Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Ra

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  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Do you think her sentence was political?
    Another American, a teacher who frequently visited Russia to teach English, he got 14 years for similar smuggle.
    Biden is demanding her release.

    Brittney Griner is sentenced to nine years in Russian prison https://mol.im/a/11080929
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Of course Brittany's sentence was political. as it would be for any American in a similar situation. Russia is a communist dictatorship. The law is whatever they say it is at whatever point in time.
    Currently we are in a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine just like we were in the 1980s over Afghanistan. Brittany is being used as a political pawn, unfortunately, and we're going to have to pay millions or release some really bad dudes from supermax to get her home.

    When you travel abroad, know the laws and know if that country you're visiting has some beef with the USA. It's sad because Brittany was a popular and well known athlete in Russia. But because of the war in Ukraine, it doesn't matter.
    My gut tells me Brittany won't be locked up in Russia for 9 years. Maybe 2, or 1. I've heard the amount of marijuana she had on her was the equivalent of a stick of gum.
    I genuinely feel bad for Brittany. This whole incident reminds me of the movie Midnight Express. I pray she's home soon.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    She had weed in her vape and l read also a box of replacement cartridges (but will have to verify the box part)

    I would ordinarily agree with her being used as a pawn - however, there is precedent of convictions for others doing the same thing, Therefore, how is she a political pawn?. The school teacher got 14 years and he had a prescription for his medical marijuana. He had a contact lens container filled with it, and like Britney, pleaded guilty

    In fact, she got less years than he did. His family said Biden has ignored their pleas to add him to the exchange.

    Midnight Express terrified me as a child, and as a seasoned traveler all over the world I always heeded that movie's message.

    Keep in mind, I also grew up witnessing cases of Australian drug smugglers getting the death penalty in Asian countries, and our country having little power to stop it. Unlike America, which always seemed to save their citizens.

    Brittney just got too comfortable, but I hope she realizes what an incredible country America is -- she wouldn't have even gotten a citation in the US...they just would have confiscated it and let her go on her way.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok, ^^^^ maybe not a slap on the wrist .. Didn't realize it's still a crime in some U.S States.


    "Former Knicks star Iman Shumpert was arrested over the weekend for allegedly carrying a “sizable” amount of marijuana in his backpack at the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport.

    TSA officers responded to a possible drug violation call, according to TMZ Sports. When they checked the athlete, they found 6.12 ounces of a “green leafy substance” in his bag. He admitted it was weed. Tests confirmed it was marijuana.

    Shumpert was placed in handcuffs and detained in the airport jail without incident.
    :oops: If convicted, he faces 2 years in jail and a $10,000 fine."
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022

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