And this this right here is how a true racists speaks. What do you need me to say about white people that isn't said through media, history, government and literally every institution on earth 24/7. List of your accomplishments check List of places you are safe and welcomed check List of prominent figures in history and currently in power check. What is missing for you? Need me to shuck and jive for you Ms. Bliss. Shine your shoes boss. Get the fuck out of here you clown
Let's not forget Pizza gate or millions of illegal are voting Democrat. Global warming is a hoax. FEMA death camps that they ironically are creating we could do this all day
Are you crying? I'm pretty sure in your home that you claim you pay $13,000 in taxes alone towards...has a safe space room for you. Lmfaooo.
I was saying these are right wing conspiracy. I never said you said that. I literally listed. them don't say I'm lying as You have the list. You also have me not saying you said it.
Pizzagate l didn't buy. Go see my post. I didn't even know what it was until on here. I dismissed it. Then Colibreh showed me a link. It was awful the pedophilia in it. I changed my stance to pending, especially since l did not know Podesta's brother was a convicted Pedophile. When the fuck did l say Global warming is a hoax. You're a gotdamn liar. Show me. What in the what are you on about FEMA death camps? What are you even babbling about? The illegal and dead voters in CA and NY..l stand 100% behind. You know it's true, stop fronting.
The Clintons have been murdering their enemies systematically for the past few decades. Millions of people illegally voted, which is why Trump lost the popular vote. Hillary Clinton started birtherism, because reasons. The Black Panthers are just as bad as the KKK and the Nazis. That Trump can't get the GOP (the party that controls the entire federal government) to vote for the healthcare bill that they themselves wrote is because somebody somewhere "pulled the wool over his eyes." (not really a conspiracy but still pretty ridiculous on it's face). And then you literally started an entire thread dedicated to conspiracy theories. You're basically one WorldNetDaily article from telling us all that the Civil War really was about states' rights. Then you go and completely top yourself by saying this: Which just might be the most impressively delusional thing that I've read in quite some time. EDIT@10:40pm: Yep, definitely the most impressively delusional thing I've read in quite some time.
At this point, I am going to say that you are crazy if you think The USA can keep track of everyone who dies and purge them off the voters list. They can't even keep track of people who move at a decent rate. And there is no way it would be to the point that it would sway a an election even if it is happening.
I completely forgot that she believes in that one murder. Ok now Bliss you can say that I am saying you believe that one lady was killed by the Clintons indirectly or directly. It has been so long. I think I posted to her an article that showed little to no proof of it and we stopped talking about it ever since.
First of all, l was REPLYING to Since. Who said to me- Quote: Well when you constantly defend and cape for the most openly bigoted administration in any of our lifetimes while falling for any right-wing conspiracy you read about and pleading for the rest of us to "just give him a chance!!!" you only have yourself to blame if people think you' Unquote: So l asked him what Right wing conspiracies am l falling for?? Got it, Archangel? If you misunderstood, fine. But now, if you want to date white women you better understand you cannot twist their words and try to make eveeeeeerything they utter is "somehow" racist!!". Then you end up sounding like cryer TDK who now has to date a sista. Lol!
Well we are talking about an officer racial profiling maybe you should stick to that topic instead of going to oh do you have an issue with him profiling illegal immigrants to I'm a white woman who got stopped by the cop to I'm older than you so that mean I know what it is to be black. this has NOTHING to do with that pardoning but lets go talk about that please! Arpaio was racially profiling. He was convicted of it. He is a criminal!!!!! Crook pardoning crook.
Oh please, the conspiracy thread is for fun and for serious. Fuck outta here with your crying over that. - The Clintons l believe have killed and gotten away with it . They're the teflon Dons of Washington.( not anymore though, hallelujah!) - Millions did vote illegally. - Hillary did start Bitherism. Wikkileaks proved it and Obama became hip to it. Are you seriously denying she didnt?? Oh ffs, l never said the Black Panthers were - I've touted them, l've fully supported must be confusing it with either the NEW BLACK PANTHERS and the NATION OF ISLAM. Now those are hate groups. In fact the Southerm Poverty Law Center told me so. More inportantly, Since, they also told me that there are many HATE GROUPS in all colors and genres: Here you go.. Ku Klux Klan - 130 Neo-Nazi - 99 White Nationalist -100 Racist Skinhead - 78 Christian Identity - 21 Neo-Confederate - 43 Black Separatist - 193 Anti-LGBT - 52 Anti-Muslim - 101 General Hate - 100
There is no evidence showing that the Clinton committed murder. just conspiracy. And that is right wing. Millions did not vote illegally. No evidence what so ever. I'll give you 50 maybe 100 but a million. I will agree that People who wanted Clintons to win in 2008 started it.
I say you believe in conspiracy theories, you ask me which ones you believe in, I tell you specifically which ones you believe in, and in an attempt to prove that you don't believe in conspiracy theories you double down on them. You are one seriously impressive piece of work.
I love the use of the phrase "I believe" as if that somehow replaces actual evidence lol. "The earth I believe is flat, and the sun revolves around it." "Two plus two I believe is five." "Thunder I believe is angels bowling in heaven." Hey, this is actually kinda fun!