Anybody wanna explain this to me? I'm sure its explained somewhere on the site but I'm to lazy to search it out.:smt017 Some new features have been deployed to get a better handle on internal member relations and member status. In the near future a member's status and extra privileges (certain features and moderators) will be determined by a number of options. Some of those options have already been activated and are explained below. They are: Thread Ratings Infractions and Jail time Reputation points Thread Ratings One of the features that will be used to determine a member's status will be thread ratings. At the top of every thread there is an option called "Rate Thread" where you can rate a thread: Excellent Good Average Bad Terrible It takes three members to rate a thread before stars are displayed. * Any member gaming the system by rating threads under multiple handles, etc., will receive negative reputation points from the admin or moderators. Infractions and Jail time Infractions may be giving by the admin or moderators to registered members who break the rules or disrupt the forum. Infractions give points to members that will determine a member's status. Points are given based on severity. 1 Point = warning (10 days) 2 Points = jail (typically 10 days) 3 Points = banned (typically 10 days or permanent) Infractions/points may be given for: Inappropriate language Insulting Other members Signature violations Spammed Advertisements A member who is jailed will be restricted to posting in the Internal Affairs section for the length of their jail term. Jail bars will appear on their avatar and their membership status will display "Jailed." Jailed members cannot hide their online status. Once their jail term expires they will be automatically transferred back to their former status. Reputation What is reputation? Rep, is short for Reputation. Members can give rep, both negative and positive, to any other forum member. You start with 10 reputation points, and can gain or lose them based on what others think of your posts. You can also give or take points away from other members. You can leave 3 reps every 24 hours and cannot give it to the same member more than once without spreading it to about 21 others first. What's the point of it? This system was designed to reward users for good posts/threads they make. This way they have an incentive to make good posts rather than spamming up the boards. It will also be used to determine a member's status and privileges. How do I give +/- reputation? To give rep to another forum user, click the scale icon under the user's avatar to whom you would like to give rep to. () A menu will come up and you can choose whether or not you Approve or Disapprove of the post/thread. If you select Approve then you are giving the user + rep. If you select Disapprove then you're giving - rep or taking away from that person's reputation. How many points you can give or take away is determined by the "Rep Power" displayed in your profile. What are those green, red, and blue boxes? When you start off in the forums, you start with 10 points and a dark green box. Once you reach 100 points, you will gain another dark green box. Once you reach 200 points, you will obtain a third box and so forth up to 400 points. Once you reach 500 points, you gain a light green box. Every 100 points after that, you will gain another light green box until 1000. If someone gives you negative reputation your reputation will drop. If you reach a reputation of -1 point, then you will get a red box in replacement of your green box. This box basically shows that people might not like your opinions, how you post, etc. Blue boxes are + or - reputation attempts that failed. They failed because the member handing out reputation has no more reputation points in the "bank" to give out, so handing out further reputation results in no increase or decrease in rep, hence the blue box. This can also happen when a person does not meet the requirements to hand out rep--that is to say, if a member does not meet or exceed a certain level of reputation or number of posts, s/he is unable to affect someone else's reputation level. Box Values - 100 points - 500 points - -1 or less points - 0 points What determines how much rep I give to other users? Based on your join date, number of posts you have, the amount of reputation you give out (+/-), and the amount of reputation you have; the amount of reputation you give out can vary. There is no exact formula for this, but think of it like this. The later the join date, the more posts you have, the more reputation you give out and the more reputation you have will make you give out more reputation. Also, the amount of + reputation you give out is double of how much - reputation you give out. For example: If I have a rep power of 10: I give out 10 points when I give someone + reputation. I give out 5 points when I give someone - reputation. .5 is rounded up. So a rep power of 1 will give out + and - reputation of 1 point. How can I check how much reputation I have? Go to your User CP by clicking on the User CP button at the top left hand side of every page on the forums. Scroll down and you can see under Latest Reputation Received how much rep you have and what post you got it for. Why can't I see who gave me rep? It is simply because it would result in retaliation and turn this forum into a very angry place. When people are given neg rep, they tend to get angry and want to fight back in some way. This could result in threats, threads getting out of hand with arguments, and useless bickering, which would basically result in warning points, bans, and other bad things. How do I decide whether to give +/- reputation? Positive reputation is usually given for being helpful, funny or making truthful and poignant posts. Negative rep is often given for making uninformed and/or arrogant posts, along with needless spam or flaming. Ideally, rep should not be given for simple disagreements, but you do have the power to leave rep for any post you like. Soliciting reputation from other members is a warnable offense. Why are people saying my rep doesn't count? You may be wondering if you are new to the forums, why people are saying "The rep you gave me didn't count" or "You just gave me a grey box". This is because you don't have enough reputation to be eligible to give out reputation to other users. In order for the reputation you give out to count you must have 10 points and 50 forum posts. Negative Reputation How to avoid getting negative reputation: - Don't spam. - Don't be arrogant or rude in your posts. - Don't give "-" reputation for reasons not relating to the post. - Don't ask for rep. What do I do if someone is trying to sabotage my reputation? If someone is attempting to mess up your reputation by getting more than one person to neg rep you or if someone leaves a comment in your reputation that is offensive, vulgar, racist, etc., then make sure you contact a moderator or administrator.
I've noticed some people with: example, 23 rep power and 7 blocks and some with 15 rep power and 11 blocks. I guess my question is, what's the deal with the blocks?
You are the perfect example. Look under your rep power, then look under mine. You have less blocks but more power.
If reading what Archangel posted correctly I think the number represents the reps you have to give to others?? Are you giving out reps?
There was another post explaining it if you do a search. If you go into neg rep you can read freely but you can't post without monitoring was the way I think it read. So if you are wacky and other members give you lots of neg rep the weirdos are restricted and weeded out by the other members neg rep.
How are the neutral reps given out? I've never gotten a red one yet, but a couple of gray ones (unless that's negative).
That was in that post too. Grey means a newbie who has no rep power. They can't affect you either positive or neg until they earned their own points. The amount of credit + or - you get from reps depends on that persons rep number. Here are a couple of rep explanation threads.