Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Exposing how? By being corrupt? Are you sponsored by the RNC?
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    "By being corrupt?" Lololol.
    So Bernie cheated out of his slot to run is....what?
    Obama planting spies on Trump...is what?
    Hillary deleting 33,000 emails... is what?
    Corrupt is right, but it's not Trump.

    Don't get me started on the corrupt Mueller 'investigation'.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you literally allergic to the truth?
    What proof is there that Obama planted spies? And why would he?
  4. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Republican Senator Jeff Flake is a PATRIOT, the canary in the coal mine. I genuinely feel sorry for anyone who built up their hopes and dreams in a fraud like Trump.
    Trump was a con man his entire life before he ever ran for president. It's too bad he bullshitted half the country and they can't recognize the threat he poses to the republic with his incessant lies.

  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Where have you been? Watching CNN talk 24/7 Stormy, that's where, lol.

    Clapper: Trump Should Be "Happy" That The FBI Was "Spying" On His Campaign

    "..Clapper said the spy was there for Russian meddling purposes and that Trump should be happy such a person existed...
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bliss, you really need to wake up. You're embarrassing yourself. Donald Trump is not an ethical human being and never has been. Trump has always believed rules are for lesser people and not himself. Why do you think he tells so many shitty basic lies all the time, or embellishes that whatever he's doing is the 'biggest' or 'greatest' in history??

    Do yourself a favor and some basic research on Trump's business history before he ran for POTUS. Then ask yourself why Donald NEVER divested himself from his private business holdings before running for POTUS, even though every other former VP and presidential candidate before him did??

    When you're taking multi million dollar 'loans' from foreign nationals while you as POTUS are conducting foreign policy, it's called CONFLICT OF INTEREST and looks like QUID PRO QUO.

    As for Obama planting spies in the Trump campaign, you're allowing Trump to sucker you again. The FBI had a confidential informant with contacts inside the Trump campaign, not an imbedded spy.

    That's how covert investigations work once U.S. intelligence agencies have overwhelming evidence the Russians among other countries are illegally aiding your campaign.

    We already know Don Jr, not only had private meeting in Trump Tower with Russian intel agents to get dirt on HRC, Don Jr. had additional meetings with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israeli digital tech companies offering to aid the Trump campaign.

    All ILLEGAL contacts. And Trump didn't give a shit because he doesn't believe in the rule of law.

    Look up what GOP presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson did in 1960 when the Kremlin offered to help his campaign, then maybe you'll understand why the Don is about to go down as the biggest traitor in American history since Benedict Arnold.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bliss, do you believe Stormy Daniels is telling the truth and Trump paid her off before the election not to talk about their affair, or do you believe it's fake news??
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Where the hell is this "overwhelming evidence of Trump/Russian collusion" you endlessly keep flapping your gums about. It's been how long now?

    "Confidential Informant" my fat ass!
    The spy's actions were directed by Obama's JD which is NOT what informants do.
    Man..are you in for a rude awakening.
    This is waaaay beyond Trump.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I believe l DON'T GIVE A SHIT. It was an agreement between her and a lawyer about one fuck job that happened 11 years ago. End of.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Report: FBI Agents Want To Be Subpoenaed To Testify Against Comey, McCabe

    Former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The Daily Caller on Tuesday that many agents are angry that “the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs.”

    There are numerous agents within the FBI eager to be subpoenaed so they can testify about problems that occurred within the bureau under the leadership of former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, according to three sources who spoke to The Daily Caller.

    “There are agents all over this country who love the bureau and are sickened by (James) Comey’s behavior and (Andrew) McCabe and (Eric) Holder and (Loretta) Lynch and the thugs like (John) Brennan,” DiGenova said. “Who despise the fact that the bureau was used as a tool of political intelligence by the Obama administration thugs. They are just waiting for a chance to come forward and testify.”

    “I can assure you I’ve been approached by agents who want to be subpoenaed for the same reason as the guys in the field,” he continued. “All over this country there are agents but the big ones the ones that matter New York/Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with agents who want to come forward.”

    The Daily Caller also spoke with a former Trump official who has maintained contact with FBI agents, as well as a counter intelligence consultant who held an interview with an active special agent of the FBI’s Washington Field Office.

    e subpoenaed, Congress then pays … for your legal counsel and the subpoena protects [the agent] from any organizational retaliation,” he said. “They are on their own as whistleblowers, they get no legal protection and there will be organizational retaliation against them.”

    As someone who has represented whistleblowers in the past, DiGenova agreed with the former Trump staffer’s assessment.

    “It’s an intelligent approach to the situation given the vindictive nature of the bureau under Comey and McCabe. I have no idea how to read Chris Wray, who is not a leader and who has disappeared from the public eye during this entire crisis. You know, he may be cleaning house but if he’s doing so, he’s doing it very quietly,” he said.

    “I don’t blame them,” he continued. “I don’t blame the agents one bit. I think that the FBI is in a freefall. James Comey has destroyed the institution he claims to love. And it is beyond a doubt that it is going to take a decade to restore public confidence because of Comey and Clapper and Brennan and Obama and Lynch.”

    The former Trump official also claimed the corruption at the FBI goes far beyond Comey and McCabe.

    “They know that it wasn’t just Comey and McCabe in this case. That’s too narrow a net to cast over these guys. There’s a much broader corruption that seeped into the seventh floor at the bureau,” the staffer said.

    “They ruined the credibility of the bureau and the technical ability of the bureau, so systemically, over the past several years, they’re worried about their organizational reputation and their professional careers,” he said.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This is a bullshit story to make Trump feel good.

    Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Holder and Brennan no longer work for DOJ or the CIA. There's no way they can 'retaliate' against individual agents.
    And except for Lynch and Holder, all these Trump enemies are CONSERVATIVES.

    If any agent wants to testify to Congress about how corrupt the FBI and CIA are, all he needs to do is contact ANY Republican senator or congressperson, arrange a meeting and express their grievances.

    I'm sure Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy would be more than happy to oblige them.

    Former CIA director John Brennan is now a thug??lol Right.

    James Comey destroyed the FBI??lol Sure he did. Except you forget Comey was the one who spearheaded the investigations into Huma Abedin and the missing HRC emails. Comey is the one who said a week before the election HRC was still the subject of an FBI investigation and conveniently left out the fact at the time so was the Trump campaign.

    Comey helped Trump get elected. Now he's an enemy of the Trump administration?? You need a better conspiracy theory.

    Even Congress has admitted the Kremlin interfered in our elections with the expressed purpose to help Trump get elected. The only question Mueller is trying to answer now is how much coordination there was between Russia and the Trump campaign.

    What Trump and his cohorts don't understand is the DOJ doesn't work for the president. Obama didn't order DOJ to investigate Trump because for most presidents that's considered a violation of federal statutes. Although Trump likes to pretend the DOJ is his personal legal defense, the reason he's being investigated is because there was compelling evidence in 2016 there were multiple contacts between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

    Innocent people don't need to smear EVERYONE investigating them because there would be NO evidence.

    Trump and his allies are literally attacking the FBI and CIA because they know their asses are in trouble and if they lose, at best Trump will be forced to resign. At worst he's going to prison for the rest of his natural life.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    A Mostly Non-Christian Militia Won 2 Of Iraqi Christians’ Parliamentary Seats. Now Christians Want Trump To Intervene.
    The Babylon Brigade is led by a Christian but is tied to the brutal Iranian-backed Muslim paramilitary Badr Organization.
    By Akbar Shahid Ahmed
    An Easter celebration in Baghdad last year. Candidates from the Babylon Brigade won two of the five seats reserved for Iraq’s Christians in the country’s parliamentary elections in May, and the group’s ties to an Iranian-backed armed group has some Iraqi Christians concerned.

    The militia, known as the Babylon Brigade, doesn’t represent Christians at all, local leaders and international advocates for Iraqi Christians warn. They say the militia’s candidates, though Christian, won only because of help from Shiite Muslims. And Iraqi Christians are calling on President Donald Trump to live up to his statements of concern for Middle East Christians by pressuring Iraqi authorities to invalidate the results. But so far, the Trump administration has said nothing on the issue.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The FBI had a confidential informant make contacts with members of the Trump campaign, absent of any input from Obama, because the POTUS is not allowed by LAW to direct an FBI investigation.

    What you and other Trump supporters don't understand is ALL Russian communications inside this country are monitored by the FBI. Too often there where Trump associates on the other end of those communications. That was the smoke that started these investigations in the first place.
  14. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    IKR! The thought that he has any form of integrity is sad and laughable at the same time. Lie about the crowd size at your inauguration because you know everything about him has to be the biggest and best in history.
  15. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    "The objective here was actually to protect the campaign by determining whether the Russians were infiltrating it and attempting to exert influence," Clapper said.

    After Trump's tweet, Clapper said May 23 on CNN it was "a distortion of what I said."

    Our ruling
    Trump said that Clapper had affirmed that the FBI had spied on the Trump campaign. That does not reflect Clapper’s words. In two separate interviews Clapper said that the FBI was looking for Russian interference in the election with the aim of protecting the campaign.

    He specifically said that the FBI had not spied on the campaign.

    Trump turned Clapper’s statements upside down and for that, we rate this claim False.

    Share The Facts
    Donald Trump
    President of the United States
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Absolute bullshit backtracking. The FBI and Obama-Nixon are dirty and its will come to light.
    Clapper said it himself. They IMBEDDED. a spy "to protect the Campaign".
    So then, why not warn Trump that the Russians are trying to undermine the Campaign?? Because its bullshit, that's why.

    Instead, Obama MOCKED and BELITTLED Trump about rigged elections.

    Vox, the far left wing Obama mouthpiece called rigged elections insane.

    Obama mocks Trump’s conspiracy theory that the election will be “rigged”
    By Andrew Prokopandrew@vox.com
    Aug 4, 2016, 5:55pm

    Recently, Donald Trump, who is badly trailing in polls to Hillary Clinton, has begun claiming that the presidential election will be "rigged" against him. It’s a nonsensical claim with no basis in reality — and, as Dara Lind writes, it’s dangerous to public confidence in the electoral process.

    At a press conference Thursday, President Obama was asked to respond to Trump’s concerns, and was briefly at a loss.
    "I don’t even know where to start on answering this question," Obama said with an exasperated half-smile. "Of course the elections will not be rigged! What does that mean!"

    Obama went on to explain that the election process is run on the state and local level, not by the federal government.

    "The idea of a nationwide rigging, he said, is "ridiculous" and "doesn’t make any sense." He added: "I don’t think anybody would take that seriously."

    After saying that the federal government would try to make sure people’s voting rights are protected, and that there’s not any sort of hacking of voting machines, Obama explained what he thought was really going on here:

    "I think all of us at some points in our lives have played sports, or maybe just played in a schoolyard or a sandbox, and sometimes folks, if they lose, they start complaining that they got cheated...."


    How bloody rich!

    Here he is again...

    "I want everybody to pay attention here. This is dangerous," Obama said at a Hillary for America event in Miami Gardens, Florida.
    "Because when you try to sow the seeds of doubt in people's mind about the legitimacy of our elections, that undermines our democracy. Then you are doing the work of our adversaries for them."


    And you expect America to believe that he didnt sic his DOJ on Trump? Along with his fake FISA warrants, using a fake Dossier as collateral?
    Expect to believe that Clapper's spy,
    Stefan Halper, who was the beneficiary of nearly $1 million in Defense Department contracts... was just an informant looking to catch Russia ,independent of Trump??
    Where's that pants on fire politifact meter when l need it?!

    Americans aren't stupid even though the DNC, Obama and Hillary think we are.

    Now pleae show the proof Loki, that Trump was colluding? Get your revered "politifact" on the case pronto so we can see why the FBI felt so "compelled" to stuff in a lil ol 'patriotic informant' into Trump's camp.
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Bliss, you have pushed numerous conspiracy theories here with NO PROOF that have been completely debunked. Proof Bliss, proof, you Trump and others (like Guliani below) have none as is admitted and evident starting at 1:00 in video below. You will notice that I HAVE NEVER SAID THERE IS PROOF OF TRUMP COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA, I have always said that we have to wait until Mueller is done and evaluate then. Unlike you I just dont cling to conspiracy theories, promote them as iron clad proof and then never admit wrong even when faced with clear evidence to the contrary.

    NUMEROUS intelligence agencies have come forth and said there is clear evidence that Russia interfered in the election (not saying Trump was complicit...yet) so it makes total sense to monitor the campaigns.

  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Debunked on what Planet, Loki? CNN? MSNBC?
    What conspiracy theories, exactly, Loki? Clapoer TOLD YOU he implanted a spyI Fact.
    I even gave you his name, for goodness sake. Take the blinders off already.

    You have Trump clearly stating he was concerned there could be rigging of the elections, yet Clapper puts a spy in his Camp as opposed to Hillary's camp? Are you seriously expecting me to buy that bull that it was just to "monitor Russia" and all else is a "conspiracy"?o_O

    Do you expect me to believe that the FISA warrants weren't executed under false pretense using a fake dossier ? That's a fact. They were.
    While you await Mueller's investigation with bated breath, here is memtion of the recent Federal judge. who lambasted Mueller-s "irreproachable" character and ethics:

    Federal Judge Calls Out Mueller Investigation as Impeachment Mission
    Judge TS Ellis

    The federal judge presiding over Paul Manafort’s tax- and bank-fraud case chastised attorneys representing Special Counsel Robert Mueller Friday for (again) misrepresenting the aim of their investigation and overstepping their authority in bringing fraud charges against the former Trump campaign chairman.

    During the hearing, U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis pressed Michael Dreeben, the attorney representing Mueller’s team, to explain where the special counsel derived the authority to prosecute Manafort for decade-old financial crimes. “I don’t see what relationship this indictment has with anything the special counsel is authorized to investigate,” Ellis said

    .Dreeben reportedly argued that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein provided them broad authority to pursue any criminal activity they discovered in the course of investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.Ellis was unconvinced, pointing out that some of the relevant information in Manafort’s case came from an earlier Department of Justice investigation, not the special counsel’s probe..

    ...Ellis wasn’t finished:

    The judge then proceeded to summarize the prosecution’s case: “We said this was what the investigation was about but we are not bound by it and we were lying,” he said. “C’mon Man!”
    You don’t really care about Mr. Manafort….What you really care about is what information Mr. Manafort could give you that would reflect on Mr. Trump or lead to his prosecution, or impeachment, or whatever,”
    Ellis said.


    Now go ahead and call him a conspiracy theorist.
    Every time I show you evidence, "its a conspiracy". Miss me, thanks.
  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    The bubble is strong with you Bliss, once again, that does not reflect Clapper’s words. In two separate interviews Clapper said that the FBI was looking for Russian interference in the election with the aim of protecting the campaign.

    He specifically said that the FBI had not spied on the campaign. Here he is saying it in person BLiss, .

    You ask what conspiracy theories, you cant be serious, in the past you have brought immigration stats from a group that is literally on a hatewatch list, you posted a book of a confirmed felon and liar as a source to smear President Obama, and you have mentioned Pizzagate as well as numerous others and NEVER ONCE have you admitted such actions were wrong or a mistake.

    There was no false pretenses for the FISA warrants, far from a "fact" Bliss. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/02/...ackage-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news

    As far as Judge Ellis, is it any surprise that a conservative judge appointed by Reagan, is questioning the Mueller investigation, by the way he also went on to say...

    "Ellis agreed, emphasizing that some of the charges involve purported conduct that occurred over a decade ago. But he made no immediate decision on the defense motion to dismiss the case. The judge said that even without such a connection, the special counsel may well still have the authority to bring the charges. “I’m not saying it’s illegitimate,” Ellis said.

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...2c89fe3ca4c_story.html?utm_term=.07094fde57ec Now what were you saying about so called "evidence"?

    Bliss you dont have special super powers that allow you to "see beyond the veil" and divine the truth while us mere mortals are just helpless, hapless, fools, lapping up what the MSM feeds us.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The BM you posted with the excerpt above is not TS Ellis. That's former Louisiana congressman William Jefferson.

    This is TS Ellis;

    That's how large scale criminal prosecutions go when you're trying to bring down a criminal organization. Paul Manafort IS being squeezed in order to force him to talk.

    Just like Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen just had his legal partner flipped by the Mueller investigation to tell what he knows.

    As for Judge Ellis grandstanding in court, hell yes Trump needs to be prosecuted and impeached if it's proven he collaborated with the Russians to win an election.

    Manafort is not a good guy. I wouldn't waste time feeling sorry for him. He made a living consulting Eastern European autocrats on how to suppress dissent and eliminate political rivals.

    Oh, by the way, Manafort was installed by the Kremlin to run Trump's campaign, although I'm sure you don't care about that either.

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