Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh please! You dems invented selective outrage. LOL!

    Clearly we see that you and your lot are incapable of losing with any sense of dignity or couth. All you 'progressives' have done since losing is agressively act on your racist anger towards anyone who disagrees with you, all because you are utterly unhinged and furious that (white man) Trump dared to dethrone Obama. Sad and scary.

    - Your lot shoot Republicans playing baseball.
    - Now your lot have threatened to kidnap Barron.
    - And of course a lunitic democrat activist was just arrested for attempting to kidnap and murder a Republican law-makers children for following U.S Immigration Law.
    - Your lunatic liberals have just put the call out to hack every ICE agents' adressess and storm their homes to surround them and stalk them for merely doing their job!
    - Amd don't ignore that your progressive lib loons, Occupy Wall Street, tweeted a cartoon about stabbing ICE agents and ripping out their still-beating hearts.
    (but no mention how O.W.S also raped women in their tents at protests!)

    You progressive lib loons are officially demented and it's frightening, tbh.:oops: You have lost the plot.

    Office Of First Lady Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump "To Be Kidnapped and given to pedophiles"
    June 20th, 2018

    He also called for the public caging and rape of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kristjen Nielsen in a tweet Tuesday.


    He also put out threats to kidnap Sarah Sanders' children.

    Digsusting! Violent thuggery!
  2. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Lol! Well... Aren't you getting funnier by the day. White man, huh:) "dethrone Obama". That's an even better funny! Who's angry???:)
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I see and read that you've become everything you claimed the racist republicans were towards Obama. It's UGLY, Dude.
    The shocking vitriol spewed, attacking our POTUS, his family, calling for the kidnapping and raping of his children, the rape of his female cabinet members, murdering Lawmakers kids, and ICE agents? Oh l'm not angry, l'm appalled, disgusted and frightened at the Left's radicals who are Bernie's and the DNC's violent brown-shirt thugs.
    Why are you not condemning their threats of rape and death?
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Now that the seperation "outrage" is over, what about these AMERICAN people, Dems?


  5. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Really? Since you want to bring Obama into everything.. Yes, I (like many) feel Obama was regularly disrespected, attacked and so on by many (including the current POTUS). Do you not remember that lie he told forever and a day? As I've said many times. Trump brings every bit of hateful talk upon himself. Obama didn't go around calling people names at all. Your boy does it to anyone who happens to disagree with him, even judges who rule against him. If I'm so bad... Find a post where I've attacked his family, called them names, wished harm upon them and so on. Again!!! If you all are so appalled at the feeling towards the POTUS... Perhaps, he should grow up, and treat people as he'd want to be treated. That's very basic and nearly all of us learn this as children. You're "appalled, disgusted and frightened"???.... So am I, but never in my worst nightmare did I ever think it would be because of living through such a racist POTUS and administration with such a hate-filled agenda.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2018
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You cry for ICE agents yet you believe the FBI and CIA are 'deep state' and deserve our scorn, suspicion and condemnation.

    That's called selective outrage.

    The left doesn't have Breitbart. Or The Daily Caller. Or Rush Limbaugh. Or Alex Jones.

    We also don't have mass shooters wearing MAGA hats before they go shoot up a HS.

    The left doesn't have hundreds of militia members nationwide preparing for the next civil war.

    The left doesn't have scores of White supremacists marching on a college campus screaming 'Jews will not replace us' and the Nazi slogan, 'blood and soil'.

    The Right literally has no room at all to criticize about violent, disgusting behavior.

    BTW Obama wasn't 'dethroned'. He served his two terms and left office.

    Why do conservatives think Trump beat Obama and that HRC still lives in the WH???
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Exactly! The that included the "very fine" people

    Yes, the dethrone bullshit actually made me laugh out loud. They (including 45's ego) wishes he could've "dethroned" Obama.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Um, hello, no one is calling for the murder of FBI assholes, who BTW, were BETRAYING their job.
    ICE Agents are just doing their job. Comprende?

    As for the FBI, go ahead and read what Comey and his little FBI whores were doing to foil our election.
    It's being buried deliberately by the Dems who are using this bullshit, decades-old Border policy as a 'new' narrative - that suddenly kids are being 'kidnapped and stolen', which you repeated here.

    Of course, whilst you're too busy with your head stuck far up crying "border-crisis" Rachel Maddow's ass, we who are not fooled are equally aware of, and know the grilling the IG is getting over the scoundrel FBI agents.

    Uh huh. Probably because they have: VOX, The Daily Beast, the Washington Post, The NeW York Times, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Time Magazine, USA Today, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, FB, SNOPES, POLITIFACT, TWITTER and every gotdamn hollyweird loudmouth actor. :eek:

    Who shooters wore MAGA hats while they shot up High Schools?

    Oh boo hoo. Hundreds. Wow some civil war that will be.
    Didn't you say the Govt will just nuke their militia citizens??

    Scores? Who are the scores marching? Show me that THAT is the current and prevailing climate on colleges. Nazis marching on colleges?? On what Colleges, AB?

    No shit Sherlock, it's an expression, not literal.
    But don't sit here and lie that if there was a legal loophole way to secure a 3rd term, you'd hysterically demand it, lol!

  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bliss the IG report clearly showed the FBI was biased in favor of Trump and actively helped him win the election. Not once during the campaign did the FBI leak that the Trump campaign was under investigation because of Russian interference.

    The bias at the FBI was against Hillary, not Trump.

    Since when were Breitbart/Rush Limbaugh/Alex Jones considered on par with legitimate news and journalism organizations??

    You've already forgotten about the White supremacist march on the campus of UVA?

    Stoneman Douglass HS shooter Nikolas Cruz was a Trump supporter and had several pics online wearing his favorite MAGA hat.

    Conservatives like to believe something Trump did got Obama out of the WH. You aren't the only one I've heard say that either.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    OMG AB, short of going over line by line with you, you have it completely twisted. The IG report never showed Trump was favored. Can't believe you are even spouting that.
    The FBI were PRO HILLARY. Its in black and white!

    I don't even know about one march. Sorry. Link it?
    And is that marches across college campuses??

    Cruz had one pic in the hat in his backyard.
    He never wore it to the shooting nor did any other shooters as you claimed.

    I have never in my life heard conservatives think Trump did something to get Obama out. Knock it off. Every frickin American knows its a 2 term limit. The dethroning is a quip to him being(acting) the 'King".
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol why do you guys entertain this obvious racist troll
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh shut up. Every white person who disagrees with you is a racist or a Nazi to you. FOH with your carp.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bliss, I said a(one) march on a college campus with scores(hundreds) of White supremacists.
    How could you not have heard about it??

    Nikolas Cruz definitely wore his MAGA hat more than once.

    The Santa Fe HS shooter was a Trump supporter too.

    Read this opinion piece from The Hill, a conservative news publication. Then maybe you'll stop regurgitating the right wing talking points that the FBI was out to get Trump.
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    You hit it on the head.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nope just you you Nazi supporting pseudo IR supporter.
    The minute he surrounded himself with white supremacist should have been the absolute end of it for anyone who claims to like let alone love black men but you keep red hat truckin
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Step out of your victim cacoon already. He never "surrounded himself" with White Supremists no more than Obama surrounded himself with Black Supremacists.
    You have no proof he is a racist. He hires Black people, he donates to Black causes and has been recognized with Awards from Black leaders.

    Listen, you fake IR fool, you don't even date White women. You're about to propose a Black woman so why are you here?
    You ran off practically every White woman here with your sexism, fattism, ageism and accusations of " you're a nazi and racist" when women didn't agree with your hate for Whites. What am l, like the 5th woman you've called that?
    You're literally an incorrigible fucking baby when women don't agree with you and kiss your ass.

    Furthermore, using your logic, you're a rapist then since you not only sympathized with, you actually vehemently defended CONVICTED RAPIST, Bill Cosby.
    See. We can play your bullshit game, TDK.
  17. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    One thing I really find fascinating about Trump's presidency is that even more than Obama his presence shines a black light on the fluid stained reality of just how fucked up the political discourse in our country is. The level of blind, cultish, tribalism and willful denial of truths is actually kind of breathtaking and also really fucking sad.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Trump is a racist. By word and deed. It runs like a long rapsheet. From forbidding Blacks from his housing units to fighting the NFL ballers.
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    True indeed. It is like those whites that show love to the hate group tribe
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    First off this is slander. You're accusing me of a criminal. My comments on you are in support of an ideology. My comments about Cosby were made well before he was found guilty.
    Just love twisting that truth huh

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