Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Extremist manifestos?
    You do realize Twiiter is like, a 100 characters a tweet, LOL.

    Demented imagery?
    Thunp, clearly you haven't visited the dark side of demented leftist Twitter hell. Including porn garbage.

    Laughed my ass off at your suggestion there WILL BE criminal solicitation AS IF it's not crawling with leftist criminals as we speak

    You do also realize Elon's adament position is, he doesn't want much advertising, nor any bots on the platform. So he couldn't care less if Nike China bootlickers, or Disney pedo/groomer CEO's no longer advertise on HIS Twitter.
    Plus, there are hundreds of thousands of conpanies who would love to advertise on the new Twitter.

    Wait until Elon exposes the algorithms.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Of course he is. Giveaway is they always resort to wailing "you're racist" if you dare call them out on their leftistism. Doesn't work anymore.

    He's no more an "independent" than he is a fair moderator. :D
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    A closeted confederate?? CONFEDERATE? I hope this was a typo, otherwise this is quite the slanderous statement.
  4. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Nobody is fair to the people who don't toe the party line on this site. This site acts like 90% of our media: it has an agenda and if you don't follow the narrative, then you get your rights stripped away from you.

    Independent thinkers need not apply on this site.
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  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Operative word is, HIS PAGE. That's his choice. What he detests and millions of others is, others deciding what to censor, based on their own political leftist beliefs.
    Elon has righted the ship...all balanced again in the Platform world.

    Now if he would only buy You Tube and give creative content freedom back to the community. And get rid of the nonstop ads!!!
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I remain cautiously optimistic. But, we'll see as he takes control of it.

    I'm loving the Babylon Bee articles, though. They're hilarious!!
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Speaking of which, you were a fair and pretty non-political Mod. Unlike Tony, who ALL he posts is political diatribe against President Trump.
    He came back like a bull in a china shop, drunk on TDS. :D:eek::oops::D
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I get their emails! Loved them since their inception. Can you believe Twitter banned them? Do you know why?
    Because they named transgender, 'Rachel' Levine, MAN OF THE YEAR.
  9. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Hey, Bliss how ya doing? long time no rant.

    Elon is a businessman, who is near the top of personal wealth in the world. People with that much money don't invest $44 billion on something that is guaranteed to lose revenue and never recover it again. Twitter's value and revenue are 100% advertisement generated. So Mr. Musk has to care about what the people who pay him (advertisers) care about.

    Let me give you a quick lesson in how extreme wealth works in an open free market. Elon Musk is worth $269 Billion (on paper) but the bulk of that is not liquid, it's mostly tied up in stock and asset valuation. That means most of his wealth is dependent on how much his assets (in a flowing market) are worth at any given moment. If hypothetically his companies financially collapsed overnight, he would no longer be the "richest man in the world" in fact he would personally lose $266 Billion, meaning he would only be left with $3 billion.

    Filthy rich capitalists like Elon are dependent on the confidence of the market to keep them rich, if Elon Musk spends $44 billion dollars on one of the largest tech purchases in history, and then tanks the company (which purging advertisers would do) it will cause confidence in the rest of his business to wain, which will cost him countless billions.

    Something else to consider is, that as the sole owner of Twitter, he (Elon) is liable and accountable for anything and everything that happens on his platform. If even one person got hurt by a disgruntled ex-boyfriend posting "revenge porn," an anarchist posting instructions on how to make a bomb, or a racist person advertising a Klan rally meetup, Elon would get sued into oblivion. That is why Twitter had so many rules in the first place.
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'll bet I know exactly where you were back on January 6th 2021.
  11. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    It wasn't a typo. I said what I said. Although based on your reaction to my comment, I should have called you a snowflake instead.

    You wanted all the smoke. You got it, lady.
  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Stop putting words in my mouth. Don't do it again.
  13. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    And to add on to that, Twitter is currently hosted by Amazon Web Services. AWS has its own prohibitions against violent rhetoric and misinformation. And as we all learned from the Parler debacle awhile back, if you run afould of AWS they will absolutely not host your website/app, and they would be completely within their rights to do so. Yeah, he could do it himself, but it won't be cheap or easy. That's why so many platforms use AWS in the first place.

    The same goes for the Apple Store and the Google Play store, who also have their own rules and regulations against that kind of content. Vioate their standards, and Twitter is off of both of those app stores. If your app isn't on the app store, you may as well not even exist. Again, Parler had to learn this the hard way, which is why it is only relevant to the extreme far right wing fringe of American politics.

    Elon Musk might be a self-aggrandizing asshole, but he ain't a fucking moron: he knows good and damn well that if he allows what the far-right considers to be free speech, it will absolutely sink his platform. Long story short, he is in no way, shape, or form going to allow the insurrection crowd to fuck up his investment, no matter how loud they holler about the First Amendment that the majority of them don't even understand in the first place.

    If anyone believes otherwise then message me, because I have some amazing beachfront property in Oklahoma for dirt cheap. I'll even throw in some magic beans!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Disney pedo/groomers?? Good Lord. All because Disney spoke out against a Florida bill that would limit discussion in schools about sexual orientation and gender identity??

    Good luck trying to cancel the Mouse.

    If Elon doesn't moderate twitter, we'll see more psychos from the Right like Limbaugh, Alex Jones and former POTUS Trump spewing their conspiracy BS.
    And the poorly educated will swallow it up like it's brought down from on high by Moses.
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    And someone tell me again why a nutter like Marjorie Taylor Greene ever got elected to Congress and became a leading voice for the GOP??
    The Republican party is lost yall and fruitloops are destroying their credibility.
    But I bet Bliss and Bookmark think she's the greatest.

  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    To be fair to @Tony Soprano, being an "Independent" just means you're not registered with a political party. It doesn't tell you anything about how they vote or what their political ideology is.

    On the other hand, I don't buy for 1-second that he's actually a swing voter. He posts like a typical BlueAnon NPC you saw on Twitter, Reddit, & etc.
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'm going to go back to minding my own Goddamned business and I suggest you reciprocate.

    If you don't like what I post or the content that I provide, I don't give a shit.
  20. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator


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