Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Fisrt, I didn't bring up pizzagate - colibruh brought it to my attention in another thread and I moved it to the conspiracy thread, l had never even heard about it. Got it?

    . Don't even try to bring up books here, when for a fact it was proven that Michael Wolff who wrote Fire and Fury was a liar and embellisher, he admitted it himself, as did many MSM outlets, but that didn't stop you from supporting the things that he said, nor did you call out anybody else that was adamant what he wrote was true. I brought the book up about Obama's homosexual affairs because you were bringing up cases against Trump as if they were true, to which I clearly showed you that Obama had a history of accusations also. Anyone can say anything.

    No one ever said that the charges against Mannifort were not "legitimate" however Mueller's motivation is illegitimate and that is what the judge called out. We all could find anything - even on you if you looked hard enough - Mueller went beyond the scope of the investigation boundaries, so stop with the pious motivation of Mueller trying to "get the bad guys that conspired with Russia".

    For you it seems nothing Obama did was ever wrong and I don't think it's in your psyche to be able to handle the fact that he was a low-down politician like many of them. He was raised in the ranks of Chicago politics. Open your eyes.

    Finally on immigration....hate group? You mean like BLM has been called one? They provided facts and stats. It seems Loki, you can call anyone anything these days, just because you don't agree with their position
    .l bet you agree with Pelosi tbat MS13 gang murderers are divinity souls. Ridiculous.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the pic correction.

    I don't care about Paul, however please do explain your 'loki-esque conspiracy" theory about Manafort being a Kremlin spy. Facts please (See Loki...I'm calling him out like you should)
  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Show me where I supported Fire and Fury, i don't remember supporting anything in that book that has been proven false. For you to say with certainty what Meuller's motivations may be is just plain wrong Bliss, its just speculation on your part, the man had a sterling reputation by many accounts before the investigation (yes there were some who did not like him). You have leveled the "you think Obama never did anything wrong" accusation at me multiple times in the past Bliss, and I always point you to threads that I have started where I criticized President Obama, that you contributed to, as proof that your statement is just plain wrong, once again look it up for yourself. Lastly, not just anybody makes it on the SPLC/Hatewatch list, its not just pundits throwing around banter about groups they dont like.

    Pelosi did not defend MS-13 gang members or come out in their favor, as Trump claimed. She centered her comments on "undocumented immigrants" and rebuked using the word "animals" to refer to people. Now if you want to say she was trying to conflate the two thats a fair criticism of her comments, as it should have been clear that Trump was talking about MS 13 and not all undocumented immigrants.
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Not a spy, more of a Russian asset and representative.

    From the San Diego Tribune, 10/30/17

    Before signing up with Donald Trump, former campaign manager Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian billionaire with a plan to “greatly benefit the Putin Government,” The Associated Press has learned. The White House attempted to brush the report aside Wednesday, but it quickly raised fresh alarms in Congress about Russian links to Trump associates.

    Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and former Soviet republics to benefit President Vladimir Putin’s government, even as U.S.-Russia relations under Republican President George W. Bush grew worse.

    From the Washington Post, 11/30/17
    July 7: Manafort offers to give briefings on the presidential race to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. “If [Deripaska] needs private briefings we can accommodate,” Manafort writes in an email to an intermediary. A spokeswoman for Deripaska said he never got the message and no briefings happened. Deripaska has deep ties to the Kremlin and Manafort had done business with the oligarch in the past.

    July 29: Kilimnik emails Manafort with an update; they agree to meet in New York. The Washington Post reported:

    “[Kilimnik] had met that day with the person “who gave you the biggest black caviar jar several years ago,” according to the people familiar with the exchange. [He] said it would take some time to discuss the “long caviar story,” and the two agreed to meet in New York. Investigators believe that the reference to the pricey Russian luxury item may have been a reference to Manafort’s past lucrative relationship with Deripaska, according to people familiar with the probe. Others familiar with the exchange say it may be a reference to Ukrainian business titans with whom Manafort had done business.”
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    You have seen me respond to Boba saying that nothing is proven yet, and impeachment is still a very high and far away bar that may never be reached. So dont claim that I have not been fair about this investigation. Trying to paint me as a conspiracy theorist, when you recently came out stating as "fact" that Hogg was not at the school during the Florida shooting, then backtracking after learning more info, is laughable Bliss.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I wasn't painting you as a conspiracy theorist, on the contrary, l was calling his(AB's) conspiracy theory out as you like to always do with me. Did yoy not read that?

    As for Hogg, what l claimed as fact was his comment which l heard myself, which was that "he grabbed his camera after the shooting and rode his bike 3 miles to the school to interview witnesses".
    That remains a fact.

    The rest of my comments were then questioning his comment since he also had "footage" claiming to be there during the shooting. It wasn't adding up. Nice try.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    "..Investigators believe that the reference to the pricey Russian luxury item may have been a reference to Manafort’s past lucrative relationship with Deripaska, according to people familiar with the probe.

    Others familiar with the exchange say it may be a reference to Ukrainian business titans with whom Manafort had done business.”

    Which is it, luv?
  8. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss you know we can look up previous posts, here is exactly what you posted...

    That is you claiming as a "fact" that Hogg was not there during the shooting and claiming he was at home.
  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    For the record Bliss, the post below is where I really started to think you were lost to far right conspiracy thinking, you seemed to believe the Sandy Hook article from freedom outpost who is rated as "extreme" right wing https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/freedom-outpost/. When the reality was "On the day of the Peshawar incident a Pakistani woman created a collage of photographs of young people killed in school shootings and posted it to Facebook with the caption “They Went to School and Never Came Back.” Because the Peshawar shooting occurred very close to the anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre, she included a picture of a child from the latter event, namely Noah Pozner, along with pictures of Peshawar victims" https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/info-boors/

    Bliss said: ?
    Unstable people abound.
    Separating her from her awful crime..and the concept of it being a hoax...

    There are questions that have been raised, not unlike 911 being an inside job has been raised.

    For example..one of the dead Sandyhook kids re-surfaced as a dead Pakistani kid..

  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I said that because HE SAID...He was at home, grabbed his camera and rode 3 miles to the school to interview witnesses".

    At that time, that is what he said. Fact.

    How else would you interpret his conflicting statements?
    I wasn't the only person calling his comment out. Many were.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Im not following your post. Are you having issue where l posted a pic from??
    Its a very convuluted post. Please clarify.
  12. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    This is why i continually urge you to check your sources before fully committing to a position, he did say that yes, AFTER he clearly stated that he heard a gunshot while sitting in an AP environmental science class around 2:30 p.m. Multiple internet bloggers falsely claimed that student David Hogg was not on the campus of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School when the school shooting happened Feb. 14.

  13. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Gladly, first yes Freedom Outpost is notorious for extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. So posting them as a source is very irresponsible. Secondly, you seem to "believe" the report from Freedom Outpost that "one of the dead Sandyhook kids re-surfaced as a dead Pakistani kid" When that was absolutely NOT the case.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well, l really dont care who freedom outpost is, l go by content. It could be Farrakhan's blog and l'd have still posted the pic from it.

    So let me understand..
    Because Snopes chose one scenerio out of 3 to explain how they ascertained that Noah Posner's face turned up on a muslim collage of killed kids....you buy their theory?

    Their theory, which you are attempting to perpetuate here as well.. is that some rural Pakistani woman decided to go online... and within a group of killed Pakistani children, she happened to locate the one picture of Noah Pozner from Sandy Hook.... to include him in a collage to highlight the fact that "kids are being killed at school"?

    Furthermore, you're telling me this collage was printed out by this rural Pakistani woman, cut up into individual pictures....and one woman in particular held Noah's picture.. to highlight the fact... that kids are being killed at school?
    All the rest are of the Pakistani children kilked except for the one American child?

    Which, BTW, the black bar oddly under his photo does not indicate "they went to school and never came back"

    which apparently Snopes claim this is what this rural Pakistani woman had written under her original collage.

    Give me a break.

    This pakistani 'coincidence' in and of itself is absolutely weird - the fact that you won't admit it tells me no matter what, you will always go against anything that I write. If I was to write that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone you would disagree. If I was to write that Martin Luther King wasn't killed by one person, but rather a collective group conspiring to kill him, you would disagree. if I told you that Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam were somehow involved in the killing of Malcolm X, you would disagree.
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss the bolded part above is exactly why you run into so much resistance here, and why some here believe you have racist leanings. Freedom Outpost as well as other sources you have quoted have histories of denigrating, and demonizing BP, other people of color and in some cases women. So when you say you don't care about *who* is providing the content, it clearly signals that you either dont understand or dont care that such dubious and hateful groups have large incentives to skew or present specious data in order to further their goals which is usually to denigrate or otherwise spread negative propaganda with no basis in truth in regards to whoever they are targeting, usually people of color.

    Now back to Sandy Hook, at the root of most, not all, of the Sandy Hook "truther" movement is that they believe it was a staged/fake tragedy to inspire outrage so that the 2nd amendment could be attacked/repealed by the Obama administration. Despite OVERWHELMING evidence that Obama NEVER proposed any significant challenges to the 2nd amendment during his 8 years, and only proposed common sense reforms that were and are supported by the majority of Americans and gun owners. In fact he was the best thing that happened to the gun/ammo industry profits boomed during his 8 years. Yet you choose to at least mildly support the theory that it was all faked, despite overwhelming evidence and common sense that nobody could fake such a tragic event and cover it up perfectly, incredibly silly and highly offensive.

    As far as Oswald, there have been multiple investigations done by credible organizations, in fact the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded in 1979 that Kennedy was "probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. Credible, not just some crackpot like Alex Jones or some other bloggers that you have sourced with no evidence and clear agendas.

    Same goes for MLK, In 1998, CBS reported the two separate ballistic tests conducted on the Remington Gamemaster allegedly used by Ray in the assassination were inconclusive. Moreover, witnesses with King at the moment of the shooting say the shot was fired from a different location; from behind thick shrubbery near the rooming house, and not from a window of the rooming house. Credible investigation, and the fact that many documents related to the FBI MLK investigation remain classified, and are slated to remain secret until 2027, thats reasonable, well researched information.

    As far as Farrakhan and Malcolm X, Farrakhan as openly spoken about having regret that his extreme rhetoric was in some way responsible for inspiring others to kill Malcom, so once again, credible Bliss.

    You should know by now that I am very fair with all I deal with here, you and I butt heads, not because I have some kind of vendetta against you or just dont like you, in fact in the areas where we share common ground (treatment of animals, vegetarianism) I find you quite eloquent and charming. I challenge you, usually on political matters, because when you jump to conclusions (Hogg) or spread false information from terrible sources with agendas, its dangerous, misleading and insulting to those of us here who are in the crosshairs of such groups.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I have never said one way or the other about Sandyhook being a hoax, you have never showed where l said that. I responded to a post about the Posner kid turning up on a poster as a dead Pakistani child. All you have to explain that away is Snopes told you 'as fact" that some rural Pakistani woman made a boo boo? Stop.

    The conspiracy that there was a second shooter upon Kennedy remains a conspiracy. No credible evidence, right?
    So go on believing there was only one gunman. That's your facts and you can stick with them. But don't knock people who don't believe your version of facts fed to you.

    Farrakhan all but absolved himself of direct involvement with his fake apology. The conspiracy is that he, along with Elijah Muhammad, ordered Malcom's execution because of fear of exposing Muhammad, thus fracturing the poweful and solid grip held over the fruits of Islam.
    But you can dismiss it and chalk it down to some rabdom fruit nuts inspired by Farrakhan. Because those are your facts. Anyone else not accepting facts you do.. it's a conspiracy.
    Same thing in regards to MLK.

    Seriously Loki, miss me with your "racist leanings" comment. Typical that you default to that when all l did back then years ago, was look for a picture.

    I don't obsessively"research" who posted a frikkin picture of the Posner kid when googling about Sandyhook - .who in God's name would? It has no relevance, because it's a picture of a kid! l clicked IMAGES! Do you understand that?

    You're just looking for an excuse to spew your contempt because l don't chug Obama's milk like you do, so calling me a "racist" for copying a picture that doesnt even tell me who it came from under IMAGES, exposes your scurrilous agenda.

    So, l finally went to the webpage blog because of your adamamt cries and all l see are 2nd Amendment stories, political content stories etc. Nothing about denigrating black people. Can you show me? Show me where they are a racist hate blog and denigrate black people?
    I want to see them please...

    Because when l just peeked it, l see they have stories about:

    -a WW2 vet and the TSA

    -A story on China and U.S Diplomats

    - A story on an interview with "Jazz Legend Wynton Marselis on rap's effect on the BC

    -One on Tomi Lahren and the assault upon her over the weekend by leftist loons

    -A story on school shootings giving too much attention to the shooter and not enough to the victim

    -A story on 2 ranchers
    -A story on Amazon and Bezos
    -Story on red flag Laws
    -One on the Dossier
    -One on Islam teachings in schools in Virginia
    -One on hierlooms
    -One on potential U.S earthquakes
    -One on the Pope
    -One on Healthcare
    - One millenials and illegals
    - One on gun safety
    -One on the FBI agents wanting subpoenaes

    -One on Allan Dershowitz calling for a commission on 2016 elect

    -One on Dems and impeachment desires

    - One on Texas's Governor and gun rights

    So you call this racism, Loki?
    What am l missing?
    These headers don't stand out as denigrating wpmen or Black people, nor spreading racism. I've never read their outlet before today but nothing strikes me as to include the vicious accusation you made, and made towards me.
    Who is spreading false propaganda here?

    Now that l wasted more of my time to see exactly what you were on about, understand this once and for all, Loki, I'm not researching shit when looking for a generic picture, to appease your judgmental self. It's that simple.
    Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend.
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    For Pete's sake Bliss, sometimes I think you just enjoy being obtuse. So are you saying you posted the picture and added the comment that "a sandy hook kid turned up dead in Pakistan" because you dont believe its a conspiracy?

    As for JFK, the commission DID have evidence of a second shooter/conspiracy "In addition to acoustic analysis of a police channel dictabel recording, the HSCA also commissioned numerous other scientific studies of assassination-related evidence", see Bliss, science, facts, not crackpot theories, CREDIBLE. By the way you dont seem to understand that Im agreeing with you that there probably was a conspiracy not a single shooter, how did you miss that in the original post? The point was that I believe it because there is CREDIBLE evidence to back it up, from CREDIBLE sources. The same with MLK. As far as Farrakhan, he has denied playing a direct role in the killing of Malcolm, and to my knowledge there is no additional evidence that implicates him other than his admission of inflammatory rhetoric.

    Lastly, you really need to pay attention to your reading, I DID NOT SAY YOU WERE RACIST, I said that some here believe that because of your sources, good grief. You have time and time again tried to label me as having blinders on and only speaking positive of Obama, despite AMPLE evidence to the contrary, so clearly you are ignoring or not capable of admitting you are wrong about that, which is ironic because to my knowledge you have not said anything negative about Trump, if I am wrong about that, please post evidence of you criticizing him, THE WAY I HAVE NUMEROUS TIMES ABOUT OBAMA.

    As far as Freedom Outpost, read the article below, you should know by now I dont post statements or claims unless I can back it up with SOLID proof.

    The website publishes articles with sensational headlines that uses strong emotional loaded words to either favor conservatives or denigrate liberals. Freedom Outpost also uses questionable language (https://freedomoutpost.com/black-li...-hell-bent-on-inciting-riots-everywhere/)when talking about African Americans.

    Last edited: May 25, 2018
  18. Paniro188

    Paniro188 Active Member

  19. Paniro188

    Paniro188 Active Member

    Lol at everybody deleting tweets when they found out they were from the Obama era
  20. Paniro188

    Paniro188 Active Member

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