Romney speaks the truth (sparks outrage)

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Iggy, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member



    And you're the same dude who asked just the other day what have you ever posted that could be considered as suspect, so of course you would be the ONLY individual here who would think this is not off the rails and an out of touch with reality viewpoint...
  2. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Romney has to realize one truth, he cannot fight the press who are stacked against him. I for one will not vote for him or Obama. I will throw away my vote by writing in Johnson.
  3. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    yeah after sleeping on it I've come to the opinion that he probably shouldnt have said that (even though its basically true). Therre are folks out there that arent voting for Romney no matter what so why pander to them?

    BUt he probably should of kept it to himself and understand that the left wing media is gonna run with it and blow it out of proportion.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Umm hmm. His comments didn't get blown out of proportion. Just like you, he said what he believes to be true because he lives in an out of touch bubble. Unfortunately for both him and you the rest of us who actually live in and function in reality rather than a bubble know the truth far better than either of you.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It aint over till its over. Reagan 1980 fam
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    How is the press stacked against him? Elaborate
  7. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    Romney has conservative Fox News in his pocket. Obama has liberal ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CBS in his pocket. 1 to 5. Obama will win with this advantage to get his message out. Nothing wrong with this. Obama has the key to success. Romney has lost. Obama has won.
  8. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    LOL @ dumb motherfuckers like Iggy. The people that Romney are demonizing are the working poor (60% of the people who pay no federal income tax still pay payroll tax), members of the military, the elderly and the destitute. The fact is that many of the people that he's demonizing would be voting for him too.

    The states highlighted in red on this chart show the heaviest distribution of people who don't pay federal income tax.


    Surprise, surprise. Those are all red states, in other words, Romney voters. Plenty of the people who don't pay federal income tax are in fact poor and working class whites who vote Republican religiously not just shiftless negroes and hispanics like Romney and the rest of the Republican propagandists.

    Seriously, motherfuckers like Iggy are proof that rank and file Republicans don't know shit about shit. Most of the exemptions that the workers who don't pay federal income tax use to avoid paying said tax, such as the Earned Income Tax credit, were instituted by Saint Reagan in his much publicized Tax Reform of 1986. That's right motherfucker, by saying that Romney's comments were "genius," you're pissing all over the legacy of your false Conservative deity.

    I won't even get into the fact that while these people don't pay the federal income tax, they still payroll taxes, sales taxes, sin taxes, property taxes etc., which are all regressive. Nor will I venture into the fact that it's farcical for a guy like Romney, who doesn't pay federal income taxes himself, and has done everything to try to cheat the tax code for his entire adult life to turn around and complain about people not paying taxes.

    I'll just end this point by saying that it's laughable for somebody who identifies himself as a black man to run around thumping his chest after hearing some thinly, and mean thinly, veiled race baiting bullshit get spouted by a bunch of rich white Republican donors closed doors. I don't know if that negro is afflicted by Stockholm Syndrome or just garden variety insanity and self-loathing, but the shit is fucked up.
  9. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    The Liberal media is myth spouted know nothing parrots. In reality, the majority of them are a bunch of corporatist whores who say whatever they're told to by the multinational conglomerates that own their networks.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2012
  10. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Spot on.

  11. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    The map says it all.

    Its not just Shaquesha in the Housing Projects in Chicago, Detroit and Oakland with 5 baby daddies, collecting section 8 and food stamps on the taxpayers dime.

    The 47% also includes a lot of dead set Romney voters as well from Red State America chilling in their double wide.
  12. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member


  13. demattha28

    demattha28 Member

    gotta love a dude saying "they" don't pay any taxes; when he won't release his taxes.
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True,it is just the pure hypocrisy of the Right. Sad they are so hateful that they will not vote for their REAL interests.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You forgot about all those right wing talking heads on the radio like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity and others like them. Makes the media representation about even with them thrown in IMO.
  16. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    Anyone listening to any of those formats and folks for actual critical news would be better served believing in the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot were given birth to by Martians who came to Earth and dropped them off.
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Explains why you have a segment of the population out there that believe Obama is a Muslim and was born in Kenya. Not that most of them needed certain media outlets to put that kind of logic in their heads to begin with.
  18. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    Romney pissed off a lot of people. And comments like that are rich (pun intended) coming from a guy who won't release his tax returns, whose company tried to exploit every tax loophole it could find, and hides his wealth in offshore bank accounts.

    Fred said it best, people such as the seniors, people living below the poverty line, veterans, etc make up the majority of those who don't pay income tax. More specifically white males who only achieved high school degrees. And more of then live in red states than anywhere. Not to mention thousands of millionaires. And just because you don't pay income tax doesn't mean you pay NO taxes.

    The only ones defending Romney's comments are die hard conservatives who would probably have a stroke if they actually tried having a fact based thought on their own. And even then there are plenty of conservatives who have come down on him.

    Romney's unfavorables are rising, Obama is out-polling him in pretty much every battle state, including Virginia. His overseas trip was a disaster and an embarrassment, the Republican National convention could have put a meth head to sleep, his Libya response was so juvenile and opportunistic even the media seemed disgusted, and these recently released video comments did him no favors. Not to mention the fact people in general, including conservatives, can't stand Mitt Romney. They just hate Obama.

    At this point the only strategy Republicans have left is riling up their base with dog whistles and coded language, class warfare, trying to suppress the vote in whatever swing state they feel they can getaway with, rely on their billionaire benefactors, and exploiting the ignorance of their increasingly moronic base.

    The funny thing is they're most likely still going to lose.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ronald Reagan 1980 homie. Don't under estimate him or the stupidity of this country
  20. Jase

    Jase Active Member

    After Bush got re-elected in 2004 I'll never underestimate how many idiots we have in this country. But Ronald Reagan of 1980 would be seen as a liberal by 2012 Republicans and conservatives, if he were alive and running for election today, no matter how much they love worshiping him.

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