Ron Paul Supporter: “Assassinate N-Word Obama And Monkey Children The Facebook comments Where is the secret service I forgot half of them are racist nutjobs to.
Somebody here already posted an image of that bastard speaking his ills. And for the record, Paul supports come out of the woodworks and literally from the loony bin too.
he is not a supporter....he is trying to be america's highest position and he is saying this. you want him as your leader huh ? You are ok being called a monkey huh?
I thought their are laws that prohibit people for saying such things such as ASSASSINATING a standing US president and threatening to kill CHILDREN!?!? Why isn't these laws being enforced? Why isn't he on trail for advocating violence against children?!? Especially against the First Family!?! Where's the public outrage for advocating violence against children?! If these were white children, all the bleeding heart liberals would come from the woodworks and perform a media lynching. But I guess it's different that the children are black and the President is BLACK. SMH at the double standards.
This has always bothered me when people say this shit. Black people typically vote democrat look it up. On average we poll at 89% and 95% for Obama but that could easily be attributed to the youth vote that voted in the highest numbers in history. I think the big thing being said here is this guy is openly saying the President and his children should be killed. Please find me an example of a black person saying that about Bush. Take your time I'll wait.
I said him and his family. Don't back pedal on me now bro. Paniro help me out to understand you. Do you think black people are the worst people on earth or that white people do no wrong or less wrong. You never seem to be fair about anything. If you want to say the Black Panthers are a bunch of racist fine, even though I don't agree I can see your logic but when try to act like its the same thing as Klansmen its disturbing since Black Panther party in any incarnation has never mobilized in trying to kill and oppress white people. Essentially they're harmless.
Save your breath..he's too far gone.That's if he's even Black. All that shufflin' Sambo needs is a South African necklace.
In case you failed to look at the bigger picture, there were a lot of white people who did not approve of Bush and his policies, especially pertaining to war in Iraq - which was the focus as to why people disapproved of him. Wasteful spending on lies, deception, and above all, LOTS of blood on his and his administration's hands. You're comparing apples to oranges here, Charlie (as usual). And I doubt you've even bothered to remember all that given your limited memory. Obama's policies are mostly economically based and while there are *some* legitimate worries, the conservative base purposely ignore the previous administration racking up so much debt due to wasteful spending on war. This current president is rectifying that, despite some financial risks. All in all, the economy is slowly getting better, though at a turtle's pace. But obstructionism via Red House majority has been making it much more difficult for the President to get many things done. All in all, much of the hate from Bush differs from Obama, yet Obama receives a lot more hate mail and death threats from a lot of people compared to Bush. Remember, this is a country where the majority identify themselves as conservative, therefore given Bush granted a second term despite the deceptions, he still received a major pass for keeping unnecessary fear alive.
I joined this forum just around the last presidential election. I made it very clear then that I was *not* an Obama supporter and that I had no intention on voting, because there was no candidate that I felt deserved my vote. I'm a registered republican; but truthfully I'm about as middle of the road as one can get. I actually agree with you that it is pathetic as well as racist for a person, white or black, to vote for a candidate based solely on their skin color. What I don't understand, however is how you and Iggy don't realize that you come across as blindly supporting GOP candidates just for the fact that they are GOP and that's really no different or better than someone who votes Democrat for the exact same reason.