Reverse Racism

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hey, next time ask him if he wants your hot "white c*nt" what he

    sorry couldnt resist
  2. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hey Jelly, I dont think the "hate" manifested by blacks towards white people is justified. And honestly, i think its a scape goat at best.

    Ofcourse there is is a major difference between "motivational" racism, i.e. acting with "dark" intent based primarily on race, and "consequential" racism, actions that are by-products and consequences of raciality

    In this case, this is where racist motivation of affirmative action plays a major role.... It may be benevolent in intent (of course, those whites who are rejected to make room for affirmative action beneficiaries will disagree), but the intent remains to allow black americans to "catch up" so to speak. There is no such thing as divided schools in the states. Nor are blacks getting an inferior education (come on now). I hate to say this, but people should be judged based on their actions, and nothing else. Its a simple logical construction. If A, then C, then E, then G. If you go to school, pay attention IN CLASS and graduate, chances are you will end up having a better life than your parents (if youre poor). Your children will benefit and the cycle of poverty will be completely wiped out until someone slacks off. In the same fashion ,of you choose not to go to school, or study every single day after school (doing your homework) chances are you will not be better than the average citizen, and thus you will suffer financially. Its that simple

    And I actually think the attepmt to reverse racism towards white is pretty sick and twisted. I mean, if an African American, born in the US but raised his entire life in Africa,, were to come to the US, he would get the full benefit of the "reverse racism" (aka affirmative action). The reverse is also true, a Polish-American raised in Poland would be "punished"..... the height of irratioonality would be when our two hypothetical prodigals returned home and were competing for the same prize under affirmative action.... Lucas would be penalized simply because hes white, in order to redress wrongs that he has NEVER been a party to committing, and Tyrone would be advantaged simply because he's black in order to redress wrongs of which he has NEVER been a victim....does that make sense toyou??

    That, especially given that what we have here is institutionalized (read bureaucratic) processes/actions,,, which is a real, pure ,reversed and twisted form of racism. It may not be as twisted as burning crosses, hung men under trees and Jim Crow laws, but it is still racism, and it is still hurtful.....especially to some of these white liberals who want nothing more than "peace and equality".

    If the ends does in fact justify the means, then reverse racism may be "affirmative" to an extent....the jury is out-since both the law of unintentional consequences as well as the realism of the return on investment have yet to be fully manifested.... however if the end does not turn out as intended (if african american dont catch up as intended), then clearly reverse racism would be "bad" in all its effects. Unfortunately for the supportres of reverse racism (affirmative action),,,diversity, and that whole bowl of soup, it appears as if things are not turning out as well as we want them to. If, alternatively, one believes that two wrongs do not make a right, then reverse racoism and affirmative actions is simply heartbreaking//.

    When you fight for to get advantages for being discrimnated, and the basis of your infighting is race, then you're being racist. Flip it around....when a white man hates a person simply because he is black, there's no doubt he'd be considered racist by most people....whats so hard to understand that the reverse is true???

    anyways... have a fine sunday, i'm out this bitch
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Lol MALIKOM thinks every black person that isnt AFRICAN AMERICAN (read africans, aboriginals etc) "ugly" or "weird" looking by default.... You notice in my threads on black women he said something about tyrese not "looking" afican?, When the truth is tyrrese could easily be from fuckin senegal or is bad,,,whats even worse is discrimination towards your own kind

    haha later
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    1) Who are you?...
    2) Do you have any idea what you are saying? - reading your posts with your made-up terms and phrases ("motivational racism"?) gave me a headache.

    You have no idea what your talking about, because anyone who starts their post on the premise that all public schools in the US are equal clearly has been drinking their own bath water.

    Please stick to the things you know...patting yourself on the back and meaningless sex.
  5. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Thanks Mah!

    No issues, I like sexy feet, who doesn't???
  6. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member


    got-it ;)
    I wish aboriginies and any other minority would stop copying AA - it really pi$$es me off..anyway - that's another thread. :)

    Metrics - at least we're living in the 21st century....who uses imperial any more!!!?!?!? :lol:

    You should watch "chopper" with Eric Banna - fabulous aussie movie, true story about a classic underworld figure named chopper! check him out on wiki.


    Notice his ears? They were cut off in prison...Nice! :)

    :shock: Townsville....OMG. was he an AJ?
    The flight is not that long - 13 hrs from LA to Brisbane, 2 hrs from Brisbane to Townsville.
    Towsville is nice if you like AJ's, beer, footy, beer, heat, beer, humidity and beautiful beaches that you can't use.
    Me personally, not my kind a town ;)
    I will always encourage anyone to visit Australia. Things here are great, and beautiful. Life couldn't be any better! :D


    Last time I was there, the beach was closed, because a crocodile was swimming up and down ;) Not that you can really use the beach anyway - because you will probably get stung by a deadly jellyfish....even though the temp is about 43 degrees celcius and 90% humidity. Lovely. :)

    Hmmm - thanks for the heads up...not my style, but I'll surely keep it up my sleeve. He's probably use it as justification of rape if he's big and drunk enough! :) hehe.

    I truly don't understand it. I was trying to come up with an equivalent thing for me as a white person to say. I couldn't think of anything[/img]
  7. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    I did not know this about men? Although i did date this gorgeous BM in England for a time and when we had 'sleepovers' he refused to take his socks off - even during sex. Never saw his feet.
  8. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Its a black thang, trust me watch some Interracial Porn....
  9. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Those kids are just doing a peace sign, I saw that a lot in Korea when I was there but I think it stood for victory instead and when you say copying AA you are generalizing you should have said a sub-culture or the rap culture.
  10. shaft2k4

    shaft2k4 Active Member

    To be fair, she did state in her previous post "AA in media" and AA "music stars" specifically.
  11. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Ok got it.
  12. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Hehe – that is actually funny - what was disturbing was when you said your friend came to Australia and spent a couple months in Townsville?

    Ive been on enough long haul flights to know I will never get used to it. Nothing can make 15-20 hours on a plane bearable..not alcohol, sleeping tablets nor depriving yourself of sleep 2 days beforehand..just remember to wear pressure sox 'cause the last thing you want when you reach your destination is to wake up with 'cankles'.

    FEHG – Love the pictures in your post – especially the kid with the footy - so cute. I never see any aboriginals where I am – Victoria – i think we have the smallest aboriginal population.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    youre not smart enough to understand my post.....are ya kid??.

    Basically to break it down for your slow paced mind……what I said was that Reverse racism is being used to allow blacks to "catch up" to whites

    However this is not a good thing because:::

    1) Two wrongs dont make a right,,,African americans are NOT catching up....ok?..

    2)The achivement gap in school stopped narrowing a decade ago. While white kids are rising in terms of G.P.A- black kids are going the opposite direction.

    3)Reverse racism, affirmative action and all that mistreatment of whites primarily due to misdeeds of the past is detrimental to black kids, which in turn hurts black communities… you understand??

    4) black students that practice reverse racism, tend to be disobedient whilst bullying some of the best teachers in school premises (white teachers),…… causing teachers to not only quit teaching said schools. but to also despise black people…

    5) public school systems may not be completely equal, but it’s not a fucking racial matter. A public school is called a public school for a reason. Any parent black or white can send his child to whichever public school he deems necessary. You cant blame the schools for fleeing white teachers, nor can you blame the government for poor performance test scores of blacks…

    6)Don’t even bother replying to me -jelly brain. I thought you were smart,,,but it seems your brain turns to jelly bird shit when reading anything intelligent…

  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    To anyone reading this…….im not racist against black students or saying white teachers are better than black teachers. However, Firstly if youre going to say that white schools are better than black schools, then that’s saying white teachers are better than black teachers. A school can have the worst funding, and still rank high in test scores if it has good teachers and ambitious students…..plain and simple. Without good teachers or students that want to learn, no amount of funding will increase test scores........if you cant see this,,,,youre retarded….

    The success of a school is not determined by how good the school looks, or how new the text is,,,,it is based on the rate at which students graduate. White students have a higher graduation rate than black students. More white teachers graduate from teachers college. TRhe majority of high achieving blackmale graduates from teachers college DO NOT return to the “hood” to teach, they are too busy impressing white kids in the suburbs. white teachers that choose to teach black schools sometimes have to FLEE said schools due to consistent bullying and reverse racism ….

    Maybe if "more" African American parents involved themselves in the academics of their children, and stopped teaching their kids to hate white people, things would be different.....but cant teach your kid reverse racism, then send him to a school filled with white teachers and expect everything to be alright…............but some people never learn,,and until they choose to learn ,they cycle will never tuirn and we-black people will persist to burn

    real talk..

  15. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    8) Damn there's a lot of reading on this thread.

    I've gotta run with BMJ on this. Everyone on here has some strong points, but I think BMJ comes closest the actuality of our condition. The realities are what they are. As a community, we do have some economic and social dissadvantages...BUT, we also have the ability to change some of those conditions simply by refining our cultural standards and expectations.

    The city I'm from, the local gov't has thrown all kinds of money at the "minority" district attempting to improve the conditions and test scores to very little success. It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you've got. Our culture as a whole simply does not place a priority on education in respect to other cultures and creeds. We too often use the "crutch" of racism to excuse our failings. The Jewish community is another creed that has been persecuted immensely, yet they have proven to thrive in the face of persecution. No matter anyones feelings regarding them, AA's should strive to emmulate their success. We have far too much unrealized potential.

    BOTTOM LINE: Bias from ANYONE is unacceptable based on someone else's background. I'm a black male and I damn sure understand the ravages of racism. However, I'll be damned if I turn around and invoke the same hate on someone else that I've experienced. I'M BETTER THAN THAT and black people in general need to learn not to let bitterness dictate how they treat others. Period. I fully understand it, but I also understand it's unacceptable...period. We CANNOT excuse it.

    The fact that we're on here discussing this shows that we know we have weaknesses as a community, despite our differing POV's. We should all strive to be examples in our own ways and hope we can be a light in our own respective communities.

    Much love to all. 8)
  16. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    BMJ, your right about one thing, I shouldnt respond to you because you obviously have no idea what your talking about when it comes to the us educational system.

    You actually sound jealous. mad that your not an american? I'll tell you what, I'll send you a pair of levi's, a crisp pair of air force 1's, and some mickey mouse ears. Happy?

    Now to educate you a little...

    -First, you cant send your kid to any school you want here in the US. Kids are zoned to certain schools based on where they live because schools are funded by local taxes and households dont want to pay local taxes to educate kids from other areas.
    -Second, anyone who says money doesnt matter has blinders on. Before you say something that crazy, why dont you ask some of the teachers here if funding doesnt have an effect on the education of kids? Matter of fact, it doesnt matter if its the public or private sector, money allows you to obtain better tools and resources to perform your job better. If that rule applies in private sector...which it does...why doesnt it apply to the educational system?
    -And finally, your liberal use of generalizations and stereotypes makes your "real talk" sound real dumb.

    Kindergarden classes are that way ------->
    Watch out for the low ceilings...
  17. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    And I will say it again..."reverse racism" doesnt exist because first and foremost to be racist means you have power. So to use the term "reverse racism" means the those without social or structual power are exerting power and control thru racial bias over those who truely have social and structual power and are the intiators of racial bias and discrimination. :smt017

    Exactly! It doesnt make sense.

    And neither does the term "reverse racism." Its just some term made-up by conservatives to make themselves appear to be the victim. I cant believe people have fallen for this crap...
  18. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    I just found those pictures on the internet. The little footy kid is totally cute.
    I live in Brisbane - there aren't heaps, but I work in the inner-city, so there are more here. In my travels up north I've seen a lot (hence my reference to being yelled at as a child - walking down a street with my parents)
    My cousin used to live in Alice Springs as a nanny and has so many photos of cute, snotty kids! :)

    I agree - Townsville - WTF??
    that's why I asked if he was an AJ...that's the only reason I could think to go there - some type of "cultural exchange" ;)
    I broke up with my exBF of 5 years because he moved to townsville. :D
    bleh. yuk. Its foul.
  19. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    So you're from beautiful sunny Bris-vegas!
    Love your posts gorgeous gal - I hope we still 'hear' from you when ya living it up in great US of A?! I'm thinking of mid-career break myself...somewhere warm!! Its freeezing here in Melb at the mo.
    Pssst - whats an AJ?
  20. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    So we are at a point where blacks are holding down whites in the U.S. laughable at best. Like I said reverse racism no such beast that is a made up word from folks that think blacks are taking over.

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