Republicans Plan To Set President Obama Up To Fail

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We have an imperfect political system, but to have downright apathy for the government in total is DANGEROUS.

    That's how you end up living under tyrants and military dictatorships.

    Yeah, it's bad.
    But it could be much, MUCH worse.
    That's why half the world wants to come here to live.

    Obama is afraid to use the pimp hand the American public gave him in 2008, and now it may be too late.
    Unlike Dubya, I'm afraid Obama lacks the conviction of his beliefs and is too willing to find the 'middle ground' and ultimately ends up with nothing.

    When Black folk write off the 'system' out of hand, part of me thinks they really don't know precisely how the 'system' works and how it can be empowering for the entire country if the right people are elected.

    Wall Street has undue influence in our politics because our elected officials have allowed them to do so.
    But if and when Congress enacts term limits and campaign finance reform, the powers returns to the individual voters again, not the corporations.

    Obama IMO is one of those cats who's never been in a fight before and punched in the mouth, and now he's getting rolled in D.C. and doesn't have the instincts on how to fight back and WIN.

    Trust, if Hillary was POTUS, she would have them mufuckas in Congress REGULATED!!:smt093

    Kick ass before you ass is kicked.
  3. Steven

    Steven New Member

    He maybe a wall street puppet but at least democrats do attempt to change some social injustices. The healthcare bill was a attempt but of course the democrats sold out like always but imagine if Obama would have kept the public options than that's real reform. It's not enough anymore just to say both parties are corrupt we are given these pieces to play this game and we must play them. We must stay engaged the people that voted Obama in must continue to push him to what they want and than when he is out of office. Than it's time to search for more progressive that will go ever further for true change I know the system is corrupt but you must continue to manipulate to get true change for this country.

    Unless the American people say screw the whole system and lets have a revolution. And yet Americans is to divide I doubt that conservatives would trust a left revolution and I know I would not trust any kind of movement that comes from the right. And yet has the country prepares to plunge into economic disaster people is to complacent for revolution. People is more concerned about their Iphones and twitter accounts and 3D movies and blu rays to ever care what really going on in this country.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    We don't have to play the hand WALL STREET gave us.

    Obama DOES NOT RUN ANYTHING...we can push and demand till the cows come home and shit on the carpet.

    The US presidency is a CEREMONIAL position with no REAL power whatsoever.

    Nothing changes until that FACT is accepted.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    They won't listen..or challenge the beliefs placed in their heads by the corporate owned the Heritige foundation...the brookings institute...the rand corporation..the pew foundation...the tavistock institute..ect ect.

    Poor things.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There needs to be a grass roots third party. A party made by the people for the people. The only reason the wall street is so powerful is because they provide the money for advertising. They make candidates visible and accessable but the internet has made it possible to make anyone we want visible, visible.
    I like what you said about picking the lesser of two evils eventually makes you evil yourself. Who do I want to lead me the guy who sides with genocide or slavery? We lose either way.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The old die-hards in the GOP and Democratic parties are underestimating how easily viable the internet makes a third party candidate for POTUS.
    And it doesn't require 100s of millions of dollars to run a campaign either.
    After Obama is out of office, if he's not challenged outright in 2012 by a 3rd party challenger, then we'll see it hopefully by 2016.

    The whole system still boils down to who gets the most votes, like American Idol.
    If you're wired and plugged in to the social networking voter base, I really think it's possible for a relative unknown to turn the political establishment upside down.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Sorry, not calling you ignorant, but nonetheless this is an ignorant statement.

    Wall Street can't declare wars, collect taxes or amend the Constitution. Wall Street has undue influence over our government because we have politicians who have allowed themselves to be bought and sold.
    Most Wall Street banks are no longer involved in venture capital investment, and therefore are less responsible for growing the economy through funding new businesses.

    If we had term limits for COngress, Wall Street banksters would be fucced because a politicians first priority would not be re-election and securing campaign donations.

    No one makes you a prostitute, you CHOOSE to become one.

    Wall Street is indeed powerful, but they do not have absolute power, in theory, over our democracy unless people give it to them.

    See, the funny thing is, after the financial collapse, the Oval Office through executive order could have put EVERY SINGLE ONE of those Wall Street investment banks into a protectorship/holding company, essentially seizing control of all their assets, arrested their top management and enacted through Congress stringent finance regulations to reform the system.

    Wall Street has no military; they either would be forced to comply of face federal police action against them.

    The federal government has way more power than Wall Street, but it all depends if the POTUS, Congress and the Supreme Court decide to exercise it.
  9. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member



    Wall Street FINANCES wars...hell...they financed the NAZIS...

    That's a documented fact.

    Central Banks have financed BOTH sides of wars since the 16th century.





    Obama is a corporate puppet and his treasury secretary is living proof....He's a WALL STREET BANKER..:smt039
  10. lilhawk624

    lilhawk624 Member

  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    This is basically Reagan 2.0. For anyone who lacks any memory of what happened, the Republican's darling, Ronald Wilson Reagan, suffered a huge loss in both House and Senate prior to his reelection. However, he went up against a not so popular candidate at the time and he won't by a landslide. All states, except the opponent's own state voted for Reagan.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Both parties are two different sides of the same corrupt corporate coin. Some for all and everything for the few.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    Investment banks and the Federal Reserve system are not one in the same. Technically, the U.S. doesn't have a Central Bank.

    One investment bank colluding with the Nazis during WW2 is not all of Wall Street.

    We borrowed on our debt to pay for the wars in the middle east, it had nothing to do with Wall Street. (See China for who paid for that war from buying U.S. T-bills...!)

    Investment firms who own stock in military industrial companies profit indirectly from wars through an increase in share value, but it's a small piece of the overall pie and a fraction of their exorbitant profits.

    All the financial sector cares about is limiting legislation that puts restrictions on securities trading with excessive regulation, the rest of the country they could give a shit about.
    And since Obama never pushed to have newer, draconian finance and securities regulations implemented after the near global economic crash, Wall Street is done with BHO. He served his purpose, now they want him out of office.

    Wall Street investment banks are dwarfed by the economic, legal, military and political resources of the Federal government. Always have been, and likely:smt100 always will be.
  14. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    If we lived in a perfect world, the president and the Republicans would accommodate each other. But we life in the USA, and Republicans and Democrats have fundamentally different visions about what they want government to do and what groups should receive protection from the goverment. Republicans want to protect rich people and corporations and weaken laws that protect women and minorities. Republicans also want to decrease the services government provides and destroy the middle class and weaken the standards of living of the poor and the working poor. Democrats want a government that will offer more protections to women, minorities, the poor people and the middle class. Democrats want to create economic opportunities for working people and middle class people. Democrats also believe that government has a positive role to play in people's lives. The House of Representatives is definitely a hotbed of extremism because so many representatives represent districts that are either heavily Democratic or heavily Republican. Compromise is not going to happen.
  15. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    This is exactly why people should consider voting for third party candidates.
  16. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

    There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary is a fighter, but she would be too busy fighting yesterday's battles. She would have been a president for white women, but what we need is someone who can be a president for all of America.

    The problem with most black people is that we were shut out of the political process until the 1960s. Many black folks don't realize the value of giving to a political campaign, financing advertisements or making letter writing campaigns. We still have a lot of catching up to do, but this will change with time. What black people need to to is to hold the Democratic Party accountable and force the Democrats to be more attentive to our concerns. There are fewer Jewish people than black people, but look at the political power Jews wield. Their political power is beyond their numbers and I believe that if black people become more politically sophisticated, they too can wield that type of power.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    The US does have a Central's called the Federal Reserve.
  18. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    There it is..
  19. z

    z Well-Known Member

  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Andreboba should watch that...but I doubt he will.

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