Live long and Prosper... Another Celebrity succumbing to cigarette smoke even though he quit 30 years ago. i.e. Johnny Carson, Peter Jennings, George Harrison, etc.... Will there be more victims from E-cigarettes and marajuana smoking? Live long and prosper Leonard Nimoy...
Cell phone use is poised to replace cigarettes as the #1 cancer causer. It took 60 years to put warning labels on cigarette cartons,and judging by how gullable and uninformed people are today,it'll be 100 years before cell phones(especially "smart" phones) are forced to. Have you noticed, when cell phone safety is discussed... people that make cell phones NEVER SHOW UP. They don't even send a spokesman. Cell phones (especially "smart" phones) spew absurd levels of ionizing micro-wave radiation. Cell phone towers transmit cancer and luekemia in all directions from miles around...even frying surrounding trees. Notice all the dead trees. Bees can't find their hives..... navigation system fried.... by cell phone frequencies...not cigarette smoke. 70% of the vegetables we eat are pollinated by bees. Birds are dying off in DROVES. Turn off your gadgets and just look around..Notice the abandoned nests on your beloved cell phone towers. I wonder why those nests fail..Could it be..... ionizing micro-wave radiation?? Hmmmm. A 6 week old monkey knows the answer to that.
He is such a part of my childhood and young adult life as both Spock and narrator of the old "In Search Of..." series. R.I.P.