Hi, guys! I'm Alli. I was a member here a couple of years ago. I left after some scary stuff happened online (but off board) that I thought might be linked to my membership here. All is well now. A little about me . . . I've been married for 12 years and we have three beautiful boys. I am most interested in this board for the purpose of talking to others about life in an interracial relationship and raising interracial children. I've also found many of you to be funny, interesting and likable folks. (And flirting is fun, too, sometimes.) This board is the best mix of honest opinion and lightheartedness that I've found in the realm of interracial relationship themed message boards. Most others are way too heavy on the meet market aspect. Anyway, hello again! :smt039
Welcome back, Alli! Aren't you the one whose mom taught to brush your teeth early in the morning just in case your hubby woke up wanting? Not that it made an impression on me or anything
Holy crap! My most famous post evah! LOL Yep, that's me. Actually, it's funny that this should come up, because I recently had a conversation about this sort of thing with my husband. He thinks I worry too much about turning him off and that it takes more than morning breath to make that happen. He says it feels a little too "1950s housewife" to him. So, apparently, I've been doing this for me all of these years because he could care less.