Are we really not surprised though? I mean Russia is clear cross the world, where brothas really haven't migrated to. But I can't help but think that this is an extension of American racist supremacy which is spawning ignorance and paranoia. For instance, I don't know if you guys remember, but the grand kkk wiz David Duke went over there a few years ago preaching his bs about how allowing ethnic minorities into white cultures leads to crime, disorder, a lowering of social standards and yes...(gasp) race mixing. Every article I've read on this phenomenon is the same. The issue here is xenophobia, which is a basic fear of minorities and other foreigners. But give Russia credit. They recognize there is a problem and are at least trying to rectify it.
This stuff was going on before David Duke arrived, and is probably the exact reason he chose that particular country to help them along in their efforts.
Gotta say this is not news to me, I told you all about this awhile ago, Hell from what i understand David Duke was in the middle east trying to get them folks on the racist bandwagon.
Duke in the Middle East??? I doubt white males are not exactly popular in the Middle East. The Kid Rasta 8)
Actually many Syrians (like Lebanese) are very much genetically white. I have seen Syrians with blue eyes and blonde hair. Arabs are in some ways like Latinos in that they are an ethnic language group spanning many different colors from white and European looking (Syrians, Lebanese) to black and African looking (Sudanese) and everything in between (North African) with only language in common. Here in America, Arabs are socially 'brown', which is probably what partially contributes to your shock. You'd be surprised at how many 'whites' are of Arab (Syrian/Lebanese) decent. Casey Kassem is a famous one that comes to my mind at this time.
That's no joke....i know a girl who is Lebanese and a fairly devout Muslim...and she gets hit on all the time, because white guys thinks she is white. She dyes her hair to a very dark reddish color...and looks like she could be Julia Roberts younger sister...or daughter for that matter.
There have been many news reports of extremist collaboration between white supremists and middle eastern terrorists. I remember being shocked when I heard some of the stories that came out of the Oklahoma City bombing. There was a white supremists who had ties to the OKC bombing and Elhoim City. He ran a phone service called Dial-a-racists. He received funds directly from Iraq from Sadam Hussein. There was also rumor of some kind of connection between McVeigh and Padilla. I guess it is one of those the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Both hate the US and have decided to ban together in their efforts to strike out.
Huh!? What the hell are you tryin' to state???? You don't make the slightest bit of sense. The Kid Rasta 8)
That's not my point. My point is this: Whiteboys from America are not welcome in any Muslim Arab country anywhere. Syrians are not in love with Americans -- particularly white ones! The Kid Rasta 8)
Those syrians and other middle-easterners will treat Duke and white males in general,a LOT better than they'll treat a BM WM are a lot safer and more welcome in the Arab world than BM.. Hitler loved Arabs for their blind,even SLAVE-LIKE loyalty to the white race.. Duke knows what he's doing..he knows Arabs hate Blacks just as much..if not more..than he does..
They are deeply programmed by their history until it effects their karma in anything and everything they do. Russia only exists to be one of the human wastelands of the world.