usually i'm against it,but in this case i would personally flip the switch- http://hater
I'm against it through and through because it's a waste of taxpayer's money. Why not simply take a $0.85 bullet and put it into the back of someone's head?
Been saying that for years my friend. We obviously don't believe in rehibilitation so old fashion firing squads and let's call it a day.
Andrae...if I were in the secret agencies, I'd specialize in torture techniques. I'd get into their heads and under their skin first before they die.
Brazil should seriously consider death penalty, criminals here seem to have more rights than decent citizens, damn human rights We have a saying here: A good criminal is a dead criminal.
I support it to a point the problem I have is there have been too many men found innocent who were on deathrow due to DNA and evidence showing police planting/suppressing evidence.