Well, I was just telling you what others on the web said. I took a look at her twitter and did not see "niggabitch". I did see these tweets for this month, the bottom two are Drake lyrics. She's a young, stupid girl. Maybe she will think twice about using that word...the magazine should have known better.
The word nigga is not the n-word and context is everything. As long as you make a word taboo for the sake of making it taboo you give it too much power. Context is everything my friend.
ROFL. Personally I don't care too much for Rihanna. Something about her I've never liked when she opens her mouth. She is the epitome of the kind of women I despise as far as her presentation as a woman. Sounds hot headed and ignorant as hell. Chris Brown may have clocked her a$$ but I bet you she wasn't some meek lamb during that scenario that led up to that. Not saying that was right but as the saying goes two sides to every story. As far as the comments in the Dutch Magazine, they are just as ignorant as when Rihanna opens her mouth. Peas in a pod.
Ugh, damn she stupid. Rihanna is De IgnorantIdiot. That is what the Dutch magazine title should have been. She uses "nigga" more than a gang banger on Cell Block D The worst is young girls listen to her filth and follow her religiously when she speaks like a Grade A moron. She doesn't exactly come from a place of high standing herself with her usage of the term incessantly. It seems to be a staple of her limited vocabulary. You want respect as a man or woman, you conduct yourself with respect. Let others know what's up and how to approach and address you. She seems to have no problems disrespecting herself. Be the example that you want others to be or sit the fuck down if you are willing to disrespect your own self then try to claim respect from others.
Correct. "You are what you say", so people need not to wonder, if they are disrespected, if they don't respect themselves. And I mean both of them, Rihanna and the author.
Exactly. I mean her tweets sound so bloody ignorant. Even claiming the "nigga" in her came out and fuck this nigga and that nigga, W.T.F. is wrong with her. Shouldn't be any doubt left as to why someone can disrespect you when you reference even yourself and speak in such tones as par for the course. SMDH.
It doesn't matter how Rihanna presents herself, the magazine editors and writer(s) of that article should be fired. The followup statement from the magazine was even worse than what they initially published.
To be honest, I couldn't care less about her, because as you already mentiined, her way to express and the picture she is painting about herself, just leaves one message. I do anything to make more and more money. I wouldn't even wonder, if her next song would have exactly that title ...
:smt023 The bottom line is she is trash in her ability to communicate as a respectful individual. I would actually get fired up if they had made such comments about Michelle Obama, but not someone who presents absolute filth to the black community like Riahnna. More to the general topic She strikes me as simply a classless, disrespectful, uncouth creature when I hear her voice. She is a continuing part of the very problem that makes idiots at this magazine and the countless others out there believe they can utilize such terminology without pangs about doing so. Why can't we as black folks acknowledge our own stupidity as well. Instead of setting an example we have so called entertainers that make a mockery and caricatures out of blacks by being minstrel acts for a majority white audience. When most white kids buy hip hop songs and recite the lyrics that are laced with nigga, bitches and hoes every other line, why is any of this somehow shocking. Then we will always scream how da white man hates us, but fully well know we have those among us that have next to no self respect and no bottom too low. Look at how Riahnna communicates, listen to her songs, listen to her words and actions. Totally unbecoming. There are people fighting hard to present better for blacks and you still have these minstrel show performers dragging us back down. Slippery slope indeed. Being well spoken, polite and respectful will not make others stop hating you for being black, but its more about yourself as a person and less about them. This poster online said it best. Rihanna ain't no Michelle Obama that's for darn sure. Sick of the fucking excuses we make as black folks. We need to grab the mirror and look in it. How many times in the past did we ever hear Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Count Bassie, Billie Holiiday refer to themselves as "niggas" while being entertainers. Today's black popular entertainment culture in America is sheer "niggadom." Yet we are aghast when we hear these stories and want to be taken seriously when actions run counter to that. Why I ask, why.
I wish assholes would stop making believe that saying a word is just a word. Context matters a lot. And I will bet a weeks pay all those entertainers that you listed called themselves and other blacks niggas it just wasn't accepted in popular culture to do so. You think rappers were the first people to ever say that as an endearing term? Nigga please.
None of those black entertainers had to reference themselves as niggas to sell records. There is context and there is ignorance bro. So let me get this straight we use degrading terms in popular entertainment but then want to get up in arms and lose sleep when it backfires on our asses. These cats are nothing but minstrel acts and would say anything for a buck, anything. We as blacks don't just use the term among us. We utilize it in a form of entertainment to the wider world, referencing ourselves as "niggas" for their amusement. Look how far around the world hip hop has spread and then we are shocked that people in other cultures are saying, nigga this and that when they may not have even met a black person in their entire life. We keep trying to excuse this shit among us as black folks but then want to get our panties and underwear in a bunch when it comes back to bite us in the ass. When it is the most influential brand of black music that has helped spread the mentality global. What is there here to defend exactly, can you tell me. What is defensible. That we can say nigga to our hearts content and reference bitches and hoes, but its so awful when others utilize it because their skin color is not ours. But yet black entertainers are still selling those notions of ourselves to other races of people for those dollars. So we need to either deal with that shit or sit the fuck down, because its about that paper and every muthafucka for themselves. Hip hop doesn't just circulate among the black community so we can pat each other on the back and say my nigga, it is global and people of other races and cultures recite those same lyrics as well without any compunction about context as you and I may allude to. Which leads to why are we or should we be shocked or mad when an irrelevant Dutch magazine thinks they are being humorous by utilizing such a term to refer to a black person who has used the term more than white on rice in reference to themselves and their lyrics. These fools at the magazine may have actually thought they were indeed being humorous or using it "contexutally" given how much Rihanna herself uses the term as part of her "phony ass" limited vocabulary. You are trying to defend the indefensible. If you don't respect yourself no one else will. Asking for respect when you can't even respect yourself is some straight bull.