Russian Women and Green Cards, SCAM the sequel

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by jaylon, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    in the other forum index, i mentioned about this relationship with a russian woman...

    well i finally noticed she wants me to send money to her so she can get a passport and other stuff....

    automatically i realized this thing was too good to be i told her i won't be paying for it.....i knew something was fishy when she kept saying she "was in love with me" even after two or three emails...

    i started to have some feeling toward her though but now i felt i was taking advantage of....

    i'm 36 years old and never had a girlfriend....and right now i don't feel too good enough for a women of any race right now.... :cry:
  2. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    this is what she said....word by word...

  3. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    I don't believe you ! You mean never !!!! Man that is criminal :lol:

    Anyhow Yeah, stay away from russians they are fraudesters, you were prolly contacted by a russian man masqurading as woman, most of those poor souls who posted their profiles online were contacted by russian mafia. lol. They deperately want your $ 200. :lol:
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member that you? where have you been? good to see you back...
  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Jaylon, I hope you can get a girlfriend soon. Had you given up on Russian women?
  6. jaylon

    jaylon Member

    i haven't given up on women....not yet...

    however russian way.....too much of a good thing especially if its a scam....
  7. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Good advice Joliemarie. Something to learn from.
  9. joliemarie

    joliemarie Guest

  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Your advice is recommended to any man who wants to date a woman from Eastern Europe. Also a African-American man should be careful in visiting some of those countries
  11. IknowU

    IknowU New Member

    Okayyyy Now lets get straight...You are saying all Estern European woman...umm do you even know all the counrties in eastern europe??
    And that shit is happening cuz of those stupid slutty russian girls who are asking for some redicilous 200$??So if i have a bf from the usa does that mean that i want a stupid green card??ehh??what if he is african -american ??l?Now you really should be careful at your statements!!AND NOW TO ALL RUSSIAN GIRLS WHO ASK THE PEOPLE FOR MINEY:Girls get a job,save the money and go to the USA as a pround women,after you get what you want return to your country or you gonna have to take lots of bullshit!!!Stop being slutty and easy and greedy for stupid green cards!!!!!And just for the record...more south from russia you go more good and proud people you can see!SAY AFRICAN AMERICANS BE CAREFUL WITH THE RUSSIAN GIRLS,but don't make statements about people and places you never been,never seen and places prolly you'll never be!!!
    p.s sory for the crappy english
  12. designer

    designer New Member

    Hang in there brother. 8)
  13. DI

    DI New Member

    u know guys,I get really upset after reding all this... :cry: dont send her any money of course! I m pretty sure she has them! coz 200$ its not a big deal huh?
    and PLS dont say "all russians" . Russia is too big to be judged at once! many russians women and of other nationalities can do that! but not all ok?????
    for example I ALWAYS pay for myself even in the taxi and restaurants. just becoz thats the way I feel myself beying independent.
    and this woman is just acting up and no matter what s her nationality! its up to u guys, but I think smart ppl dont judge the whole nation by one person...
  14. DI

    DI New Member

    :x :cry:
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    The reason I said of African-American men should be careful in visiting some Eastern European countries is because some skinheads hang in those places. The more you learn the more the safety of visiting.
  16. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    Ah those Russian girls............
  17. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Lol her and that dude look sooo mismatched hahaha. That is one helluva boo-tay
  18. IknowU

    IknowU New Member

    LOL dont get mad at me honey...I know that you are a proper cute russian girl..the thing is that some of the russian girls are making a bad impression to the world...i know lots of russian people,at school we had to learn russian cuz of our "slavic" roots and stuff...I also respect the americans..their culture.African-american culture is one of the cultures I am most intersted in and I love OPRAH's movies ...i read a lot about people all over the world ,,but come on now lets respect eachother and try not to heart people's feelings.

  19. IknowU

    IknowU New Member

    U r absolutely right.Same if you are a white man in Iraq , Egypt,and some parts of Africa.Equal chances to get your but kicked
  20. DI

    DI New Member

    yea, i know what re u talkin about...I know what is bad impression on the world which russian girls make that much....I always have a chance to face with it in the arabic countries, or Turkey for example. where the natives pretty sure that all russians are hoes...I m not getting mad, i m just tired of being ashamed for this!!! mand I just wanna errbody to understand that if u meet some stupid person, dont think the whole nation is like that!!!!

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