The only judasgoat is Ms. Waters. The First Black President is trying to save the country and fighting conservatives every step of the way yet she's bitching. Where was she during the Bush/Cheney nightmare? Dodging ethics charges. This isn't the 90s, what has she done for her constituents lately?
I think the fact that we needed to codify anti-bias hiring into law speaks for itself. It's true that some managers are able to look past it, and that there are more minorities and women in management doing the hiring today than in the past, but I still think it plays a role.
It is precisely my point that people maintain those attitudes. Codification of anti bias or even non-harassment has done little or nothing to prevent these problems. It's too easy to simply claim that the decision of hiring or promotion was made on the basis of a factor not related to race or gender. Unless we rid the system of biased managers or provide alternative mechanisms to deal with known dysfunction, such as was attempted through Affirmative Action, the problem will remain unabated.
Agreed, and I'd toss gender identity, sexual orientation and disability into the mix. Not a lot of places for a transgender disabled black lesbian to find a job, that's for damned sure. It's an attitude shift we've yet to accomplish here the way we should. I think it has to be taught - or maybe it's that we have to not teach bias is a better way to put it.
Kara: Maxime Waters did fought for black banks get an appointment with Paulson back in 08.. The ethic chargers are basically a political witch hunt plain and simple led by former CIA Director Porter Gross.. She has done good by folks here in South Central Los Angeles... The first bi-racial President has been bending backwards and giving into demands of right-wing racists.. Especially when it comes to issuses such as education, medicare and social sercuity. TS. I'm more fan of Dr. Huey P. Netwon...