Restraining orders

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Persephone, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Forget it.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I don't know about your situation. I would hope you could, but I guess it depends on the situation. I would think it would be easier to get one since you are a woman. I say this because my mom got like 2 against my dad when I was back in high school, and he did nothing to her at all. She was always going up to his job getting in his business, and harassing the recptionist at my dad's job and cursing at her. She would walk all through the offices(where is was EMPLOYEES FUCKING ONLY) to serve my dad bullshit ass child support court papers. The court system will believe the woman more than they do the man, at least in a black man, black woman situation. My mom comes over to my dads apartment a couple years ago, breaks his window, which was the room I fucking slept in when I visited my dad and even the cop said my mom's a nut. Then after my dad broke her head and tail lights in return(Hella expensive:smt033), she comes back after the cops leave and talk to them both and realized that my mom was a dumbass, and she breaks my dad,s tail lights. Then, some act of god bullshit reason, like an order by the system was forced to go back to my mom's house the next morning. So my dad goes to the courthouse the next morning, after the cop even suggests that my dad get a restraining order aganst her, and uhhh........he can't get one. Fuck that bullshit ass system. My mom has done the violent act. She used the hammer to break my dad's window first, but he still gets fucked.

    So basically, if you can get a restraining order against somebody with no proof, then you should be able to get one with proof, especially if you are a woman. In your case, I agree with you wanting a restraining order.
  3. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    Wouldnt it be easier to just change your phone number and remove yourself from this drama?

    In order to get a PO you will need to prove your relationship to the person, that they have committed family violence against you or threatened too, and that there is a major likelyhood that they will commit violence against you in the future. You will also have to pay the court costs and pay to have the person served.

    Also, it cant just be your word that she said something. The burden of proof is on you. You got to have witnesses or tape recordings. It will also be hard to get because you call her home.
  4. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    I think that it is easier for a woman to get a restraining order. I would try. Damn Brotha Ajax, your mom sounds like my sister-in-law almost. Is your mom bipolar? Anyway, yes, I do believe there are double standards with that for men and women. Black or not. DH, I would call 'em up and check it out and see if you can get one. Or tell Devon not to call you when his aunt is going to be in the background talkin' shit. Because you don't need that. And if he's not going to take up for you then he doesn't need to use you for his benefit to be his confidant when he's going to let his aunt go all off in the background talkin' like that about you and stuff. To me, that shows that he has no respect for you, especially if he defends his aunt on top of it. That's BS to me. JMO
  5. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    There you go! :smt023 How old is he????? Damn.
  6. Brittney

    Brittney Well-Known Member

    Come chat with me.
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Now that's just fucked up. Fuck those punk ass cops. Disgusting.
  8. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Naw, my mom isn't bipolar, just fucking stupid and hooked on pills and alcohol. Eh, whatever. Not my problem once I get the hell out of there.
  9. Tonivegas82

    Tonivegas82 New Member

    Look into filing a temporary restraining order if you feel this is a potentially volatile situation. This may give you some peace of mind as the Court determines, via a hearing, if there is cause for a permanent injunction.

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