RE: How to know when a white woman is attracted to B-men?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by HereIam, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    I saw this question posted once before in addition, it is a very good topic. How to know when a white woman is attracted to black men? I live in Texas; therefore, I've encountered hundreds of white woman in conversation, and normally on a regularly basis. But, I have a hard-time noticing if white women are attracted to me, or if she is fllirting. I'ved dated white women in the past; however, I did not know that I was a subject to attraction-until I was approached. Also, I've witnessed many "white-woman" wearing black clothing, who are attracted to black men, so could this be a way of non-verbal communication in a sense. I really am not trying to sound ignort, but if so, please forgive me. I really need a few pointers, to help me search for a woman that is willing to be in an interracial relationship.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    hereiam...i wear black every day for work...dresscode...not necessarily a subliminal's easy to get dressed everyday if you know you are wearing black...

    welcome to the forum!
  3. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Good advice

    Thankyou, "Lipstick", my reason for the question is based upon the number of female profiles, and the majority of the women are wearing a black dress, black jump-suit, black slacks, or black shirt, and the perception of the ad is normally [I am seeking a black male]. That is why I posted my ad, however thanks for the advice.
  4. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    i might add that black can be about you add a pic to our thread so that we can see you?
  5. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Photo shot

    Not a problem posting a pic..lipstick, give me a few hours to get it posted
  6. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I can't comment on other women's behavior LOL but I would say for me I don't think I give off different signals whether I am interested in a WM or BM. The same signals (eye contact, smile) apply for all.

    Clothes have nothing to do with it unless you are looking for a thuggish/ Hip Hop kind of girl. I guess in that case clothes MIGHT be an indicator that she is not opposed to date IR.

    Just my 2 cents
  7. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Good advice again-Chigirl

    That is a very good answer, and thanks for your timely response. Yet, I believe that is true about some women wearing certain clothing. Some of which could indicate thuggish/ruggish or whatever. However, too, attitudes are different in certain populated cultures, such as Chicago, IL. many black men are seen doing positive things into the community, and alot of that is due to politics. But in my city, many black men are underrated, due to lack of opportunity. And that is perhaps why some white women do not approach brotha's, because they may feel he isn't worth it. I don't believe any woman (regardless of color) can not fulfill her role as a devoted and committed significant other; however, I do believe many interracial couples develop stronger chemistry over a period of time, due to their cultural differences and backgrounds. I rather date interracial, because I believe in this chemistry and often it is better than same color partners, because it appears people of the same race thinks they know each other by pedigree and not agenda. As a result, black women too, tend to put down brotha's, because of how society has viewed black men in general. In addition, something in our society has to be presented, so interracial dating will someday be looked at as a positive action instead of a negative, including sexual-satisfaction. It bothers me to hear a woman say, he must have a huge penis or else keep looking. Black men should not be labeled as sex-objects. That is not what a relationship is about and many people ought to be educated on positive influences with white and black relationships, which can result into a healthy family stability. The clothing issue, well I felt it was perhaps true, because I have witnessed many "white-women" wearing something black, and it appears the message is suggesting I like the color black or something about being black. However, please ignore my misunderstanding and thanks for your comment.
  8. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    I met my man on an interracial dating site. He told me that, if he were to see me on the street, he would not approach me because I do not wear any jewelry, or have a certain hairstyle, or wear clothes that suggest I am attracted to black men. I'm not going to act or dress a certain way to attract a BM. If he approaches me, then I will give him the signals. :) How many of you BM look for a visible sign that a WW is attracted to you?
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    aqua peach...where have you been? we missed you! glad to see you back posting! :D
  10. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hi Aqua,
    welcome back, nice to see you post again :D
  11. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    This might sounds rather rude, but asking this question is, to me, the equivalent of a 3 year old asking if fire burns.
  12. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    All right, perhaps i didn't phrase it correctly. :roll: I meant physical as in jewelry or clothes, not eye contact or touching...those are obvious.
  13. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    The Attraction.A White Woman's Signals?...

    :? I'll just say that if I see a white woman in public and she is wearing certain jewelry or hiphop style clothing or what have you, I'm a little put off, and generally will not approach her.
    I'm probably in the minority, and many will say that the imitation is a sincere form of flattery, but I'm not really attracted to a white woman who tries to emulate what she thinks is represenative of black culture.To me, I always find myself asking, "Would she dress that way if she preferred white men?"
    The same goes for a white woman who sees me and then seemingly changes her speech and mannerisms to suit what she thinks I'll say next.
    The signal I look for in a black male white female attaction is when a white woman is at ease in speaking with you, just being herself.The rest is just the universal language of attraction.
  14. Amissa

    Amissa New Member

    Hello everyone, I am new here.

    My question is somewhat the opposite of the original poster's. I have always dated black men. I have noticed that black men seem to notice or pick up on that right away and approach me, whereas white males never approach me.

    I have always dressed nicely, conservative, and feminine, never hip-hop or what has been called "hoochie" style.

    So I have always wondered how black men pick up on when a non-black woman prefers and is attracted to black men.

    What are some of your thoughts?
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: Hello everyone, I am new here.

    Welcome - I would bet you probably subconsciously make more eye contact with men you are more attracted to or more interested in. That in turns gives them the cue to approach you.
  16. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Hello Amissa

    Thankyou for your answer, it was a very good answer in which you described how black men pick up clothing. I posted this question, because I've noticed on many interracial web-sites were white women is usually the center front wearing black attire. Also, I found it to be an approach, which may be misleading, or it could be a way of creating a "visual-aid" for none verbal commmunication. I reside in West, Texas, by not any means is my city known as the dirty south; however, it is very old fashioned in how people view situations. In other words, here in West, Texas, I expect a WW in particular, to give me a clue for an alert call that she is attracted to black men; therefore, I sought nice elegant clothing with a mixture of blended colors normally black, grey or brown. In addition, to be honest, I was right a few times in the past. As a result, I made a good friend who is a White, and stated to me, "that grey is her favor color also; she wears grey, because she "loves" black men with greyish dark eyes". Again, everyones' match making is diverse. To answer your question, I can't speak for all black men; however, I dress appropriate everywhere I'm attending, including a nice dining place, the gym, church and the list goes on. I have noticed in my city, that WW like "men" who dress nice and wear nice cologne. I get many smiles normally from WW when I am dressed nice and smelling good, but the next step shoud be second nature, which is appropriately asking for a name and a contact number. I'm a little shy; therefore, I struggle in that area. Do you have any other pointers that could help?
  17. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I would not agree that women wear certain color of clothing in order to attract a certain 'color' of man. Wearing grey means you want a bm with grey eyes? I don't think so.

    I wear a lot of black b/c it's a no-brainer and matches whatever else I put on, plus black is classy. I don't wear it in a never-ending attempt to lure a bm.

    Yes, it's important for you to dress nice if you want a woman who appreciates that type of man. If you want to know if a woman is interested, then see if she makes eye contact or acts friendly. Or you could just bite the bullet and go say hi.
  18. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Response

    Thankyou "funnsmrtprtty", I agree it does sound absolutely silly for someone to dress in order to attract someone. But it was suggested to me a long time ago from this person, that she used this as her tactic. It sounds ridiculous and it is! However, I can begin with the eye contact, maybe body gestures, or some sort of approach that is capturing. On this web-site it would be nice if some of us could "Chat" sometimes, and this way I believe the conversation between WW and BM would build up my confidence, regarding interracial dating.
  19. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Re: RE: Response

    Chat is tough on this site, not many people do it.

    I do understand why it might be hard for a bm to approach a ww - particularly after seeing some nasty racist websites. I would not want to give the time of day to someone who didn't have a basic respect for me simply as a human being - much less let them know I thought they were attractive.

    It might help to build your confidence up simply by reading thru some threads on this site. The women on this forum have great respect for bm (unless they are trolls, and that will be obvious from the post) so by reading them it might make you feel better knowing that you belong to a group of men who is so appreciated. Then the next time you catch a ww meeting your eyes and smiling a little, you can think to yourself that she is likely like one of us! 8)
  20. HereIam

    HereIam New Member

    RE: Comment

    Very true, funnysmtpretty, the only problem about the forums it may take a life time to read everything. I've written to other forums, and have forgetten the forums I wrote to. I do feel relaxed here; however, I do not find it to be a real dating site. But it is a place to meet good people. I will stay on the look out, and perhaps one day I can say, "hi" to a nice lady, and see where it leads us?

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