1. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member

    Tuckerreed you need to read right.
    Several posters agreed that she deserves respect and not the type of cheap joke you posted about her.
    But you deliberately ignored all of them and came hard on Sardonicgenie.
    It is you who started the whining about why we should post Rosa Parks on an IR site. :!:

    You did the same thing when we pointed out the many suffering Black people of New Orleans during Katrina.You went on to whine about why people are blaming Bush.
    Out of all posters on this topic you are the only one that has written disparagingly of Rosa Parks.

    Please :roll:
  2. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    I have a great deal of respect for what Rosa Parks accomplished. RIP
  3. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member

    Well at that time Blacks were being oppressed in South Africa .Her act of defiance inspired other oppressed Blacks to do the same :
    to have the courage to challenge an oppressive regime.
    Hey a woman has done it.. :shock: :shock:
    What about us men :?: :?:
    We can do better than that :!: :!: :!:

    FYI Separate development in South Africa meant that Blacks were not treated like second citizens,not third citizens,BUT FORTH.
    The order was White---East Indian---Colored(mixed race)---Black.
    It meant that the crumbs from the Whiteman's table were first given to the East Indian.
    After the East Indian had had his full, he left the crumbs to the so-called Colored,then finally the Blackman got what was left of the crumbs. :shock:

    It was a big challenge for the Blackman.(sorry ,I seem to be gender insensitive) :wink:

    Blacks got inspired by what was happening in America because you were going through an almost similar situation.

    Now the majority..Blacks are ruling in South Africa.The ruling party ANC(African National Congress) has two thirds majority in parliament.
    BUT we are NEVER going to legislate reverse racism.(IT IS NOT OUR NATURE) :)
    All are equal !!!!
  4. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    tuckerreed: I already told you that I thought your comment on Rosa Parks finding a good ole' white Alabama boy was insensitive. I have not continued to comment on it because I have considered it a wasted effort.
  5. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Thank you, Blacklov, and lain. My thoughts exactly.

    Edit: And to Blacklov, yes, it was a woman who inspired change, but let's not forget who took it a step further afterwards (Malcolm X, Huey Newton/Bobby Seale, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Al Sharpton, etc.) Most of our societal leaders are MEN.
  6. Blacklov

    Blacklov New Member

    I agree with you completely.
    I know about all those men; just that I was trying to answer his question as to how Rosa Parks 'attacked' apartheid SA .

  7. Silvercosma

    Silvercosma New Member

    There were many men and women doing the exactly same thing long time before Rosa Parks, but didn't get the same public support and acknowledgement.

    Most of them will remain nameless, but maybe you heard about Jack Roosevelt Robinson who refused to obey an order to move to the back of the bus in 1942. Or what about Irene Morgan, who was arrested and jailed for refusing to give up her seat on a Greyhound bus to a white person 11 years earlier than the famous Parks, which even resulted in a victory in the Supreme Court, or Claudette Colvin, who had refused to relinquish her bus seat as well, but was deemed an "unsuitable symbol for the cause" because Colvin was only 15 but pregnant and therefore wasn't supported by the NAACP like the NAACP secretary Parks was.

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