This one is guaranteed to get a mixed reaction. Remember the book "Illuminata" by Marianne Williamson that was a bestseller in the mid-nineties? I'm reading it now and here's a passage from it: "In various cities throughout the US, I have led the following ritualized apologies to the African American and Native American peoples. They represent their forefathers as well as their children's children, as they participate with us in embracing God's Answer to the pain of a wrongful past. ...I have asked African Americans and Native Americans to stand, then hold the hands of a white American next to them. Repeating after me, white America then says: AMENDS TO THE AFRICAN AMERICAN To the African American of the United States For what has been done to hurt you and offend you, For the evils of racism throughout our history, Please forgive me and please forgive this country. I acknowledge to you the evils that have occurred here In your life and in the lives of your ancestors. On behalf of my nation, I deeply apologize. If I could rewrite history, I would, but I cannot. God can. Dear God, please do. I acknowledge now the genius of your people, And the brilliance of your spirit, And the pain you have endured. May the demon of racism be cast off, Out of this country and away from this world. May there be in this nation a correction and resurrection, That nevermore shall any hearts be enslaved. May the future be made new, May the pain of be past be gone forever. May past hatred, dear God, now become a present love. May forgiveness truly wash us clean. May black and white America have a miraculous healing. May we begin again as brothers, for that is what we are. God bless your children unto all generations. May the spirit of this amends being peace to your soul. Truly, you have waited long. I bless your children. Please bless mine. I thank you. And I thank God. Amen."
cowboysfan is actually a white guy who loves to race bait hes a frequent annoyance on another forum...
...We need to promptly redirect the tone of this thread. Myself and others on this site don't have to agree on everything, but we try to allow everyone free expression of their feelings..... However, let me implore you to change your tone as it is not constructive. Open dialogue is welcome, but a facetious attitude will not endear you to anyone here. The above underlined statement will definitely spark animousity, so let me encourage you to refrain from such generalized statements. Continue with the open dialogue, but be sure you're constructive about it. Otherwise, this isn't the place for you. Carry-on family....
cowboy, you may have a few grudges here and there by the posts you made, I am sure we all do. But, this is off topic and usually once a thread is off topic its hard to get back on topic of what the original OP was saying, I know you may reply stating this or that but please if its not on topic just let it go. And to the OP I do agree with everything to a certain extent, this would of been cool like in the 50's but for people now adays to get together and say that I don't know.. Unlike yesterday today isn't so black and white anymore ya know there are lots and lots more races here compared to yesterday unless that chant recongnize every race and uniting everyone as "brothers and sisters and stuff" or try to it could work, but this is a heavy focus on slavery and stuff, what if a native amercian say what about us? what if the asian community say what about us? with if the latin community etc etc you see where I am going? :wink: Good post none the less though.
..Ok, I try really hard to NOT be an asshole on here. Let's set the record str8. First, I'M NOT SELECTIVE OF ANYONE ON HERE. I don't feel the need to put the "WHITE BOY" in his place. You're obviously new here, otherwise you'd know that I typically attempt to put out any fires brewing, whether they're initiated by WW, BM, OR "WHITE BOYS". watch how you come at me pardna'. I would rather there be an honest dialogue, so I attempted to temper your tone, I'd rather not see some other fiery posters stick a cyber-foot in your ass.... You best learn who is friend or foe so you can be more productive. However, it's obvious you came to this board looking for beef rather than take some friendly advise. if you're looking for beef, trust me, you'll get. That ignant-ass statement I underlined above reveals your true feelings and foul my guidance will no longer be afforded to your undiscerning ass. ...SO FOR THE FINAL TIME, I IMPLORE YOU TO TEMPER YOUR TONE, OR GET THE FUCK OFF OF THIS SITE. ..Family, do you see why I try to avoid these threads now? Mentally exhausting.
My apologies Red, I'll try to fall back. I just don't like when individuals attempt to create animousity in an arena that's meant for open dialogue. I'll heed your request lil'homie.
Thanks, I never saw you really get that heated on the fourms before so I figured a better time then never things are getting in a wrong direction to quickly.. thanks for being the bigger person about it. :wink:
off topic, off topic, off topic....----------) ( ( ) ------------ | | -----> Back on the on topic Train
For the sake of staying on topic I will answer your question of why I said what I said in general it seems like you were bashing or more like flaming which is infact bashing... and it seems as if you were bashing us (blacks) because it seems to you we were blaming/bashing whites for all the evil done etc etc, it seems like you have been keeping this mentallity up since the very first post you ever posted here. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt and welcomed you on these fourms, but it seems like you are picking fights left and right for a moment I could see what you were going through by posters attacking you since at the time I was also being attacked by a group of posters for my prospective. But the difference between me and you is you keep it up in an on going battle for what I dont know, while I on the other hand let go and move on. There is still a chance for you to be on the fourms because I can't speak for everyone but I assume that we like like different kinds of people on here etc. But the way you are going you just may actually get banned, which in the end would be a total waste. Sorry OP for my off topicness. :roll:
...Red, surely you'll forgive me family.... YES, OPEN DIALOGUE. Clearly, that's not what you're here for. All of us on this site disagree often, but the idea is to respect one another's opinions. You claim you want to have open dialogue, yet you bring this cynical attitude to this board. Mostof us don't mind WM contributing on this board, me included. HOWEVER, when you bring a non-constructive attitude design as a forum for WW & BM, naturally you're going to get flamed. Obviously you don't get that. So, clearly you're here to instigate confusion and animousity. Whether you like it or not, this forum is designed fo WW & BM who share common interests to congregate and share common views. You obviously don't fit that demographic. So what's your purpose? Those like Red who attempt to give you the benefit of the doubt (including myself) receive hostility in return. So now it's time to get your bitch@ss off this forum due to your lack of positive contribution or feedback. I'm sorry we're not interested in hearing the "white man's" perspective. We see that everyday...this isn't the arena for that. Your tendency to group black folks into some "self-pity-blame-the-white-man" group is of no use on this board and very offensive. I clearly shows the flaw in your own character. There's nothing healthy about what you're instigating. Time for you to find another avenue to express your views.
Hey Beauty, I dunno, but it was clear he came here not for a healthy debate, but to cause confusion and elicit more animousity and anger, imo. I don't think his "position" benefits the purpose of this forum at all. ....nonetheless, post more pics! :lol:
Lol you're greedy.I dont wanna post all my pics here but if u give me ur yahoo I can share a few more on messenger
... 8) 'preciate that family. We might fight amongst one-another, but I'll be d@mned if I let an outsider poison the household. ...don't stay away so long next time.
{giggling girlisly to myself} Yes, send. Me, greedy. Me, perverted. Need material. J/! gulld0218@yahoo
You know I find it really goofy that the mod/webmaster deletes nasty comments and users from a controversial thread. In the end what is said is quoted by other people. It makes for a non sequential read. As a member of quite a few msg boards in other interests I suggest simple "douche bagging" a user, when a user earns this title every post made by the user starts with "I 'm a total and utter douche bag: " or lock a post down This is the internet and I am past feeling sensitive about things I read on the net.