSU cutie rippin off some loser.

    As they say Moscow is not Russia and you can not judge a whole people on how a few act. How can you go around doing that shiet when people in America still believe we are Monolithic ourselves????

    Honestly some of you people surprise me...

    Besides 95% of the dudes getting ripped off are middle aged white men, ummm,. why you worried about them? These are the same angry fools that say Vick should be in jail for killn dogs and having dogs fights. Since when it is more important to put somebody in jail over some dogs when you have a president responsible for thousands of lives and sending poor whites, blacks and latinos to their DEATH??

    Foolish ass Nicca, dayum you.

    Props to joliemarie....
  18. Malik True

    Malik True New Member


    I don't mean to hijack the thread and steer it in another direction but, Vick is doing time because the dummy lied to the feds about the dog killing! Had he come clean oh about this time last year he would have skated and would have been playing in the league this year. But wait if you're not sold with that, after he stated he would cooperate fully he proceeded to give the prosecutor less info than the guys who ratted him out then he decided to puff, puff pass once again before he was sentenced :roll:
  19. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Hey Malik, Vick has now entered into a drug rehab program at some prison, and if he completes the program, 12 whole months will be removed from his sentence. This makes me wonder if the whole marijuana thing was actually premeditated, so he would be able to enter into the rehab program and get an early release. If so, his lawyers are geniuses for finding such a loophole in the system and exploiting it.

    And yeah, sorry for the hijack. Carry on. :wink:
  20. Malik True

    Malik True New Member

    please pass due to further hijacking...

    Bryant do you think it would be in the best interest of your client if you were an attorney to tell him or suggest that he smoke; fail the test to have time removed or reduced? How ethical do you think that is? Personally I'd rather believe that Vick being so stoopid yet again, further cemented the fact that he thinks he's above the law and is just an imbecile

    1. a person of subnormal intelligence [syn: idiot]

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