Reverse Racism

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FEHG, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    In a way your right and in a way you kinda missed it. Its easy to tell someone to take the "high road" when you dont have to walk in his shoes and experience his life, which may be filled with racist and discriminatory crap. Maybe he doesnt want the "AA stuff." Maybe he justs wants to be able to live his life without being judged based on race or color.

    You seem to pity and blame this man for his inability to cope and live in a society thats discriminates against him. On one hand you mock him as destined to a life of self-pity and begging for handouts and then on another you tell him to ask for handouts in the form of affirmative action.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im not a member of blackplanet. But I dont need to go there to know how the black people feel sometimes and know what they say. Im black and Ive have those same feelings and thoughts myself sometimes. But its not because Im racist.

    -Its because I worked for an independent contractor who told me one of his jewish clients told him not to send me to his business because he didnt want a black person looking at his financial figures.
    -Its because for almost five years everytime I was stopped by a white cop I had to get out the car while he searched it for drugs.
    -Its because even my white professor has told me that I face an uphill battle in corporate america, especially in finance, for no other reason than my appearance-6'3''-270-dark skinned-but if I was white I would be prime executive material.
    -Its because when I worked in retail, white guys ran the big, money making stores and the black guys got the smaller urban stores because white customers prefer a white manager and having a black manager has a negative impact on the bottom line.
  3. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    The thing though is that those white people who are open to date outside their race are usually not the same whites that stop you when driving by.
    I do understand where you're coming from though.
    It's like Ping Pong. As long as people or different races will treat each other differently due to skin color there will always be a reaction to that.
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'll take your Person A and Person B a step further. Violent Person A attacks Passive Person B for no other reason than because Person B was around Person A. Okay. So, Passive Person B in turn, turns around and attacks Violent Person A. Okay, I get that. Most people would react the same way.

    BUT, what if Passive Person B decides to then attack Innocent Person C. What does that make Passive Person B? Passive Person B is no longer REACTING to Person A, but has now become no better than Person A. Passive has become Violent.

    I am not responsible for anyone's actions but my own. And by extension, I'm responsible for my daughter's actions - until she's old enough to be responsible for herself.

    I should not have to incur anyone's racist remarks because the person who said them to me, received racism from someone who's only common factor is the color of our skin.

    Do you understand where I'm coming from? No one should get a "free pass" to act however they want, to whomever they want. That's like my friend telling me that she's fat not because she eats 3500 calories a day, but because the fat cells in her stomach are telling her brain to eat (this is honest to God a true story).

    We have to take responsibility for our own actions and not blame everyone and everything but ourselves. It's time we learn from the past and start looking to change the future. And I will not be "guilty by association" because I happened to be born white.

    I'm sorry you've experienced hate, and I'm sorry that anyone experiences hate because of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. The only way to change things is to talk about it and move past the past. The future is where it's at. The future is what will show us how far we've come. Everyone has a chance to make a difference and until people are willing to make that difference, and take responsibility for their own actions, then things won't change for the better.
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I totally understand what you are saying and agree with that. It's the same with men and women.Just because a few men treated me bad I don't need to hold it against each man I meet before even knowing him.
    Many times I experience that I am put "in the drawer" white evil person just because I am caucasian.Sometimes I get the chance to prove that it was wrong to stereotype me but not always I get that possibility.
  6. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    This is so true :smt023

    I remember in my multicultural education class there were only 3 of us who admited that we have white privledge. That classic response form most white people was" I didn' do it my ancestors did not own slaves" . My response was that the fact that we DID have slavery and Jim Crow, that it inherently gave white people rivledge regardess if we want it or not. I then said we have a duty to acknowledge it. I further stated that as white people we had 3 choices regarding what to do with our priveledge 1. Use it for the good. 2. Abuse it or 3. Do nothing

    Most of the time I either use it for the good or do nothing. I have made a concius desicion not to abuse it.

    I think you are right that many people chose to judge black people as individuals. Last night my man and I went to dinner at my bet friend's house, her hubby is not the most open minded guy, but they got along well. When I stopped over to drop something off there today, he said, "Great choice, he's a nice guy and adores you.", not one mention of his color.
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    This has nothing to do with taking responsibility for your own actions. This has to do with a system that has racism built in it. Lashing out at its victims is useless. If you want things to change, change the system, but dont get angry at its victims. People can talk until their lips fall off, but moving forward without changing the system is useless.
  8. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i agree 120% with the statement i bolded. i used to be a preschool teacher, and kids are the most honest reflection of today's society, no doubt. you can tell so much about the environment that a child lives in, just by the things they say - some good, some bad.

    what's that old saying, "from the mouths of babes"? :wink:
  9. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Truer words have never been spoken...
  10. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Yup, I agree. I don't know and won't ever know what it's like to be him and why he is the way he is. And, therefore, I can never fully understand the situation. (I'm using him as a reference to ingenious australians).

    In some ways that means I should butt out and leave them alone...and on the other hand, I feel that these are my fellow-citizens too. Why can't I make comment about what I see, just because I'm not black? A bad situation is a bad situation, I don't care what colour you are.

    I'm not sure if I 100% agree with handouts on the basis of race, but I understand why they do exist...and if I was 1/8 Aboriginal (that's all it would take) I could be debt free (uni fees), possibly getting a better job promotion and other benefits. (Note: I do not begrudge a single person who makes use of this system...and I'm not bitter. I am thankful for the generous opportunities afforded to me both by my parents and the government. My life is fantastic.)

    I have met many Aboriginal people who have done just this, and I am really happy for them. I'm glad that they can represent their people in a bright light. I am happy for the tour guides and teachers I've met when travelling who are giving back to their communities. They have taken what's given and used it and they get the respect they deserve. These people are the same as anyone - there is no descrimination of these people.

    For the most part here - if you are a decent bloke/chick, and you make an effort to just get on with it and integrate to enough of an extent that you're part of the community - no-one has a problem. They don't care what language you speak at home, what your accent is, what your colour is, what you eat for dinner...No-one cares.

    If you're a bum, you're a bum...doesn't matter what colour you are. These people get discriminated against regardless. If there were a bunch of white people sitting in a park like that, behaving like that...they would be treated in an almost exactly the same way.

    I think this said very well exactly what I am trying to say... :)

    By that man targetting my friend because for not other reason than she was white is exactly the same thing as anyone targetting an aboriginal because he's black.

    3 more points.
    1. Lots of "poorer" Aboriginal people hang out together and I often see really "poor" white people hanging around too. It's got nothing to do with colour - it's socio-economic. Poor people hang with poor people, rich people hang with rich people....If the problem is white people, then why are they hanging around...their people stole the land too!

    2. Since the majority of Aboriginals in the city are part white - in fact maybe majority does that work?

    3. Yes, I believe that by being white...or mabye by being anything other than black (in this country) I have a certain level of social inbuilt priveledge. That's why I don't let it bother me if someone makes racial comments to me...I get that it's nothing worth complaining win, you lose...I'm happy to take one, because I know why it's coming and I'll just move on. That's another reason why I don't begrudge anyone using the social security system we have which gives extra support to indigenous people.)

    At the end o the day, I know that I will go to my nice home that my parents worked hard for and get paid for my good job that I studied hard for and if he/she goes home feeling better for throwing some racial sh*t at me - good for them.

    PS - this is a good thread! Thanks for your responses all - it's nice to just have a decent debate. Thanks for your point of view Jelly.
  11. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Maybe he had some kind of alcohol induced taurettes syndrome?
  12. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Jellybird – I always enjoy reading your posts – usually eloquently written and thought-provoking – but most of what you have written today is screwed up. How can you be interested in white women when you harbour such a deep resentment towards ‘whites’? You may be black and suffered from racism– but you are also an American. So according to your analogy above – is any culture that has been oppressed by Americans justified in reacting violently?
    People face prejudice everyday – doesn’t have to be skin colour, it can be religion, gender, disability, wealth, sexual preference. So if we all go around retaliating against those we consider the oppressor where does that leave us? Pretty screwed up.

    I’m not apologizing for the actions of racists just because they had similar skin to me – I can only control and am only responsible for my own actions.
  13. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Hi mwahh. Always glad to see you on the boards. :smt039

    First, the analogy that I used doesnt mean I condone violence. I simply used it to show the difference between someone who instigates something and a person who responds to said actions. In no way was the analogy intended to condone violence as a response to racism.

    And second, I dont have a problem with with white women, white people, or anyone for that matter. Im just telling the truth. So many people see racism as an individual problem. I see it as a cultural and institutional problem. When a black person says something racially insensitive to a white person-again, I dont condone it and its just as wrong-a white person see the individual, where as I see the system and a culture that created that person.

    While my rationale may seem illogical, racism is illogical and I dont understand it. But...and this may sound weird...I have accepted it as a part of my life. I have accepted the fact that during my lifetime I will continue to be the victim of racial discrimination. Why...because in my opinion, no amount of "preaching," diversity awareness classes, or personal enlightenment is gonna change a racist.

    But that doesnt mean Im gonna take racism lying down-I vote in local and national elections, Im part of a few social and professional organizations which stress diversity, and...most importantly...I refuse to let my experiences with a few bad apples poison me against blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, etc.

    And as Ive said quite often, Im not in love with white women. I do, however, happen to be in love with a white woman. I dont have a preference when it comes to women, because there are too many beautiful women out there in all shapes, colors, and sizes. (Ive probably dated an equal number of of black women as I have white women.)
  14. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    that video was intense. it definitely makes you stop and think. sadly, there is so much truth to that video. it's a shame that today in our society, this mindset of "white is right" and "black is wack" is still shared by some people. while individuals are to blame, i believe the media has more to do with it than anything. they claim to be so unbiased, yet they aid so much in feeding the racial stereotypes that are so present in our culture.

    freakin' makes me sick. :roll:
  15. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    If you are saying that the racism from sistas isn't racism:
    You know, looking at what I said your right it is not reverse racism. But hate is hate, there is no excuse, you don't respond to racism by not only throwing it back at white people, but your own race. It is hate no matter hwo you look at it, unless they want to be with the guy who is dating interracially then you can call it extreme jealousy, but if they don't want to be with the guy, then they are simply displaying hate on interracial, racial harmony...That is not reverse racism, but racism nonetheless.

    Interracial is part of racial harmony and if someone shows their displeasure in it, they are surely committing racism, because that is one
    of the things racist do not like..hint the ban on interracial marriage.

    It is not racism from them bros. but leveling on the scale of stereotyping
    and that is wrong no matter what. I wouldn't call that just a response to racism, but an stupid & shallow response to racism, going down their way, which is hate. It is good vs evil Not evil vs evil.
  16. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Thanks mate – you are lovely. (':D')

    But I still feel like giving you a shalacking.

    The problem is that everyone who resorts to violence thinks that they are person B in your analogy; they feel justified in defending themselves, their family, culture or social status. You make a point of saying you don’t understand racism (as if it makes you immune to it?) yet you understand violence when its instigated by black people. Every country on the planet has had problems with racism and the oppressor can be white, black or Asian – as can the oppressed. The Irish were slaves and were almost wiped out due to genocide - inflicted by the British. Since im half Irish and half British - which half should i be laying into? Please tell me the bottom half?

    I hope you don’t regret making me feel so welcome on this forum? (':yawinkle:')

    I agree with you there!
  17. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    sure i see it all the time here in philly, lots of racism by blacks against whites, asians and latinos

    lots of asians against blacks and latinos against blacks and whites
  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    How can I regret extending a warm welcome to a woman who can make a "shalacking" sound so cute and sexy? :smt062

    (I can just hear you saying "shalacking" with your Australian accent.)
  19. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    My two centavos -

    Some people will say "Yes Reverse Racism exist"

    I say, "Oh really?"

    Then Be-you-tiful86 post some colorful speech from Blackplanet's forums to point out and say with GLEE that = See that's racism

    Are Black people going into known White areas, getting drunk and then dragging a white man from behind a truck?

    Of course not...

    When government employees fabricate instances of "Voter Fraud" is that TARGETING White People?

    Of course not...

    When Neo-conservative governemts gives money to familes that DON'T need it so they can send their kids to PRIVATE SCHOOLS, while the Inner City schools are CRUMBLING, is that a problem created by Black People"?


    So when a Black Person calls you HONKY and you get offended, that's a personal attack on YOU and YOU alone. What I have outlined is a SYSTEMATIC OPPRESSION OF BLACK PEOPLE designed and run by few White Males and few White Females.

    Remember the OUTCRY from White America when Nicolette Sheridan did that Pre Game scene with Terrell Owens, who was OUTRAGED, White people or Black people?

    It was White People calling and Emailing ABC with all kinds of HATEFUL WORDS.

    Black People in REACTION to what White People have done and are STILL doing to Black People say things like what was posted on Blackplanet.

    That is not Racism... That's a call for the OPPRESSION to stop!

    In effect there is no REVERSE Racism and Black people DO NOT HAVE POWER TO INFORCE IT and don't you dare bring up some ISOLATED cases like Jimmy The Greek or Don Imus. he said "Nappy Headed Hoes" BIG FUCKING DEAL, that's on" a rap record every five minutes. That Golf Channel Twit said Ha, Ha "Hang Tiger Wood" and Mike "Huckleberry" giggled when he said Obama was ducking SNIPPER fire.

    In opposition to The Gena 6, some white teenager with a gun rack in his truck (how typical) flying a KKK flag and confronted marchers in Gena, LA.

    Give me a FUCKING BREAK, When are White people going to wake up en mass and say We have HAD ENOUGH and clean up NOT your act, but the act of others, corporations, the media and your government and electing Obama does not GET YOU OFF THE HOOK.

    Part of Reparations is Acknowledging the WRONG DOINGS of your forefathers and mothers, not a FREE HAND OUT as the Reich Wing would have you think.... Part of Reparations is writing history text books in school to reflect the ACTUAL history of this country and what really happen with Slavery and Reconstruction, you shouldn't have to wait until you leave school and be in Borders one day to find out the truth you should have gotten in your free text books, you shouldn't have to PAY for the truth.
  20. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Nicca please that's happenstance and control over some illegal trade, or gang territory.

    When was the last time you heard on the news some Asian dude rolling into a known White area to pick up his date and was pulled over by Philly PD.

    MF that don't happen and you know it.

    Asians in general in Southern California don't have a problem with Black people and Black people don't have a problem with Asians, that's some East Coast NONSENSE. Korans in South Central follow the "White Mans" reactions to Black patrons in their businesses, automatically THINKING they can't be trusted.

    There are no Koreans, Chinese or Japanese back in their home land going "I hate Black People from America"

    Its what America, White America has TAUGHT them its OKAY to berate your Black Patrons and even use DEADLY force to protect your business.

    Please step back and look much deeper into what your looking at, your not seeing the WHOLE picture.

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