Reverse Racism

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Did you read my entire statement?

    They keep posting news articles in their news section on the site I mentioned asking things like "do to you hate white people?" and of course majority says yes and adds some words like KraKKKA(3 Ks for the Klan) to undermine their hatred(since they admit they hate white people).
    Or the topic "what would you do if your kid brought someone white home" and it's responses.
    That is hatred towards the entirety of a whole race,not against an individual.

    And I only mentioned the 2 topics in the news section that annoyed me the most. There were more.
  2. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I read it, the point being that people aren't born hating each other, now if you believe that is the case, instead of saying "Well they said those things they must be racist", how about asking the BIGGER question which is "What would cause a person to say things like that when presented with a none threatening question?"

    That's unintelligent Black Folk telling you in code -

    "We do not allow the enemy in our home"

    My Uncle Bill (RIP) grew up in the segerated/Jim Crow South and he had a picture of American President John Kennedy in his house.

    The reason RACE is such a big problem in this country is modern Americans don't want to take ownership of previous mis-givings.

    Well that's not quite true... 70% of America that has heard any of Rev Wrights entire sermons fully agree with him, save for the AIDS comments. but I say you can't put that pass our Government either.

    The fact that Obama is THIS close to being President says "something" but doesn't heel the major problems we have here.

    The point is girlfriend is that Black people wouldn't post such nonsense if they haven't been oppressed for 200 years.

    Its now physiological warfare on Black America.

    From our POOR education system, that victimizes Middle Class and Poor Whites as well. To unfair credit card and home loan practices

    The difference is if a White person really wanted to succeed no matter his background CAN. That is not the case for Black Americans, namely Black Males in America.

    I don't know about your man but many Black Males are in Iraq because they couldn't find decent playing jobs otherwise.

    I want you to read something -

    Watch this -

    This will explain why you gets those kinds of answers to simple none threating questions on a 95% Black Forum and Web Site.
  3. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Damn Dj dropped some knowledge, I think some folks think that blacks should just smile and take it, you also know some brothers on this site hate anything black look at this person's past posts and you will know.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    aboriginals look weird

    diff from blacks
  5. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I try man.
  6. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Your point is?


    They look like Africans to me....
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Well putting ALL white people in ONE POTand saying they're all racist yadda yadda and saying your child would no more be your child if they dated someone whites is exaggerated.
    Do you seriously think a white person who is open to IR dating is a racist?
    Why not wait til you label an individual until you had a chance to talk to them for a minute?
  8. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Are you serious?

    I don't get it.
    On the one hand we are discussing that it is not reasonable to expect AA to roll-over and accept racism (which I agree with)...
    and you come out with a statement like that.

    Maybe it is you who looks weird.
    Maybe they are "normal"

    To me - you are a hypocrite of the worst kind.

    I really hope you were joking. Jimmy Walkabout_ pitjantjara_tribe.jpg






    PS - these are *generally* not the people you see in the cities
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    See that is what I still don't understand....

    When somebody says you did wrong you take ownership of that right?

    Since racist crimes against people of Color OFTEN do not have Suspects, what would you rather them say when talking about the people that has victimized them?

    Did you read that report, its educational...

    How about you watch these two videos and then see if you UNDERSTAND -

    And if that doesn't say anything, watch this one -
  10. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    He's crazy this race we call HUMAN BEINGS was born in Africa... Enough said

    The entire BIBLE takes place in the MIDDLE EAST, there are no White People involved, when Reily said "Jesus is Black" he's not lying, you just don't wanna hear the TRUTH and it HURTS.
  11. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    So since men or a few men in particular have done me wrong to the fullest starting at the age of 2 when my mom got married to the father of her other 3 kids who considered me the bastard and treated me as such-letting out his aggression problems and alcohol on me all the time- and later other men being nasty to me,too and I keep reading and hearing about females getting raped and since women also earn less money for the same job and position a man does (at least in Germany)should I hate all men and just not give a man the benefit of the doubt until I know which way he thinks????I dont think so. But thats exactly what many people do with whites. Some people dont even let you prove that they 're not the racist type of white.
    "He/she is white.Thats all I need to know about him/her." is a way of thinking that I have noticed quite a few people to do.
    That's ALSO some kind of stereotyping. Especially when cussings and calling out of name follows
  12. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    And what happen to you is not unqiue at all, it happens alot. What about the dude that fathered kids with his own daughter in Belium I think it was?

    I'm not excusing people's actions, what I'm trying to tell you, is understand why they say what they do. Understand our education system doesn't teach people how to articulate words and how to speak with a tone that is not confrontational.

    You are reading what unintelligent people say and don't fall to their level.

    Child Abuse is a serious issue the world over.

    We need LOVE and much less Violence. The only violence I wanna see is when I play GT4
  13. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Child abuse and racism are both serious issues in the world.
    But just as not every man is a rapist or abuses his children not everyone white is a racist and deserves to be put into that pot with all those who really are.
    2 wrongs don't make it alright.
  14. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Racism is SERIOUS, it kills people that's serious enough.

    We need a National Dialog on Race in America.

    I'm tired of Black People pointing fingers and then modern Whites say "Not Us". We shouldn't have to qualify that by saying "Not all of you"

    That's basically what your saying.

    That's putting a simplistic answer on a complicated topic, you can't do that, its not that simple. If you could indentify the people responsible for these things, then of course we would call them by name, but since our Media doesn't report such actions until the result of those actions is known, they never bother to tell you who put such laws into place that discriiminates against people of color.

    You should really read that report I posted

    It highlights the CORE problems that effect everybody but people of color TEN fold
  15. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Well but fact is that NOT ALL WHITES are guilty for racism. Do you believe all white women on this site are racists?
    I really doubt it. So why blame the entirety of a race?!?! That's something I will never understand.
    So am I having antisemitic views because I am German as well? Just like I must automatically be a racist cos I am white and deserve to get called words like Krakkka and white devil or trailerpark trash?
    That's what I keep getting a lot and it's annoying.
  16. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    No I do not and I think that white people who are not into IR are not racist also. I can say that I have never labeled anyone unless they came off like an asshole.
  17. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Do they even have trailerparks in Germany? LOL

    Howz it goin Be-you-tiful86? 8)
  18. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    That's whatsup. I do it the same way. No matter what religion,gender,nationality,race or anything else that often gets stereotyped, they're not all the same and therefore everyone starts at 0 in my eyes and then either makes good or bad impressions on me through their actions and words
  19. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Aboriginals are different from blacks...genetically speaking. Africans actually have more in common with Europeans genetically than Aboriginals. It wouldn't seem that way at first glance...but that's what the double helix says.

    As for racism....blacks can't be racist generally speaking because we don't have enough institutional power to deny anyone anything. Blacks can be prejudice and I think every race is prejudiced in their own way. No one has a monopoly on prejudice.

    White racism is more visible because whites (wealthy whites in Western nations) hold the balance of power and therefore can exercise their prejudices and affect the jobs, schools etc. that others seek.

    As much as we complain about racism...we have to take a look at how far we've come. 50 years ago...we'd all be lynched for trying to cavort with white women. 100 years ago we'd be lynched for simply standing on the same sidewalk as a white woman at the wrong time. The fact that the worst you get nowadays (for the most part) is a cheesy stare from an Asian, Latino or black woman...means that we've come a long way. We haven't "arrived" yet....but you can't erase 450+ years of colonialism and 300 years of slavery plus another 100 years of Jim Crow in the blink of an eye. As bad as we may think we have it...our great-grandparents would probably think we lived in some alternative universe if they were alive today. Hopefully, however we can make it so that our children and their children can look back at our time and think we're barbarians. That would mean that their world is a far better one than ours.
  20. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    No we don't have those. We have camping spots where people can camp i tents or those trailer-like waggons for their car but we don't live in the or in trailer parks. :)

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