Real life Uncle ruckes

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by GrecoJones84, Mar 23, 2008.

  1. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    What the fuck is up with these preachers trying to derail Obama? What is up with this so-called pastor preaching about pimps and titties from the pulpit? We finally got a shot at the White House and you see how these niggas act up. They're old, you'd think they would know better. It's shameful.
  3. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Thank god for separation of church and state! Even if in reality, it is only partial.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Those Uncle Ruckus's rank with those other Blacks like Angela McGlowan ,Walter Williams,Thomas Sowell and others.
  5. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    one of you guys mentioned the "crab mentality" before..

    Obama has a REAL shot at taking the highest position in American government, yet there are still some people (black people) who will just go through any means, to not have this guy stay successful...

    pretty sad..

    one thing tho..that I do feel, coming from this "pastor," is his words about Sharpton and Jackson. Those two were doing their part, fighting for civil rights and pointing out racism, and doing what they could to counter it. Of course, we knew their target was oppressive white people, so maybe that's one of the reasons why their campaigns fluttered in the wind.

    Where they too vocal in their efforts? Should they have just simply rolled over, everytime racial injustices were happening, so that they would have a better chance at garnering white votes?

    Those guys may not be president, but they sure as hell made my life easier, along with Dr. King, etc, etc.
  6. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't lump them all together as they are looking at things from an economical point of view. However, that pastor is a trip. He hates on everyone--T.D., Creflo, Fred Price, etc... My dad and I do agree that pastors like him are very dangerous.
  7. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    The thing about Creflo, that I do not like, is his last name being "Dollar."

    I would not feel right paying dues to a church, ran by a guy with that last name.
  8. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member


    Seriously, check 'dis out.

    I mean he says that God stricken a man with cancer because he preached for Dr. Price
  9. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    any man claiming to know why god did what he did, to another person, is suspect in my book, period.
  10. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Honestly, these so called preachers are a trip.
  11. Jake_Vig

    Jake_Vig New Member

    What's up with this "We" stuff?

    Oh I get it. Because I'm black and Obama's black I have to back him, unquestionably.

    I'm supposed to sit here while this man proposes more nonsense that will cause my taxes to go sky high and like it because he's black and I'm black.

    The main mark this crazy "preacher" misses is his obsession on tits. And to be honest he's not that far off on the rest of it. I get sick of this entitlement attitude that just because someone that looks like me is doing something, like running for office I'm obligated to support them.
  12. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Yea I also dont get this we stuff. Obama isnt black... This isnt the 1800's the one drop rule doesnt apply, he's as much white as he is black...
  13. Shadowmancer

    Shadowmancer New Member

    For you to put this fool in the same catagory as Angela McGlowan, Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell tells me a lot about you and your state of mind. :roll:
  14. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  15. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Pwn'd, lol. Shadow
  16. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Somebody's a little sensitive. I suppose you're OK with a trillion tax dollars going off to fight a foreign war that has no positive effects at home.

    Vote for who you want, but Obama is still "we." You won't do any better financially or socially under McCain or Clinton, I'll guarantee you that.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    regardless of what Obama says about this war and the possibility of withdrawing troops in the very near future, nothing will change. Current connections to Vietnam will pale in comparison to the aftermath in Iraq, if America pulls out prematurely. Right now, the only thing preventing the insurgents from doing what the NVA/Vietcong did in Vietnam, is our military. Without us, Iraq will go back into the hands of some random nutcase dictator, because this "coalition of the willing" will vanish in two shakes, once we leave.

    Our government realizes this, which is why they are hellbent on doing what they failed to do in Vietnam; which is stay the course, until they can properly train an effective indigenous fighting force, that would be able to control their own country. Until this happens, you are going to see more american troop "surges," read about more IEDs going off, and watch footage of something big getting blown up by something bigger.

    Obama would have options tho. If he did not want to simply "leave," he could do a phased withdrawl. The upside is that, over a given period of time, a certain amount of troops would be sent home, without totally leaving the Iraqi army to fend for itself. Iraq would still have US forces in country, but just not as many. The downside to this is that the lives of those remaining troops, would be at an increased risk, due to a consistent downsizing of manpower. Bear in mind that we are not fighting a conventional army, with a visible (and measurable) FLOT. We're fighting insurgents. Know what the tricky thing about that is? You never know who's a badguy (and how many you're up against), because they blend in with the very people you're trying to protect. One day, you are expecting "light resistance" in a town. The next day, in the same town, you are actually fighting heavy resistance, because the local population decided to revolt against american troops. Why are your reinforcements so little in number in that area? Because our government thought it could prevent excessive military spending, by sending troops and equipment home.

    The point i'm trying to make is that, there is still a pretty good chance that tons of money is going to be spent on this "foreign war," regardless of whomever is sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom.

    As far as positive or negative effects..
    If we cut and run now, to theoretically save some coin, our country will receive a black eye. The next time one of our presidents' want to organize a coalition to fight a war, they will have a very hard time selling the idea to other nations. If you think our international rep is piss poor now, because we're bombing the piss out of a country, wait until how low it gets when we run and have the Iraqi government overthrown, and any democratic/american supporters killed, tortured, or exiled.
  18. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Hmmm POJ. I don't know about comparing this to Vietnam in some sences. In Vietnam we were actually supporting the minority side of the conflict(the old French/Japanese puppet government) the Vietcong had the support of the vast majority of the populous. It is impossible to make an accurate comparison, we have no clue what the Iraqi people want. All we have to go on is what the news tells us and that hasnt been much. However I do believe if we were supporting the majority of the people in Iraqi we would be long gone because they would have taken the reins along time ago. It's my suspicion that we are going to camp out till we are able to implement a U.S. friendly form of government that will essentially have follow the vision that the U.S. has for it, or otherwise it will be faced with strangling economic sanctions. Any government ran there by the people would more than likely act in its own self interest in a way that's non congruent with American interest. This idea can be paralleled with our fear that Vietnam would start a the domino effect and spread communism threw out Asia, this was very much feared back in the late 50's and 60's. Ok ok I'm sorry for carrying on /endrant
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I was making a reference to anti-war critics, who for years stated that Iraq was turning into another Vietnam, with a faceless enemy using guerilla tactics. It's also been said that like Vietnam, Iraq is nothing but an endless quagmire. If we simply leave ahead of schedule, to please the american public, that country is going to go right back into the hands of a dictator. Regardless of what the Iraqi people want, they would still have to contend with Insurgents and their leaders. Insurgents are trained to fight, kill, and complete their missions, even if it means suicide, and they're growing by the numbers. They're willing to attack police bases and the Iraqi army we're training up. What would the average Iraqi citizen do, when insurgents come to their homes, telling them that they will fight for them, or die if they refuse to?

    Insurgents don't want democracy. They want everything that the US stands for, out of their country, so they can go back to their old ways. Without a constant US presence there, those iraqi forces will be nothing but a speedbump. I don't see us leaving that country for a while. Best case scenario, Iraq turns into another Japan, with a permanent US base, tremendously reduced number of military manpower, and a democractic government. Worst case scenario, we cut n' run, insurgents take over, and the country becomes led by some guy named Al-Sadr.
  20. Jake_Vig

    Jake_Vig New Member

    And the general point I made you never addressed.

    Why do you feel I'm obligated to support Obama because he's black?

    What is this collective attitude we as black people carry around that dictates we support people politically merely on the basis of skin color? I'm from a city where countless numbers of black politicians skate by just because they're black, and the districts and areas they represent are still screwed up. This has gone on for generations.

    And I've already stated for the record I support Ron Paul. And will be voting for him regardless even if he won't win the GOP nomination.

    As for the war itself, which was a tangent from hell. I am diametrically opposed to it. I do not subscribe to the theory that all hell will break loose if we leave. All hell is breaking loose because we are there. Occupying a nation we have no business in.

    The United States will learn one way or another that our obligation for maintaining order lies within it's borders. That policing the world and propping up and toppling dictators and "democracies" will be it's ultimate undoing. As the debt rises and the war machine bankrupts us more by the day the day we hit bottom will be the only thing that will correct this madness.

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