I'm not worried about that either. This is the party who thought Bobby Jindal and Michael Steele were the anti-Obamas.
Did you really expect there would be another black president so soon when it took over 230+ years to get this one? I'd rather worry about things that affect me in my lifetime.
Steele got no shot to the white house, so is that dumb hockey mom..... the repubs am sure will try to bring Bobby Jindal Romney Hucka-who Jeb Bush and prolly another good looking IV league educated polished white conservative and that idiot doctor from Kentucky might run in 2016 or 2020 as independent like his father I dont know, right now the sentiments in america is anti-obama, he better start swinging his chicago street knoweldege to get back in da track,
There's two more years on the contract, who knows what will happen. America's stupid but not stupid enough to give the keys back to those who ran America in the ground to begin with. If that were the case, McCain would be calling the shots right now. If the Repubs had an actual alternative platform instead of a scraggly bunch of loud, angry hillbillies, slighted white guys and conservative Christians, I'd be worried.
let me explain what is wrong with those choices. Bobby Jindal is the opposite obama. Someone fucked up so bad that a minority got a chance to the position(watch the governor seat in south carolina) but only it was a democrat instead of a republican. He has a chance though if someone really messes up(republicans aren't too kind to people who look like terrorist. Look at the governor race in south carolina again) Mitt is too liberal. The republicans won't pick him ever.Personally, I think he is a great candidate. huck is too right wing religious nut. He will lose the independents and moderates. J.E.B.(which is his intials so no need for bush) fucked up my state bad. I will not vote for him. George bush has wrecked that family for several politician generations.
Rush is a nut. First he wished he would fail and now blaming him for the mess his pal Bush made. The Fatman can't make up his mind.
That same irrational, spoiled brat shit will spell doom for the Repubs. Makes for headlines but it appeals only to the fringe nutjobs. Small House and Senate gains in November for the Right (protest vote), but Obama will win again in 2012 esp. if he does something decisive like end the war in Iraq or Afghan.
The entire GOP agenda is based upon the hope that all their followers are idiots with no sense of recent history. Mary Matalin KNEW what she said was a lie about 9/11, but she still hoped the right wing sheep who watch Farce News would believe it. The Right WIngers base their entire political agenda on the stupidity of the conservative electorate. Obama needs to straighten his spine, withdraw ALL troops from Afganistan and Iraq, target a green energy agenda and get Americans back to work.
Then we need new ones. Back in the 19th century people thought that since that whales were dwindling in numbers that the precious whale oil we used to heat our homes would be gone and with it precious whaling jobs and then we discovered fossil fuel. Another industry will emerge my friend.
That new industry is years away and some people are too lazy to get an education in a new field. Those people are on their own because I need a job.